Supporting colleagues and staff

As an employer or colleague, it can be hard to know what to say, how to help or the best way to provide a supportive workplace for people affected by cancer.

Workplaces are an important source of support, identity and purpose, and many people diagnosed with cancer continue working throughout their treatment and recovery.

Others may have to stop working due their diagnosis, treatment and side effects, while carers, family and friends may have to change their working hours and environment to support their loved one.

Workplace series - a guide for managers and human resource professionals

We have developed a series of fact sheets to help make working, and the transition to returning to work, easier for employees, their colleagues and employers.

We hope they assist managers and human resource professionals to provide a fair and supportive workplace for workers with cancer, in remission, or who care for someone with cancer.

Please download and distribute the information below as you need. You may wish to link to this page or place these resources on your company intranet for easy access. For more support or if you have any questions, contact our trusted cancer nurses on 13 11 20.

Get cancer support

Resources to support employees affected by cancer

Cancer: an overview

Cancer myths and facts

Talking to your employee about cancer

Managing the effects of treatment

Creating cancer-friendly workplaces

Supporting a colleague with cancer

Supporting working carers

Death and bereavement

Cancer in the workplace: other support


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Questions about cancer?

Call or email our experienced cancer nurses for information and support.

Contact a cancer nurse