Food Fight!

Join the Food Fight today to help set our kids up for a healthy future!

Sign up to join the thousands calling on the Victorian Government to remove unhealthy food and drink advertising on public transport, public transport infrastructure and within 500m of schools.

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School children looking towards camera

Your voice matters

Your voice matters. Complete the actions to help stop the processed food industry from bombarding our kids with their unhealthy advertising.

Take action

There's power in numbers

  • 13,847people have joined our movement
  • 5,094people have written an email to their MP

Nearly 6 in 10

food and drink ads on government-controlled public transport in Victoria promote junk food

8 in 10 Victorian parents

support government action to remove unhealthy food and drink ads near schools

Over 6 in 10 Victorian parents

support government action to remove unhealthy food and drink from public transport
Stella looking at the camera standing after leaving her school bus

Our kids’ health is at stake

Our kids deserve to live in a community that supports their health. But the processed food industry spends millions each year targeting our kids with their advertising. On trams, buses, and even billboards around schools, they are surrounded. Help change this and protect our kids.

Learn about the issue


My message to the Victorian Government is to protect our future and to protect our children

- Felicia, parent from Knox

Meet our supporters

Supported by:

Cancer Council Victoria
Diabetes Victoria
Diabetes Victoria
Heart Foundation
IPAN Deakin
Nutrition Nutrition Foundation
Obesity Policy Coalition
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)

What we are doing about it

  1. Inspiring Action

    Motivating Victorians to take action to protect our kids.

  2. Media Engagement

    Raising awareness and amplifying our message.

  3. Community Building

    Growing a proud and engaged support base.

  4. Advocacy

    Speaking with politicians about why we need change.