Cancer and COVID-19 FAQs

Wednesday 20 July, 2022

It is understandable to feel anxious about COVID‑19 if you or your loved one has been diagnosed with cancer. 

If you are worried, have questions or need support, you can call our trusted and compassionate cancer nurses on 13 11 20, who can provide emotional support as well as practical tips for minimising the risk of infection during this time. 

More information

Download our free fact sheets and access additional cancer and COVID‑19 information and support on the following topics:

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COVID‑19 and cancer

Am I more likely to get COVID‑19 because I have cancer?

Where can I get antivirals and other COVID‑19 medicines?

How does COVID‑19 affect people with cancer?

Will I still receive the best care for my cancer type?


COVID‑19 vaccines

Should I get the vaccine?

How many primary vaccine doses do I need?

Do I also need booster doses?

What is the difference between a booster and third dose?

Which vaccine should I get?

Are there side effects from the vaccine?

Should I also get a flu vaccine?

What happens if I've had an allergic reaction to a vaccine?

Where can I get vaccinated?

I have blood cancer, should I get the vaccine?

What is the recommendation if I've had a stem cell transplant?

What if I don't get the vaccine?

What happens if I've been advised I can't get the vaccine?

Even though many people are vaccinated, am I more at risk?

Where can I get more information about the vaccine?

Where can I find vaccine information for specific cancer types?


Vaccine safety

Is the COVID‑19 vaccine safe for people with cancer?

How have the vaccines been developed so quickly?

Can the vaccine give me COVID‑19?

Can the vaccine change your DNA?


Impact on cancer treatment

Will getting the vaccine interrupt my treatment?

Will the vaccine reduce the effectiveness of my treatment?

Is it safe to go into the hospital for treatment?

Do I need to get a COVID‑19 test before I go into hospital for treatment?

Who will be with me in hospital if my condition deteriorates?

Why do my health professionals wear different PPE?


Impact on medical appointments

Is it safe to see my doctor?

What are my options if I can't see my doctor face-to-face?



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Questions about cancer?

Call or email our experienced cancer nurses for information and support.

Contact a cancer nurse