Legal Support Program

Our Legal Support Program provides practical legal support services to Victorians with advanced cancer. Legal support is confidential and provided free to eligible Victorians, in partnership with participating Victorian law firms.

Services include:

Basic Wills

A Will is a legal document that explains what you want to do with your property and belongings after you die. A basic Will is right for people with straightforward and uncomplicated circumstances such as leaving your entire estate to your spouse.

We are unable to provide complex Wills involving trusts, businesses, overseas assets, and complicated family situations. If your circumstances are complex, you will not be eligible or may be asked to pay for the preparation of the Will by the law firm.

Powers of attorney

A legal document allows you to choose who will make decisions about financial and personal matters if you are not able to make these decisions yourself.

Medical treatment decision maker

A legal document that identifies the person you choose to make medical treatment decisions for you when you’re no longer able to do so.

Eligibility criteria

You can access this service if you are:

  1. Considered as having advanced cancer OR
  2. Receiving community-based palliative care for cancer, AND
  3. Reside in Victoria

To ensure we’re able to support those most in need, as part of this eligibility criteria, individuals will need to undergo a means test. This is where we’ll ask you some general questions about your income and housing situation. 

Getting ready to proceed

Please ensure you’ve got answers to the following questions before we call you to discuss your referral to a law firm:

For a Will:

  1. Do you know who you want to appoint as executor for your Will? (An executor is a person (or people) you name to carry out the wishes in your Will following your death)
  2. Do you know who you would like to leave your estate to?

For Powers of Attorney / Medical Treatment Decision Maker authority:

  1. Do you know who you would like to appoint?
  2. Have you asked that person?

If you can answer ‘Yes’ to the relevant questions above, you are ready to proceed.

We will then do our best to link you with a lawyer within your local community.

Contact us

If you would like to find out more about the Legal Support Program, contact one of our experienced cancer nurses today by calling 13 11 20, arranging a call back or filling in a form.

Contact cancer support

Urgent concerns

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee we will be able to match someone with a lawyer within a short period (i.e., less than four weeks).

For urgent Wills and legal advice, contact Victorian Legal Aid or find a lawyer near you via the Law Institute of Victoria, Find Your Lawyer Referral Service.


More information is available about facing end of life or caring for someone nearing the end of life or call us on 13 11 20 to speak with a cancer nurse for information and support.

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Questions about cancer?

Call or email our experienced cancer nurses for information and support.

Contact a cancer nurse