What is advanced cancer?

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Advanced cancer | Prognosis

Advanced cancer

Cancer is a disease of the cells, which are the body’s basic building blocks. It occurs when abnormal cells divide and multiply in an uncontrolled way. Advanced cancer means the cancer has spread from the original (primary) site or has come back (recurred).

Health professionals use several different terms to describe cancer that has moved beyond early stages, including secondary, metastatic, stage 4 and advanced. Sometimes health professionals don’t use a particular name. Regardless of the words used, it’s frightening to hear that the cancer has spread or come back.

The cancer that first develops in an organ or tissue is known as the primary cancer. It is considered locally advanced if the tumour is very large or the cancer has spread to nearby tissues.

If cancer cells from the primary site break away and travel through the bloodstream or lymph vessels to other parts of the body, they can grow and form another tumour at a new site. This is called a secondary cancer or metastasis.

Image of how cancer spreads with accompanying text


Getting help and support

This may be the first time you consider end-of-life issues and advanced cancer. Take your time. Read what seems useful now and leave the rest until you’re ready. If you or your family have any questions, call Cancer Council on 13 11 20. Ask about joining  a support group or our  online discussion forum to connect with others who have a similar experience. 

You may find information about facing the end of life or understanding palliative care more useful at this time. The podcast, The Thing About Advanced Cancer,  provides insights to help you navigate through these challenging times.

Ways to share how you're feeling

Services for people with advanced cancer and carers


After a diagnosis of advanced cancer, some people want to find out how long they have left to live, while others don't. 

As everyone is different, a doctor can give you an estimate based on what usually happens to people in your situation, but can’t say exactly what will happen to you. The actual time could be longer or shorter.

Not all people with advanced cancer die from it – for some people, improved treatments can keep the disease under control for months or years. Other people find that different health issues become more serious than the cancer. 

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Facing the end of your life

Some people find the uncertainty of having advanced cancer the most challenging aspect. When faced with the possibility of dying, people often think about what they’d like to achieve in the time they have left. They may begin to live day by day, or take control of their life by completing practical tasks, such as preparing a will or planning the funeral. 

Learn more

Listen to the podcast, The Thing About Advanced Cancer , or call our trusted cancer nurses on 13 11 20 for support. 


Living with Advanced Cancer

Download our Living with Advanced Cancer booklet to learn more and find support

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