Publications and videos


Booklets and factsheets

Browse or search for our booklets, factsheets, posters and other resources. We'll mail out a limited number of publications free, anywhere in Victoria, to ensure our messages are available where they're needed.

Breakthrough Bulletin newsletter



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Annual Reviews

Our Annual Reviews provide an insight into the diversity of services we offer and details our activities throughout each year. Find out what you've helped us achieve. 


Cancer Council Victoria

Learn more about our mission to prevent cancer, empower patients, and save lives. Our goal is to reduce the impact of all cancers for all Victorians.

Quit Victoria

Get help to quit smoking. Our aim is to eliminate the pain, illness and suffering caused by tobacco. 

SunSmart Victoria

Find out how to stay safe in the sun. SunSmart leads the world in skin cancer prevention.


For people impacted by cancer, podcasts are an excellent way to learn more from experts and people affected by cancer. We recommend you give these podcasts a try. 

Visit the podcasts page