Palliative care

The palliative care team

Page last updated: January 2024

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Your palliative care team will be made up of medical, nursing and allied health professionals, who offer a range of services to assist you, your family and carers throughout your illness.

This team may include spiritual or pastoral carers and volunteers. Your cancer care team will continue to be involved and will work with the palliative care providers at all stages of the illness.

You will have regular appointments with some of the health professionals in your team so they can monitor your progress and adjust your care.

If you have cultural or religious beliefs and practices about dying, death and bereavement, or family customs, let your palliative care team know so that they can provide you with care that respects this.

Palliative Care Australia

Palliative Care Australia has resources on what questions to ask your palliative care team, facts about medicines used in palliative care, pain and pain management, and advance care planning.

Learn more

Possible members of the palliative care team

General practitioner (GP) or family doctor

Nurse or nurse practitioner

Palliative care specialist, physician or nurse practitioner

Cancer specialist

Counsellor, psychologist or clinical physchologist

Occupational therapist 

Social worker


Speech pathologist



Spiritual or pastoral care practitioner

Cultural adviser or patient care navigator



Question checklist

Asking your doctor questions will help you make an informed choice. You may want to include some of the questions below in your own list. 

Palliative Care Australia also has recommended questions to ask your treating team.

Palliative care
  • Who can refer me to palliative care?
  • Who will be a part of my palliative care team?
  • Who will coordinate my care?
  • Where will I receive palliative care?
  • If I’m at home, what kind of help will be available?
  • Can I contact the palliative care team at any time? Who do I call after hours?
  • Will the palliative care team talk to my GP and cancer specialists about my care?
  • How long will I need palliative care for? What is my prognosis?
  • How can I get a second opinion about my need for palliative care?
  • Do I need to see a specialist palliative care service?
  • What if my condition unexpectedly improves?
Other treatment
  • Are there other treatments available that might cure the cancer?
  • If the cancer cannot be cured, what is the aim of the treatments?
  • Will I receive active treatment for the cancer if I have palliative care?
  • Are there any clinical trials I could join?
  • If I don’t have further treatment, what should I expect?
  • Are there any complementary therapies that might help?
Support services
  • Can my family or carers get respite care or other assistance?
  • Do I have to pay for any palliative care services?
  • What financial and practical assistance is available?
  • Can you help me talk to my family about what is happening?


Understanding Palliative Care

Download our Understanding Palliative Care booklet to learn more

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