Annual Review 2023


Who we are

Cancer Council Victoria is a leading cancer charity, working with, and for the community across all cancers for all people.

Our mission

Prevent cancer. Empower people. Save lives.

Our values

Excellence, integrity and compassion.

About this report

This report is designed to give our stakeholders an insight into the diversity of the services delivered by Cancer Council Victoria. 

Cancer Council Victoria acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land and water ways on which we stand on and pay our respects to Elders past, present and those who are emerging. 

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Our Goals

CEO’s message

While reflecting on the progress we’ve seen over the past year, I am optimistic about the very real difference our work is having in reducing the impact of cancer. We have funded research that creates artificial ovaries to preserve fertility for women undergoing cancer treatment. We have advocated for major new reforms that are overhauling vaping laws. We have made significant strides towards the elimination of cervical cancer. 

I am proud of what we’ve achieved with our staff and partner organisations in 2023. As Apple founder Steve Jobs observed, “overnight success takes time” and this is so very relevant in cancer. Every success is built on a consistent, dedicated approach year after year, with every step enriching our understanding and making ambitious goals achievable. 

These important steps are built on knowledge-generating investments in research. Over the last five years we have invested over $130 million in cancer research. This has been sustained by the compassion and dedication of our supporters and donors who share our ambition and believe in the ability of the research community to find ways to improve outcomes for people with cancer.

In 2023, this compassion brought together thousands of people from across the nation for a life-changing cuppa as we celebrated 30 years of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. We also saw the city turn yellow for Daffodil Day in August as Melbourne’s landmarks and tram stops were brightened by daffodil blooms. Our supporters welcomed the opportunity to support these iconic campaigns and make an impact against cancer.

We know the pandemic is still negatively affecting cancer outcomes. We estimate there could be around 6,600 cases of cancer not yet diagnosed due to changes in the way people interact with healthcare providers following the pandemic’s disruption. In response, we have launched screening and early detection campaigns to discover cancers earlier and treat them more effectively.

We have also seen the largest number of people in many years accessing our 13 11 20 cancer information and support service. This service, provided by our cancer nurses, is helping more people to manage a cancer diagnosis with the practical, emotional, legal, and financial support they need, when they need it most.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our staff, supporters, volunteers, and our Board for your continued dedication to the important work that we do.  

This report reflects the great progress we are all making together.  

Todd Harper AM

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Chair’s message

Prof. Jeremy Millar

Cancer Council Victoria delivered an important message to Victorians in 2023: one-in-two of us will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85. This sobering statistic should remind us to take action as one-out-of-three cancers are preventable, and early detection can significantly improve cancer outcomes for many cancer types. So, there are ways for all of us to readily reduce the impact of cancer.

And our data shows the ‘good news’ about cancer. For the first time, the current five-year survival rate has now reached over 70 per cent for both females and males, and we anticipate this steadily increasing as we methodically learn more and work together meticulously to put this new knowledge into effect.

The Board is a balanced, diverse group of dedicated, diligent, and passionate professionals who are contributing their exceptional knowledge and experience to further the mission of Cancer Council Victoria to improve outcomes for people with cancer. I’m honoured and humbled by their support for me as Chair.

In 2023, we saw the fruits of our advocacy, lobbying, and partnerships for better protective measures to shield young and vulnerable people from predatory industries, such as tobacco, alcohol, and junk food. We implemented new campaigns to increase participation in cancer screening programs, especially to reach priority audiences. And we enhanced our website to further assist people with cancer and their families to find trusted information on treatment options and clinical trials.

We partnered with other Australian Cancer Councils to advocate for a national cancer patient support coordination network, which was accepted as part of the Australian Cancer Plan during the year, and the Cancer Council federation has now been asked to make it happen. And, on top of all this and in the face of a tightening financial situation, we have expanded our support for cancer research.

This is all to say that through our partnerships and collaborations with federal and state governments, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, as well as many other organisations, we’re working to break down barriers to cancer care and equitably improve cancer outcomes for all.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Board members, acknowledging Jayne Dullard who stepped down in August and welcome Patrick Baker and Narayan Prasad who joined us in October. I would also like to acknowledge the federation of Cancer Councils around Australia and, on behalf of the Board, thank the tireless efforts of our devoted employees, volunteers, and supporters, whose compassion and commitment is helping reduce the impact of cancer on Victorian lives.

