Radiation therapy


Page last updated: April 2024

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What is radiation therapy?

Radiation therapy uses a controlled dose of radiation to kill cancer cells or damage them so they cannot grow, multiply or spread. Most forms of radiation therapy use focused, high-energy x-ray beams.

Radiation can also be electron beams, proton beams, or gamma rays from radioactive sources. Radiation therapy is a localised treatment, which means it generally affects only the area being treated.

When and why is radiation therapy used?

It’s estimated that radiation therapy would be a suitable part of treatment for 50% of people with cancer. It can be used for different reasons:

  • To achieve remission or cure – given as the main treatment to cause the cancer to reduce or disappear (curative or definitive radiation therapy). Sometimes definitive radiation therapy is given together with chemotherapy to make it work better (chemoradiation).
  • To help other treatments – often used before other treatments (neoadjuvant) to shrink the tumour or after other treatments (adjuvant) to kill any remaining cancer cells.
  • To relieve symptoms – can help to relieve pain and other symptoms by making the cancer smaller or stopping it from spreading ( palliative treatment).

Your guide to best cancer care

The Guides to Best Cancer Care set out the recommended treatment pathways in Australia for many types of cancer.

For some cancers, radiation therapy is recommended as the most effective approach, either on its own or in combination with other treatments. For other cancers, other treatments may be more effective.

Explore the guides

Can I have radiation therapy if I’m pregnant?

You probably won’t be able to have radiation therapy if you are pregnant, as radiation can harm a developing baby. It’s also important that you don’t become pregnant during the course of treatment.

If at any time you suspect you may be pregnant, it is important to tell your doctor. If you are breastfeeding, ask your doctor whether it is safe to keep breastfeeding while you’re having radiation therapy.

It is recommended that people who have radiation therapy to the pelvic area use contraception to avoid getting their partner pregnant during treatment and for about 6 months afterwards, as radiation therapy can damage sperm.

Your doctor will be able to give you more information about radiation therapy and pregnancy.

Radiation therapy for children

This page is for adults having radiation therapy, but much of it will also be relevant for children.

Talk to your treatment team for specific information about radiation therapy for children, and check out:

  • Cancer Hub Provided by Canteen, Redkite and Camp Quality, this website helps families affected by cancer (with children aged up to 25 years) get support.
  • Cancer Australia Children’s Cancer For information about children’s cancers and how they are treated.
  • Talking to Kids About Cancer Explaining a cancer diagnosis to kids can feel overwhelming. This booklet provides a starting point for these often challenging conversations. 

How does radiation therapy work?

Radiation therapy aims to kill or damage cancer cells in the area being treated. Cancer cells begin to die days or weeks after treatment starts, and continue to die for weeks or months after it finishes.

There are two main ways of giving radiation therapy, from outside the body or inside the body. You may have one or both types of radiation therapy, depending on the cancer type and other factors.

  • External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) – radiation beams from a large machine are precisely aimed at the area of the body where the cancer is located. The process is similar to having an x-ray, operates for a few minutes only and can't be felt.
  • Internal radiation therapy – a radiation source is placed inside the body or, more rarely, injected into a vein or swallowed. The most common form of internal radiation therapy is brachytherapy, where temporary or permanent radiation sources are placed inside the body next to or inside the cancer.

Treatment is carefully planned to do as little harm as possible to healthy cells near the cancer. Most of these cells tend to receive a lower dose and can usually repair themselves. 

Treatment locations

Frequency of treatment sessions

Possible side effects

Knowing if the treatment has worked

Life after treatment

“I read a lot about all the negative side effects you might get from radiation therapy, but I’ve had no long-term side effects.” Derek

How much does radiation therapy cost?

It is your choice whether you have treatment in the public or private health system. If you have radiation therapy as an outpatient in a public hospital, Medicare pays for your treatment.

Medicare also covers some of the cost of radiation therapy in private treatment centres, but you may have to pay the difference between the cost of treatment and the Medicare rebate (gap payment).

Private health insurance does not usually cover radiation therapy because it’s considered an outpatient treatment. Before treatment starts, ask your provider for a written quote that shows what you will have to pay.

If you are concerned about the cost, you may want to ask for a referral to a public centre for treatment.

What is chemoradiation?

Chemoradiation means having radiation therapy at the same time as chemotherapy. It is also known as chemoradiotherapy.

The chemotherapy drugs make the cancer cells more sensitive to the radiation. Having radiation therapy and chemotherapy together is more effective for some cancers.

Chemoradiation is only helpful for some cancer types. If you have chemoradiation, your treatment team will talk to you about your treatment plan.

You may have chemotherapy and radiation therapy at different times on the same day or on separate days.

The side effects of chemoradiation will vary depending on the:

  • chemotherapy drugs you have
  • dose of radiation
  • part of the body being treated
  • length of treatment.

Your treatment team will talk to you about what to expect and how to manage any side effects.

Learn about common side effects

Health professionals

During and after treatment, you will see a range of health professionals who specialise in different aspects of your cancer care. The main specialist doctor for radiation therapy is a radiation oncologist.

You may be referred to a radiation oncologist by your general practitioner (GP) or by another specialist such as a surgeon or medical oncologist.

Treatment options will often be discussed with other health professionals at what is known as a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting.

You may also see some allied health professionals, such as a speech pathologist, occupational therapist and exercise physiologist, to help you manage any treatment side effects. 

Question checklist


Steps in radiation therapy

  1. Consultation session – you will meet with a radiation oncologist. They will check your test results, assess your fitness for treatment, explain the process and expected results, and discuss possible side effects and risks. You will be asked to agree (consent) to have treatment.
  2. Planning (simulation) session – you will meet with a radiation therapist. They will work out how to best position your body during EBRT or where to place the applicators for brachytherapy.
  3. Treatment plan – based on the planning session and the treatment guidelines for your cancer type, the radiation oncologist, radiation therapist and medical physicist will work out the radiation dose, what area needs to be treated and how to deliver the right dose of radiation.
  4. Treatment sessions – radiation therapists will deliver the course of radiation therapy as set out in the treatment plan. How long each treatment session takes will depend on the type of radiation therapy. 
  5. Review and follow-up – you will have regular reviews with the treatment team to discuss how to manage any side effects and assess how you have responded to treatment.

How do I prepare for radiation therapy?

Radiation therapy affects everyone differently, so it can be hard to know how to prepare for treatment. The suggestions below may help you cope with radiation therapy.

You can also talk to the social worker at the treatment centre to find out what support is available

Ask about fertility

Explore ways to relax 

Organise help at home

Consider quitting

Arrange transport and accommodation

Look after yourself

Discuss your concerns

Check other medicines

Check your teeth

Mention medical implants


Working during radiation therapy

During radiation therapy, you are likely to feel well enough to continue working and doing your usual activities. As you have more sessions, you may feel more tired or lack energy.

Whether you will be able to work depends on:

  • the type of radiation therapy you have
  • whether you are having chemotherapy at the same time
  • how you feel
  • the type of work you do.

Ask your treatment team if they offer very early or late appointments so that you can fit your treatment sessions around your work.

Let your employer know how much time you are likely to need off work. Explain that it is hard to predict how radiation therapy will affect you, and discuss the options of flexible hours, modified duties or taking leave.

Learn more about cancer and work


Understanding Radiation Therapy

Download our Understanding Radiation Therapy booklet to learn more.

Download now  Order for free

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