Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is a committee of the Board to which the Board delegates specific responsibilities and activities in order to assist the Board to discharge its responsibility to exercise due care, diligence and skill in relation to the Company’s investment and banking activities. The role of the Committee is to fulfil its responsibilities and to make recommendations to the Board and to advise the Finance Risk and Audit Committee of any financial risks or opportunities.

The Committee does not assume the responsibilities of the Board, rather it ensures that the Board is adequately informed and supported so that the Board uses its time and energy in the most efficient manner.

Committee Members

Bernard Gastin (Chair)
BCom (Hons), MCom (Hons) (Melb), GAICD, CPA

Andrew Elliott
LLB (Hons), BComm (University of Melbourne)

Brighid Pappin
BSc (Hons) PhD

Naryan Prasad

Kirsten Temple
BA / BCom (UNE) and MAppFin (Macquarie University)

Louise Lew
BCom(Hons), FIAA


(See a glossary of medical and professional acronyms for details of qualifications).