Our supporters

Our Supporters

Thousands of concerned Victorians and over 40 organisations have already signed on to support the Food Fight campaign to help remove unhealthy food and drink ads from the places where our kids commute, learn and play.

Meet Felicia: Parent from Knox  

Felicia is a mum living near Knox who believes kids should be able to go to school without being bombarded by unhealthy food ads. She’s signed on to support the Food Fight campaign with a dream to create a healthier community and future for her three young children.  

Meet Mitch: Local primary school teacher

As a Primary School teacher, Mitch sees first-hand the effect of unhealthy food and drink advertising on his students. Hear why he is so passionate about creating healthier environments for kids to grow up in.

Case study: The City of Greater Bendigo

The City of Greater Bendigo is one the many organisations that has signed on to support the Food Fight campaign. Learn more about the reasons why in our interview with The City’s Head of Healthy Communities, Alicia O’Brien. 

Meet Asherly, Mum of Four

Asherly is deeply committed to her children's health and wellbeing. Listen to her share her heartfelt concerns about the pervasive influence of unhealthy food and drink advertisements on her family.

Join our community!

Want to join Felicia, Mitch and Asherly and the 10,000+ others taking action to stop the processed food industry from targeting our kids with their ads?

Get involved
Stock photo primary school child walking to school

Organisations supporting FoodFight

National Nutrition Foundation
Hypertension Australia
Bendigo Health
Grampians Public Health Unit
Healthy Kids Project
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)
The Obesity Collective
IPAN Deakin
Melbourne Market
The Community Plate
Australian Health Promotion Association
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
DPV Health
Colac Area Health
Cancer Council WA
The George Institute for Global Health
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Warrnambool City Council
Public Health Association Australia
Dietitians Australia
Filter Your Future
Health & Wellbeing Training Consultants Pty Ltd
The Good  Foundation
SugarFree Smiles
Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch
Nutrition Australia Victoria
City of Greater Bendigo
Cancer Council Victoria
Diabetes Victoria
The Good Foundation
Heart Foundation
Health Social Care Unit
Institute For Health Transformation
Parents' Voice
Stefanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation
Stroke Foundation
Victoria Walks
Victorian Council of Social Service
Obesity Policy Coalition
Sandro Demaio Foundation
Gippsland Region Public Health
Bendigo Community Health Services

Let’s join forces 

Together, we can stop the processed food industry influencing our kids with their unhealthy food and drink advertising on public transport and near schools.

Sign up, upload your logo, and join our growing collective of organisations calling for government action to protect our kids’ health.

Sign up
Stock photo primary school child walking to school