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Research ethics and guidelines

Research ethics submission forms

Cancer Council Victoria is implementing three ethical review pathways: Greater than low risk; Low risk - review required; and Low risk - exempt from ethical review. See the updated procedures document for details. We are currently reviewing all new submission forms; please use the currently available submission forms.

Contact RGU@cancervic.org.au  if you require support with your new submission. 

New submissions

New research proposals without previous ethical review Complete the relevant submission form and any supplementary forms. Closing dates apply to proposals that require review by the Human Research Ethics Committee (pathways Greater than low risk and Low risk - Review required). Proposals that require review by the Research Governance Unit can be submitted at any time. Email the completed form with any supporting documents (e.g., all participant facing materials, study protocol, privacy forms, letters of support) to RGU@cancervic.org.au  

If your submission does not involve Cancer Council Victoria staff, we strongly encourage you to contact the Research Governance Unit before beginning your submission.

*Guide to completing ethics submission forms

New research proposals with previous ethical review Cancer Council Victoria supports streamlined ethical review as part of the National Mutual Acceptance (for research conducted in Australian publicly funded health services) and the National Certification Scheme as an accepting site for multi-site research, noting that acceptance of approval by an alternative review body is discretionary. To submit a new proposal for review, email (1) a full set of documents submitted to the  reviewing HREC and (2) a copy of the approval notification or letter from the review body to RGU@cancervic.org.au. 

Approved research - Informing of progress, changes and events

Annual reporting/Final report

Annual reports (covering the period 1 July to 30 June) are required by the first Monday of September. Requests for extensions of ethical approval can also be included within this report. Final reports (for completed, discontinued or withdrawn/abandoned projects) can be submitted at any time to RGU@cancervic.org.au

Annual Monitoring or Final Report

Amendments and extensions

These requests can be submitted at any time. Complete the Amendment form (see the guide for support). If the request involves changes to study documents (e.g., study protocol, participant facing documents), clean and marked (track changes or highlighted) containing updated version numbers and dates must accompany the request. If you are requesting an extension of approval, please note that the maximum extension that can be considered is 5 years for longitudinal cohort studies and 3 years for all other research. Submit the form with any supplementary documents to RGU@cancervic.org.au.  

Reportable events (adverse events and protocol deviations)

Event reporting form 

 If you have any questions or need help, please contact the Research Governance Unit at rgu@cancervic.org.au.