Prof. Jeremy Millar

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of cancer can be prevented. Programs like Sunsmart, Quit, cancer screening and more are all helping people reduce their risk of getting cancer
Vic Kids Eat Well programs running in Victoria.
More than 2,800
melanomas are diagnosed in Victoria each year. 
Don't Let Cancer In

Don't Let Cancer In

SunSmart’s new skin cancer prevention campaign ‘Don’t Let Cancer In’ launched in November, with support from the Victorian Department of Health.

With skin cancer being Australia’s most common and costly cancer, this new campaign played an important role in calling on Victorians not to be complacent when it comes to sun protection

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Vic Kids Eat Well

Vic Kids Eat Well

In just its second year running, Vic Kids Eat Well has gone from strength to strength, with 1,000 Victorian schools, sports clubs, and community organisations now joining the movement.

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Achievement Program

Achievement Program promotes co-beneficial action

Physical activity has been shown to protect against bowel cancer and some breast and endometrium cancers, yet 3.1 million Victorians are not sufficiently active putting them at greater risk of up to 13 cancers.

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How we're tackling the vaping challenge

How we're tackling the vaping challenge

In response to the rising use of e-cigarettes and vaping, Cancer Council Victoria and Quit launched the first Victorian vaping education campaign, ‘See through the Haze’ and the online hub ‘Get the facts on vaping’, which is designed to support parents and teens on their journey to quit.

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In 2022 an estimated 6,600
people are yet to be diagnosed with cancer.

1 IN 2
of us will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85

of bowel cancers can be successfully treated if found early.


Early detection saves lives

Early detection saves lives

With an increase of missed cancer diagnoses reported in the Victorian Cancer Registry, Cancer Council Victoria was funded through the Victorian Department of Health to find those missing cancers.

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Public Cervix Campaign

Public Cervix Campaign for everyone with a cervix

Cancer Council Victoria and Thorne Harbour Health joined forces to protect LGBTQI+ Victorians with a cervix from cervical cancer.

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Bowel screening campaign

Bowel screening campaign encouraging more people to take the test

Over 90 per cent of bowel cancers can be successfully treated if they are found early.

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requests were made to our cancer nurses for information and support.

is how much requests for cancer information and support has increased since the previous year. 

information resources in 30 languages were distributed.


Cancer nurse

Providing supportive care when people need it most

During the year we ran our ‘You’re Not Alone’ campaign in rural and regional Victoria, and distributed patient resources to health services to help increase awareness and encourage people to call 13 11 20.

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Improving the link to clinical trials

Improving the link to clinical trials

Clinical trials lead to cancer breakthroughs and are an important step in improving cancer treatment and care. But low awareness and misconceptions are preventing people from accessing this potentially life-saving treatment.

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Our commitment to supporting the Victorian Aboriginal Cancer Journey Strategy

In May, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) launched the Victorian Aboriginal Cancer Journey Strategy.

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Providing financial counselling and legal support

In the last year, more than 10,000 calls made to our 13 11 20 cancer information and support line were related to practical concerns including financial and legal issues.

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Cancer information more accessible for all

The introduction of the accessibility toolbar and the ability to access the website in up to 30 different languages enables people to access the information they need in a way that suits them.

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$130 m
in cancer research over the last 5 years.

researches acros 83 projects received funding from a Cancer Council Victoria research grant in 2023.

$1.8 m
was invested in Cancer Council Victoria's Postdoctoral Research Fellowship program.


Colebatch Fellowship

Colebatch Fellowship explores therapy synergy for solid tumours

In 2020, Professor Shankar Siva, radiation oncologist and researcher at Peter McCallum Cancer Centre received Cancer Council Victoria’s Colebatch Fellowship to explore ideas on how to improve the effectiveness of immunotherapy.

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Quit smoking in low socio-economic areas

Increasing capacity to quit smoking in low socio-economic areas

The social media campaign featured positive messages to encourage people who smoke to quit as well as messages for their family and friends to grow their understanding of the quit journey and how to better support their loved ones.

