Cancer statistics

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For more information on cancer trends dating back to 1982, visit our cancer statistics data explorer.

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Most common cancer types

  1. Prostate cancer
    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Australia, apart from non-melanoma skin cancers. This year, around 24,000 Australians will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
  2. Breast cancer
    Around 20,000 people in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the end of 2022. Although it is most common in women, anyone can be affected by breast cancer.
  3. Melanoma
    Around 17,700 people will be diagnosed with melanoma in Australia this year. You can reduce your risk of melanoma by using good sun protection and being aware of UV.
  4. Bowel cancer
    It is estimated that about 15,700 people in Australia will be diagnosed with bowel cancer this year. It is most common in people over 50, but it can occur at any age.
  5. Lung cancer
    In 2022, around 14,500 Australians will be diagnosed with lung cancer. Smoking is the biggest risk factor and is linked to most cases, but there are many people with lung cancer who have never smoked.

Statistics A-Z

Data from the Victorian Cancer Registry has been used to develop cancer fact sheets. These fact sheets are updated annually and provide population-level statistics on the cancer at diagnosis, five-year relative survival, geographic distribution of the cancer in Victoria, and trend in cancer diagnoses and mortality since 1982.

Cancer statistics give invaluable insight into how cancer is represented in our communities. Data provided from cancer statistics research allows cancer clinicians, policymakers and researchers to provide equal care to all Victorians.

These cancer stats are supplied by the Victorian Cancer Registry, a world leader in researching and compiling data about the incidence of all cancer types.

Cancer in Victoria 2023

To look at how cancer affected Victorians last year come take a look at our annual reports.

Visit the Cancer Council Victoria 2023 report

How common are cancer types in Victoria?

1 in 2 Victorians will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85.

Cancer data from Victoria in 2022 provides insights into the prevalence of different cancer types by sex. Prostate cancer stands out with the highest incidence among males at 98 new cases per 100,000. In contrast, females show higher rates of bowel cancer at 31 new cases per 100,000, surpassing the male incidence rate.

Interestingly, thyroid cancer is more common in females than in males, with rates of 13.3 versus 5.2 per 100,000, respectively. Incidence of melanoma are high both males and females, but particularly in males at 29 per 100,000, suggesting the importance of skin cancer awareness and prevention.

New cancer diagnoses for common cancer types, Victoria 2022
Cancer type New cases per 100,000 males New cases per 100,000 females More information
Lung cancer 26.8 21.1 Lung cancer statistics factsheet
Pancreatic cancer 8.5 6.2 Pancreatic cancer factsheet
Thyroid cancer 5.2 13.3 Thyroid cancer factsheet
Liver cancer 7.3 2.8 Liver cancer factsheet
Testicular cancer 6.4 N/A Testicular cancer factsheet
Stomach cancer 6.8 3.8 Stomach cancer factsheet
Bowel cancer 24.9 31 Bowel cancer factsheet
Uterine cancer N/A 14.4 Uterine cancer factsheet
Prostate cancer 98 N/A Prostate cancer factsheet
Melanoma 29 19 Melanoma factsheet

Survival rate people diagnosed with cancer

Survival rates of all cancer types are affected by a myriad of factors. Access to healthcare and treatment options can greatly affect survival rates of all cancers. Advanced treatment options and support services may only be accessed in certain geographic areas.

Early detection of cancers can play a significant role in survival rates. While different types of cancers have varying survival rates, cancers detected at an earlier state have generally a more favourable outlook compared to those diagnosed at a later stage.

Individual factors such as age, overall health, lifestyle choices (such as smoking, diet, and exercise), and genetic predisposition can influence cancer survival rates. Additionally, adherence to treatment plans and participation in clinical trials may also affect outcomes.

Trend in five-year relative survival for all cancers by year of diagnosis, Victoria 1982-2021
Year of diagnosis Male survival rate Female survival rate
1982-1986 39% 52%
1987-1991 42% 45%
1992-1995 49% 58%
1997-2001 55% 62%
2002-2006 64% 60%
2007-2011 65% 67%
2012-2016 68% 70%
2017-2021 70% 73%

Cancer deaths per 100,000 by year of death

In Victoria, 32 people die from cancer every day, making it the leading cause of death in the region. The leading causes of cancer death in Victoria are lung, bowel, pancreas, prostate, and breast cancers, which account for over half of all cancer deaths.

There are a range of factors that influence the death rate of cancer in Victoria.

  • Age is a significant determinant of cancer mortality rates, with higher rates generally observed among older age groups.
  • Geographic location plays a crucial role in cancer mortality rates, exhibiting variations between urban and rural areas as well as among different states or countries.
  • The type of cancer greatly influences mortality rates, with certain types like lung cancer exhibiting higher rates compared to others.
  • Gender disparities exist in cancer mortality rates, with certain types of cancer affecting one gender more than the other.
  • Racial and ethnic differences contribute to variations in cancer mortality rates, reflecting disparities in healthcare access and socioeconomic factors.
  • Socioeconomic status significantly impacts cancer mortality rates, with lower socioeconomic groups facing barriers to early detection and timely treatment.


Trends in crude death rate per 100,000 by gender, Victoria 1982-2021
Age Female deaths per 100,000 Male deaths per 100,000
0-4 3.3 2.7
5-9 4.5 3.7
10-14 2.2 2.8
15-19 5.1 7.8
20-24 7.4 9.6
25-29 12 14.1
30-34 13 11.5
35-49 26.0 19.4
40-44 45.3 37.3
45-49 80.3 71.1
50-54 134.0 137.7
55-59 204.0 254.8
60-64 302.0 439.1
65-69 432.8 693.0
70-74 627.0 1,048.1
75-79 851.8 1,512.0
80-84 1,152.7 2,102.3
85+ 1,599.1 3041.5


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