Kidney cancer

Diagnosing kidney cancer

Page last updated: December 2024

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Most kidney cancers are found by chance when a person has an ultrasound or another imaging scan for an unrelated reason. If your doctor suspects kidney cancer, you may have some of the following tests, but you are unlikely to need them all.

Blood and urine tests

Imaging scans

Tissue biopsy


Looking inside your bladder, ureters or kidneys

If you have blood in your urine, your doctor might use a thin tube with a light and camera to look inside your bladder (cystoscopy), ureters (ureteroscopy) or kidneys (pyeloscopy).

You will have an anaesthetic before these procedures. This will usually be a local anaesthetic for a cystoscopy and a general anaesthetic before a ureteroscopy or pyeloscopy.

For a few days after these tests you may see some blood in your urine and feel mild discomfort when urinating. These procedures help rule out urothelial carcinoma, which can start in the bladder, a ureter or part of the kidney.

They may not be needed if imaging scans have found a kidney tumour.

Learn more about bladder cancer

Grading kidney cancer

By examining a sample of kidney tissue, doctors can see how similar the cancer cells look to normal cells and estimate how fast the cancer is likely to grow. This is called grading.

Grading helps the doctors decide what follow-up treatment you might need and whether to consider a clinical trial. In Australia, both the Fuhrman system and the newer International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) system may be used to grade kidney cancer.

Both systems grade kidney cancer from 1 to 4, with grade 1 the lowest and grade 4 the highest. As the grade increases, the cancer cells look less similar to normal cells. Higher-grade cancers tend to be more aggressive than lower-grade cancers. 

Staging kidney cancer

The stage of a cancer describes how large it is, where it is, and whether it has spread beyond the kidney. Knowing the stage of the kidney cancer helps doctors plan the best treatment for you.

The stage can be given before surgery (clinical staging), but may be revised after surgery (pathologic staging). If you have kidney cancer, your doctor will use test results to assign a stage of 1 to 4.

How kidney cancer is staged

Preparing for treatment

Talk with your doctors about whether you need to do anything to prepare for treatment and help your recovery.

They may suggest that you exercise, eat a healthy diet or drink less alcohol. You may also find it helpful to talk to a counsellor about how you are feeling.

If you smoke, you will be encouraged to stop. Research shows that quitting smoking before surgery reduces the chance of complications. To work out a plan for quitting, talk to your doctor or call the Quitline.

Preparing for treatment in this way – called prehabilitation – may improve your strength, help you cope with treatment side effects and improve the results of treatment.


Prognosis means the expected outcome of a disease. You may wish to discuss your prognosis with your doctor, but it is not possible for anyone to predict the exact course of the disease.

Your doctor can give you an idea about common issues that affect people with kidney cancer. The stage of the cancer is the main factor in working out prognosis. In most cases, the earlier that kidney cancer is diagnosed, the better the chance of successful treatment.

If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it is very unlikely that all of the cancer can be removed, but treatment can often keep it under control for some time.

People who can have surgery to remove kidney cancer tend to have better outcomes. Other factors such as your age, general fitness and medical history also affect prognosis.

Understanding Kidney Cancer

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