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Researcher discover tomorrow's lifesaving treatments

Funding Victoria's early career researchers to discover tomorrow's lifesaving treatments

Melbourne researchers are revolutionising liver cancer treatments by improving our understanding of how tumours are formed.

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Australia's Biggest Morning Tea celebrates 30 years

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea celebrates 30 years

For three decades, thousands of generous Victorians have hosted a morning tea in their homes, at work, or in their community, raising well over $200 million for cancer research, prevention, and support.

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For all that cancer takes, Daffodil Day gives hope

For all that cancer takes, Daffodil Day gives hope

For 37 years, Daffodil Day has been a beacon of hope for Victorians to come together in recognition of all those affected by cancer and fund vital cancer research.

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Tee'd off in solidarity

Tee'd off in Solidarity: Port Arlington Golf Club's Triumph in The Longest Day

Port Arlington Golf Club swung into action on December 18, 2023, raising an impressive $21,000 for The Longest Day!

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Schools supporting Relay for Life

Schools supporting Relay for Life

Wycheproof P-12 College in regional Victoria was one of the growing number of schools supporting the work of Cancer Council Victoria by hosting its first ever Relay for Life event. 

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Cancer research giving hope

Cancer research giving hope

For Melissa and her family, ongoing investment in cancer research is essential, providing improved treatments and greater options, while giving hope for her and her loved ones who have been heavily impacted by cancer.

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Our new home and new ways of working

Our new home and new ways of working

In August, we moved from our St Kilda Road offices to a brand-new office space close to many of our partner organisations, on Victoria Parade, East Melbourne.

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Values award winners 2023

Awards and recognition

Throughout the year Cancer Council Victoria and its staff received several awards, including The Voice Project's Best Workplace Award.

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Continuing our commitment to reconciliation

Continuing our commitment to reconciliation

Cancer Council Victoria hosted several Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) events throughout the year to increase awareness and educate staff about Aboriginal Communities.

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Celebrating Diversity

Celebrating diversity

During the year, our Rainbow Committee, along with friends and allies, took to the streets in the MidSumma Pride March celebrating our LGBTQI+ community.

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Claudia Gascoyne

Scholarships fostering talent and innovation

Senior Research Officer, Claudia Gascoyne and Early Detection Manager, Charissa Feng were awarded the 2023 Dorothy Reading Scholarship and the Nigel Grey Scholarship to assist them with their important research.  

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A snapshot of our financial results for 2023. Our complete audited financial results are available here.

Key Financial Results For 2023

Cancer Council Victoria recorded a net deficit of $23.5m for 2023. Total revenue decreased by $3.4m largely driven by a fall in charitable support from bequests. Bequests are a volatile revenue stream, which has shown a growth trajectory over many years. The financial years 2022 and 2023 reported reduced bequest revenue, however our pipeline of notified bequests for 2024 indicates bequest revenue is expected return to previous levels.

The net deficit and reduced accumulated surplus of $23.4m reflects shortfall in bequest revenue in combination with continued investment towards our mission activities in cancer research, prevention, and support, whilst maintaining healthy reserves.

At 31 December 2023, cash of $10.5m and investments of $69.2m were available to fund Cancer Council Victoria’s operating activities. The investment of income into diversified assets reduces liquidity risk for the organisation and maximises our ability to deliver significant and sustainable operational results in the future. An investment mandate is designed to mitigate exposure to market losses is reviewed annually by management and Investment Committee members.

Our finances (in millions) 2021 2022 2023
Revenue from transactions 79.2 64.1 60.7
Expenses from transactions (71.3) (86.3) (87.1)
Other comprehensive income 4.4 (6.2) 2.9
Net result from continuing operations 12.3 (28.4) (23.5)
Total Assets 133.4 105.8 102.9
Net Assets 102.4 74.1 50.6
Accumulated Surplus 60.1 45.4 23.5
Reserves 42.3 28.7 27.1
Total Equity 102.4 74.1 50.6
Cash Flow ($ movement) 14.5 (13.3) (8.8)


Revenues decreased year on year by $3.4m largely due to a decline in bequest income in the current year which was down $3.1m (or 25 per cent) from the previous year.

