Through the combined efforts of exceptional researchers, advancements in technology and funding we are improving the outcomes for people with cancer.
We’re winning against cancer
Research has improved the survival rates for more common cancers by 30% over the past three decades.
$30.3 million
Was spent on research in 2022 by Cancer Council Victoria.
5 year survival rate. This has increased by 48% over the past 30 years.
More people are surviving a cancer diagnosis than ever before. “The cancer mortality rate has decreased 1.7% per year since 1982 in men and 1.3% in women”
- Cancer in Victoria 2021, Victorian Cancer Registry report

Clinical trials
Cancer Council Victoria is committed to increasing investment in clinical trials, improving awareness and access for all Victorians and diversifying cancer research. We work collaboratively with government and the healthcare sector to help patients access clinical trials that may help them to live well and live longer.
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Clinical Trials gave us longer than we would have had.
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Research is the reason I'm still here today.
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Ground-breaking research

ABC Study
The Australian Breakthrough Cancer (ABC) Study is a long-term study working with over 50,000 Australians investigate the role that our genes, lifestyle and environment play in the development of cancer and other diseases.
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Health 2020 - This long term study follows 41,000 Victorians to investigate the roles of diet and lifestyle in causing cancer and other diseases.
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Featured CBRE research (holding text)
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Research projects we fund
Cancer Council is the largest not-for-profit funder of cancer research in Victoria. Every year, we spend about $20 million on world-class cancer research projects.

Health 2020: Decades of discoveries and still going strong
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State-of-the-art chair to be a game-changer in radiation treatment
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Developing novel methods to monitor the marketing of products that increase the risk of cancer to children
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Reducing chemo-induced early menopause
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Your donation could help Dr Sibel Saya find the next research breakthrough.
Every year around 11,000 Victorian families lose someone they love to cancer.
Finding the next research breakthrough takes all of us. Your support today will help accelerate breakthroughs in cancer treatment, prevention, early detection and care.
Donate today