The challenge
The processed food industry spends millions each year advertising their products in places popular with our kids – including on buses, trams, trains, and billboards all around schools.
We know this advertising works, influencing what our kids eat, want and ask for – and it’s putting their future health at stake.
Learn more
Our kids are bombarded with at least 25 unhealthy food and drink ads every day.

Nearly 6 in 10
food and drink ads on government-controlled public transport in Victoria promote junk food.
$129.5 million was spent on sugary drink ads from 2016-18 in Australia — around 5 times more than government spending on public health campaigns.
Our mission
Together with the support of thousands of people and over 30 organisations, Cancer Council Victoria’s Food Fight campaign is calling on the Victorian Government to remove unhealthy food and drink advertisements from:
- public transport (i.e. trains, buses, trams)
- public transport infrastructure (i.e. stations, platforms, bus stops, tram shelters)
- within 500m of schools
Will you join our community campaigning for change to protect our kids?
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Victorians want to see change
Across Australia and around the world, governments are choosing to put kid’s health above the profits of the processed food industry. We know that public support for change is gaining momentum in Victoria, with our recent survey finding:
66% of Victorian parents want government action to remove unhealthy food and drink ads from public transport
80% of Victoria parents want government action to remove unhealthy food and drink ads from near schools.
Behind the scenes: The making of Food Fight
Watch this video for a sneak peak into the making of our latest Food Fight advertisement, featuring our stars Ellie and Jacob.
Join us on set for the making of our latest Food Fight ad, featuring our stars Ellie and Jacob!
Ways you can help
Whether you’re a concerned parent, grandparent, public health expert, or community member – we want your help to stop the processed food industry from targeting our kids with their ads on public transport and near schools!
Take action
About us
The Food Fight campaign has been developed and led by Cancer Council Victoria, as part of our cancer prevention work.
We recognise that there are a range of lifestyle factors that can affect a person’s cancer risk, including diet, weight, physical activity, smoking, sun exposure, alcohol consumption, and cancer screening.
Unhealthy food and drink advertising contributes to unhealthy diets, putting children at greater risk of being above a healthy weight. This can track into adulthood and increase the risk of at least 13 types of cancer and other serious, chronic diseases later in life.
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