Research integrity describes a set of principles for the responsible and ethical conduct of research and ensures research is trustworthy.
Upholding standards of integrity ensures that research is credible and reliable for our community. We undertake research using sound research methodologies, we present research outcomes honestly and accurately and our researchers act with integrity and courtesy.
Cancer Council is committed to the highest standard of integrity in research. We are guided by sound policies and protocols to facilitate the integrity of our research. We support and comply with the Principles of Responsible Research Conduct described in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 (the Code) and expect our researchers and collaborators to do so too.
Principles of research integrity
Our research principles are guided by the Code:
- Honesty in the development, undertaking and reporting of research.
- Rigour in the development, undertaking and reporting of research.
- Transparency in declaring interests and reporting research methodology, data and findings.
- Fairness in the treatment of others.
- Respect for research participants, the wider community, animals and the environment.
- Recognition of the right of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to be engaged in research that affects or is of particular significance to them.
- Accountability for the development, undertaking and reporting of research.
- Promotion of responsible research practices.
Policy and protocol
Research Integrity related policies and protocols apply to any person or organisation conducting research under the auspices of Cancer Council, including staff members, honorary and visiting appointments and contractors.
Cancer Council staff can access all policies and protocols via the intranet.
Advice & support
If you’d like to discuss a research concern please contact one of our Research Integrity Advisors.
Research Integrity Advisors (RIA)
Cancer Council appoints a number of Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs) across our research divisions. They are available to provide advice on matters of research integrity.
Julie Basset
Senior Statistician
Julie is a biostatistician who oversees the work of the Cancer Epidemiology Division’s Statistical Analysis Team. Her work focuses mainly on investigating the influence of diet and other lifestyle factors on cancer risk in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study and in studies from the Rare or Under-Researched Cancers Program. She is a co-author on several peer reviewed epidemiological publications and has co-supervised Masters’ students undertaking research projects in the Cancer Epidemiology Division.
Kris Ivanova
Head, Quality & Innovation
As Head of Quality and Innovation at the Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR), Kris is responsible for ensuring the VCR captures high quality data and expands its datasets to improve the quality of information collected. This includes training and auditing practice and ensuring the registry is operating according to international standards and guidelines.
A/Prof Helen Dixon
Principal Research Fellow
A/Helen Dixon has over 20 years experience in behavioural research & evaluation in cancer prevention. Her research focuses on assessing adult’s and children’s responses to health-relevant media and communications, especially in relation to nutrition and obesity prevention. In addition to her research, A/prof Dixon is also an Honorary Principal Fellow in the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences at The University of Melbourne (where she earlier completed her PhD) and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Population Health at Curtin University.
Complaints process
To maintain an environment that fosters responsible research it is important that people have the opportunity to raise any complaints related to research and to do this is a way that is free from prejudice or repercussion.
Cancer Council has appointed Chrysalis Clinical as an independent third party to facilitate the handling of research related complaints. Chrysalis utilises a platform called Whispli which provides people with a secure, anonymous way to lodge a complaint.
Cancer Council takes all complaints related to research integrity seriously, including those that are made anonymously.
Data Protection & Safety
Whispli uses high-grade AES256 encryption to protect your data. Your IP address is deleted every single time and never stored on our servers or logs.
Anonymous two-way communication
- If you don’t wish to disclose your identity, the entire process can be completely anonymous for you
- No potential identifying information (like personal information, IP address etc) is passed to us unless you choose to provide it
- Whispli use robust information and data security so that your identity is safe
- You are in control of what you share and submit
- Communicate via an anonymous Inbox
For more information about the Whispli platform, please visit
Submit a complaint
To submit a complaint, complete the form via the secure platform by clicking on the button below. Please note that complaints can be submitted via this form anonymously if you do not wish your identity to be known. You will be given this option when you complete the form.
Submit a complaint
Research Integrity Office (RIO)
For general research integrity enquiries please contact Cancer Council Victoria’s Research Integrity Office.
Email: Research Governance