
Female options before and after treatment

Female options before cancer treatment

It’s ideal to discuss fertility options with your specialist before cancer treatment begins. Ask your specialist how long you have to consider your options. In many cases, you can wait a week or two before starting cancer treatment.

Be sure to understand the risks of each fertility option and keep in mind that no method works all of the time. If you didn’t have an opportunity to discuss your options before starting treatment, you can still consider your fertility later, but there may not be as many choices available.

Preserving fertility in females

Wait and see 

Egg or embryo freezing (cryopreservation)

Ovarian tissue freezing (cryopreservation)

Ovarian transposition (oophoropexy)


GnRH analogue treatment (ovarian suppression)


Female options after cancer treatment

Fertility options after cancer treatment may be limited. Your ability to become pregnant depends on the effects of cancer treatment on fertility, your age and whether you have been affected by premature ovarian insufficiency or early menopause. Options include: 

  • conceiving naturally
  • using eggs or embryos you harvested and stored before treatment, either implanted into your body or a surrogate
  • freezing eggs or embryos after treatment ends for later use (if your ovaries are still working)
  • using donor eggs or embryos.

Other options such as transplants of the uterus are being studied in clinical trials. Talk to your doctor about the latest research and whether there are any suitable clinical trials for you.

Natural conception

You may be able to conceive naturally after finishing cancer treatment. This will only be possible if your ovaries are still releasing eggs and you have a uterus.

Your medical team will do tests to assess your fertility and check your general health, and will encourage you to try for a baby naturally if they think it may be possible for you to get pregnant. Depending on the treatment you’ve had, they may advise you to wait between six months and two years before trying to conceive.

Even if your periods return after chemotherapy or pelvic radiation therapy, there is a high risk of early menopause. If menopause is permanent, it means you will no longer be able to conceive naturally.

Donor eggs and embryos

If you have early menopause after cancer treatment and have a healthy uterus, you may be able to use donor eggs or embryos to try for a pregnancy. Donors cannot be paid but may receive reimbursement for medical expenses.

It can be difficult to find donor eggs and embryos, and you may have to go on a waiting list. You may be able to use donor eggs or embryos from overseas, however, there are strict rules about importing them into Australia. Talk to your fertility specialist or a lawyer to obtain specific advice for your situation.

Using donor eggs

Using donor embryos 

Finding information about the donor


Fertility and Cancer

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