Preparing a Will

If you are drafting a Will for a client who wishes to leave a gift to Cancer Council Victoria, please ensure our registered name, ABN and address is included in the wording.

Cancer Council Victoria (ABN 61 426 486 715)
Level 8, 200 Victoria Parade,
East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002

You are welcome to use our Wording your Will tool if you are not using a legal precedent.

If your client has a specific idea for their gift, please contact our Gifts in Wills team on 03 9514 6828 or for advice.

Listen to Malcolm, lawyer and accredited specialist in Wills and estates provide his tips on writing a Will.

Administering an estate

If you are administering an estate which includes a gift to Cancer Council Victoria, we would appreciate you notifying our Estates Coordinator as early as possible with the following:

  • Deceased full name and last address
  • Date of death
  • Grant of Probate or a copy of the final Will

This information can be sent electronically or you can post the documents to:

Attn: Estates Coordinator, Gifts in Wills team
Cancer Council Victoria
Level 8, 200 Victoria Parade,
East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002

In addition to the above, and depending on the type of gift being left to Cancer Council Victoria, we may require additional information or request that the gift be provided to Cancer Council Victoria in a certain way (e.g. the transfer of any shares, in-specie).

For further information or if you have any questions on our requirements or how a gift or distribution can be made to Cancer Council Victoria, please contact the Estates Coordinator on (03) 9514 6369 or

Get in touch

Leaving a gift in your Will isn't as difficult as you might think. However, if you have any questions or would like to talk to someone about it, you can reach Abi on (03) 9514 6828, Nikki on (03) 9514 6598, or by emailing or submitting an enquiry form below. 

Contact us