2022 Revenue
$26.8M$28.6M$8.7M081012141618202224262830FundraisingExternal Funding (including government)Other (including retail, dividends and royalties)
2023 Revenue
$24.4M$27.1M$9.2M0810121416182022242628FundraisingExternal Funding (including government)Other (including retail, dividends and royalties)

Fundraising Income

Fundraising income was $24.4m in 2023, which is down $2.4m from the previous year. whilst Event income ($8m and Donation income (6.9m) experienced increases of $0.4m and $0.3m respectively, Bequest income (9.5,) saw a second consecutive year of decline (down $3.1m or 25 per cent). 

Bequest income of $9.5m is lower than the five-year rolling average of $18m, however, bequest income is expected to return to previous levels in 2024 based on notified bequest pipeline.

2022 Fundraising
2023 Fundraising

External Income

External funding (27.1m) has decreased $1.5m from the previous year. State government (including VicHealth) funding continues to be a primary funding source from mission work.

External Income 2022
$25.2M$2.6M002468101214161820222426State (inc VicHealth)CommonwealthOther
External Income 2023
$22.9M$1.9M$2.3M0024681012141618202224State (inc VicHealth)CommonwealthOther


Total expenditure of $87.1m has increased slightly from prior year spend of $86.3m (increase of $0.8m). Cancer Council Victoria continues to direct a large proportion of funds toward cancer reasearch and prevention. In 2023, the increase in cancer support spend was directed to supportive care programs such as the 13 11 20 Cancer Information and Support line, recognising the important work of our cancer nurses supporting Victorians affected by cancer. Cancer Council Victoria is continuing its investment in technology to benefit both patients and supporters.

Expenditure 2022
$30.3M$29.9M$8.4M$11.5M$6.2M0468101214161820222426283032Cancer researchCancer preventionCancer supportFundraisingOther (including costs of retail)
Expenditure 2023
$29.9M$26.7M$11.3M$13.1M$6.1M0468101214161820222426283032Cancer researchCancer preventionCancer supportFundraisingOther (including costs of retail)

Michèle Williams, Chair, Finance, Risk and Audit Committee


2023 proved to be another challenging fundraising year for the Cancer Council Victoria. Overall financial results were impacted by an unprecedented second year of decline in bequest income. Bequest income of $9.5m is markedly lower than the five-year rolling average of $18m and represents a 59 per cent downturn when compared to 2021. Despite this downturn, Cancer Council Victoria has been able to minimise the impact to our mission work by drawing down on accumulated funds. We look forward to bequest revenue returning to previous levels in 2024, with significantly improved major gifts already in the pipeline for 2024.

Despite strong cost of living pressures and economic uncertainty, fundraising activities saw pleasing results, with appeal donations up by $0.3m and fundraising campaigns up by $0.4m. Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea continues to be our most popular fundraising event and we remain focused on identifying novel fundraising strategies for future sustainability.

After significant downfalls in financial markets in 2022 (incurring losses of $6.2m), Cancer Council Victoria benefited from favourable market movements in 2023, recording gains of $2.9m.

We continue to recognise the importance of financial stability in fulfilling our mission. Despite our deficit in 2023 we continue to have a healthy balance sheet. The development of a new Strategic Plan for 2024-2027 builds and extends on our previous plan in line with our mission. Cancer Council Victoria’s exciting relocation to new premises will not only reduce outflows, but also enhance collaboration and create an environment built for success.

We invite you to access the full set of audited financial statements on our website at We are grateful for the support of our donors, volunteers, and partners, who enable us to continue delivering our mission of preventing cancer, empowering people and saving lives.

Michèle Williams, Chair, Finance, Risk and Audit Committee

We would like to thank the many individuals and organisations who have generously donated, left a gift in their Will, fundraised or volunteered their time to support Cancer Council Victoria’s work. Our work would not be possible without our supporters. Below are just some of the many Victorians who have made significant contributions to cancer research, prevention and support.

Transformational Gifts

Principal Gifts

Major Gifts

Special Funds

Cancer Council Victoria is honoured to recognise the incredible donors who had the foresight, vision and passion to include a gift to Cancer Council Victoria in their Will. We would like to extend our sympathies for their family and friends, and our sincere gratitude to these individuals. With their gift, they leave a legacy of hope for generations to come.

Lasting Legacies