Victorian Cancer Plan 2024-2028

The Victorian Government has released the 2024-2028 Victorian Cancer Plan. We are pleased to see many of the themes from our submission reflected in the new Cancer Plan. 

Thank you to everyone that contributed to our submission in support of Victorians affected by cancer.

Submission to inform the 2024-2028 Victorian Cancer Plan

With an estimated 42,000 Victorians expected to be diagnosed with cancer every year by 2025, bold and targeted actions can affect outcomes for many of those diagnosed. 

Backed by community consultation and research, our submission to inform the Victorian Cancer Plan 2024-2028 was shared with the Victorian Government in December 2023. Our submission proposed recommendations that will build on the strengths of existing programs, grow momentum on promising initiatives, and inform policy that will have public health benefits on the impact of cancer. The submission provided an opportunity to put forward recommendations that address prevention and early detection, the barriers people face in accessing optimal care and the diverse experiences of a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Importantly, beyond all the recommended actions, are the people who informed it and the people who will benefit from it.

Our recommendations cover five areas:

  • Strengthen primary prevention
  • Promote screening and early detection
  • Strengthen supportive care
  • Improve data and research
  • System enablers

Click to view summary of recommendations

“We look forward to continuing to work with the Victorian government in empowering people to reduce their cancer risk through screening, early detection and taking preventive measures like quitting smoking, being SunSmart, reducing alcohol intake and increasing physical activity." - Todd Harper AM, Cancer Council Victoria CEO
For Cancer Council Victoria’s full submission or any enquiries, please contact us on

How you can get involved

If you’ve been affected by cancer, you can use your experience to help others. Register your interest to receive the latest cancer news and information and learn how you can get involved in our work.

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Latest news and stories

The impact of Lyall's legacy on mesothelioma research

Dr Milad Ghomlaghi is continuing the legacy of the late Lyall Watts, to find a way to silence mesothelioma and stop it in its tracks. Read more

Arabic community champion cervical cancer elimination

With one of the lowest cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates in Australia, Victoria is a world leader in cervical cancer control. Read more

30 Years of SunSmart: Transforming childhood behaviours to tackle the burden of skin cancer

Since the introduction of the Victorian SunSmart Schools program 30 years ago, 100 per cent of students wear hats. Read more

Further reading

Read our full submission to the Victorian Cancer Plan 2020-2024.