
Male options before and after treatment

Male options before cancer treatment

It’s ideal to discuss fertility options with your specialist before cancer treatment begins. Some choices, such as sperm banking and radiation shielding, are well-established ways to preserve fertility.

The option that is right for you depends on the type of cancer you have and your personal preferences. Ask your cancer specialist how long you have to consider your options. In many cases, you can wait a week or two before starting cancer treatment.

Fertility treatments carry some risks and your doctor should discuss these before you go ahead. Keep in mind that no method works all of the time.

If you didn’t have an opportunity to discuss your options before starting cancer treatment, you can still consider your fertility later. Your choices after treatment will depend on whether you are able to produce sperm.

Preserving fertility in males

Sperm banking or sperm freezing (cryopreservation)

Radiation shielding

Testicular sperm extraction (TESE)


Male options after cancer treatment

After cancer treatment, your medical team will analyse a sample of your semen to assess how many sperm you are making, how healthy they look and how well they move. Depending on the results of these tests, your options include:

  • conceiving naturally
  • artificial insemination or IVF using your own sperm frozen before treatment or fresh sperm collected after treatment 
  • testicular sperm extraction, if you can’t ejaculate normally or there is no sperm in the semen
  • banking sperm after treatment ends, if you are still fertile
  • using donor sperm
  • using a surrogate to carry an embryo created with your own or donor sperm.

Natural conception

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)


Donor sperm

If you are infertile after cancer treatment, using donor sperm is another way to become a parent. Laws vary across Australia and may change. Talk to your fertility specialist for specific advice about your situation.

Accessing donor sperm

Using donor sperm

Finding information about the donor

Fertility and Cancer

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