Page last updated: September 2024
This webpage was last updated in September 2024.
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Cancer Council Victoria with assistance from The Paediatric Integrated Cancer Service (PICS), parents and staff from the Oncology units at both The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne & Monash Children's, Monash Health, Melbourne and ONTrac, Peter Mac Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Service.
Symptoms of childhood cancers
The diagnosis phase means finding out a child has cancer and identifying and naming the type of cancer they have. Doctors get this information by examining a child, assessing symptoms and doing tests.
Children’s cancers can be difficult to diagnose as many symptoms can also be caused by other less serious conditions or injuries like the common cold or bumps and bruises from falls. Some symptoms can include:
- Easy bruising or bruising that won’t go away
- An unusual lump, bump or swelling
- Unexplained paleness, tiredness, loss of energy and interest in things
- Pain in one area of the body that won’t go away
- Limping or difficulties moving around
- Unexplained fever or illness that doesn’t go away
- Frequent headaches, often with nausea or vomiting
- Visual changes such as blurred vision
- Sudden unexplained weight loss
Many of these symptoms can happen without any serious disease being present.
However, if a child has symptoms that won’t go away, a check up with a general practitioner (GP) is advised.
What happens next?
If a GP finds symptoms that could be caused by cancer, or receives results from tests indicating cancer, they will refer the child to a specialist doctor working in a specialist centre for childhood cancers.
Depending on the symptoms, and type of cancer referral may be made to:
- a paediatric oncologist, who specialises in treating children with cancer
- a paediatric neurosurgeon
- a paediatric surgeon
- a paediatric haematologist, who specialises in treating blood disorders.
Further tests are usually required to find out what treatment and care is necessary.
Questions to ask your child's doctor
Questions about tests and procedures
- Why is it being done?
- What will it feel like and will it be painful?
- What are the potential risks?
- How often will it be done?
- What can I do to help my child be as comfortable as possible during the test or procedure?
- When should I expect the results?
- Will any more tests or procedures be needed?
Questions about your child's diagnosis
- What kind of cancer does my child have?
- What is the stage of the cancer?
Finding support services
Cancer Council 13 11 20 can provide information and support, and can point you in the right direction for more specialised assistance.
You can also find the support services that are right for you with My Cancer Guide, which includes services for children with cancer and support for children and families affected by cancer.
Visit My Cancer Guide
Finding a childhood cancer diagnosis
Different tests or procedures are needed to find out if there are cancer cells present and to assess your child’s general health. Depending on your child’s symptoms, they may in some cases take weeks to complete.
It is important for your child’s treating team to get as much information about your child’s cancer as possible so that the right treatment can be given.
Some of the following tests or procedures may be needed to diagnose, assess or treat a child’s cancer.
- Audiology – baseline hearing tests and regular testing during treatment are done with children receiving drugs that can affect hearing
- Biopsy – a surgeon may remove part of a tumour to determine if it is malignant (cancerous)
- Blood test – these are done at the time of diagnosis, during treatment and occasionally after treatment, to monitor the effects of treatment
- Bone marrow aspirate – a small amount of the marrow is taken out, which is then examined in the laboratory for signs of cancer
- Bone scan – an x-ray scan is done to get an image of a bone or bones, to see if there is any cancer present
- CT scan – takes many pictures of soft tissue or organs inside the body, from different directions. These pictures are put together to create a three-dimensional picture of the body
- Echocardiogram – an ultrasound test used to assess heart function. Heart function is monitored at regular intervals when certain medications are used
- Gallium scan – identify sites of infection and malignancy. The first scan is usually 48 hours later and a second scan a week later
- Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) – this is a specialised test to monitor kidney function. It is used to monitor children’s kidney function whilst they are being treated with some types of medications
- Insuflon – insuflon is used when a medication needs to be injected several times, to reduce the need for daily injections
- Lumbar puncture – a few drops of spinal fluid are removed to see if cancer cells have passed into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan – magnetic waves are passed through the body and produce different images depending on the type of cell they pass through. They are harmless. The MRI can give an accurate picture of a tumour and the surrounding structures
- Nasogastric tube (NGT) – a tube used to give liquids including nutrition and medicine
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan – this gives a picture of how a part of the body is working to help identify malignant or benign tumours
- Ultrasound scan – a special machine directs the ultrasound waves at a certain part of the body. Differences in how the sound waves are reflected helps form an image. This is interpreted to distinguish a healthy part from a tumour
- X-rays – these can show whether there is tumour in the chest, abdomen or bones because tumour tissue looks different from ordinary bone or normal tissue.
Helping children cope with having tests
Going through procedures and tests to help diagnose cancer can be a challenging time for both a child and the family. Understandably, some parents can become anxious about what the test may mean for their child and how their child will cope.
Health professional’s doing the tests will work with the child and parents to reduce any discomfort, pain or fear. Parents play a significant role in helping make this happen.
In addition to professional play therapists and procedural clinicians, reassurance, cuddles and distractions can go a long way to help a child promote their own natural coping strategies.
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