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Cancer statistics

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Most common cancer types

  1. Prostate cancer
    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Australia, apart from non-melanoma skin cancers. This year, around 24,000 Australians will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
  2. Breast cancer
    Around 20,000 people in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the end of 2022. Although it is most common in women, anyone can be affected by breast cancer.
  3. Melanoma
    Around 17,700 people will be diagnosed with melanoma in Australia this year. You can reduce your risk of melanoma by using good sun protection and being aware of UV.
  4. Bowel cancer
    It is estimated that about 15,700 people in Australia will be diagnosed with bowel cancer this year. It is most common in people over 50, but it can occur at any age.
  5. Lung cancer
    In 2022, around 14,500 Australians will be diagnosed with lung cancer. Smoking is the biggest risk factor and is linked to most cases, but there are many people with lung cancer who have never smoked.

Statistics A-Z

Data from the Victorian Cancer Registry has been used to develop cancer fact sheets. These fact sheets are updated annually and provide population-level statistics on the cancer at diagnosis, five-year relative survival, geographic distribution of the cancer in Victoria, and trend in cancer diagnoses and mortality since 1982.


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