
Fertility after cancer treatment

After cancer treatment, you may want to do some tests to see how your fertility has been affected. The results will help your specialist recommend the best options for having a child after cancer treatment.

If you weren’t able to preserve your fertility before starting cancer treatment, you may still be able to do this after treatment. In this case, it is better to have any fertility tests soon after cancer treatment ends.

Otherwise, you may decide to wait until you feel physically and emotionally prepared to know the results – this may be months or even years later. A partner, friends, family or your medical team might provide support to you when you receive the results.

Fertility tests for females

Your fertility specialist or reproductive endocrinologist can organise a number of tests to assess your likely fertility status after treatment.

Types of fertility tests for females


Fertility tests for males

After treatment, you may be able to have an erection and ejaculate, but this doesn’t necessarily mean you are fertile. If you stored sperm in a sperm bank before cancer treatment, your doctor can compare this sample to your sperm sample after treatment.

Types of fertility tests for males


If cancer genes are present

A small number of people have a greater risk of developing certain cancers, such as breast, ovarian or bowel cancer, because they carry a changed gene. 

If your cancer specialist has identified a gene that may have contributed to the growth of the cancer, you may consider having a pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) test as part of IVF. While the embryos are developing in the laboratory, a few cells are removed from each embryo and tested for genetic conditions.

Embryos that are PGD-tested will be frozen until the results are available. Only unaffected embryos are implanted into the uterus, reducing the chance of the faulty gene being passed onto the child. You can discuss this option with your fertility specialist.

Learn more about genetics and risk

Other paths to parenthood

Giving birth yourself or having your partner become pregnant aren’t the only ways to become a parent.


Adoption and fostering

Not having a child


The emotional impact

How people respond to infertility varies. Common reactions include:

  • shock at the diagnosis and its impact on fertility
  • grief and loss of future plans
  • anger or depression from disruption of life plans
  • uncertainty about the future
  • loss of control over life direction
  • worry about the potential effects of early menopause.

These feelings may be intensified by the physical and emotional process of infertility treatment, and by not knowing if it will work. People who didn’t get a chance to think about their fertility until treatment was over say the emotions can be especially strong. 

Learn more about emotions

Coping strategies

When you don't want to talk about it

Fertility and Cancer

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