Peer-reviewed epidemiology journal articles 2007

Breast Cancer

Antoniou AC, Sinilnikova OM, Simard J, et al. RAD51 135G-->C modifies breast cancer risk among BRCA2 mutation carriers: results from a combined analysis of 19 studies. Am J Hum Genet. 2007;81:1186-1200

Baglietto L, English DR, Hopper JL, Morris HA, Tilley WD, Giles GG. Circulating insulin-like growth factor-i and binding protein-3 and the risk of breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007;16:763-768

Bane AL, Beck JC, Bleiweiss I, Buys SS, Catalano E, Daly MB, Giles G, Godwin AK, Hibshoosh H, Hopper JL, John EM, Layfield L, Longacre T, Miron A, Senie R, Southey MC, West DW, Whittemore AS, Wu H, Andrulis IL, O'Malley FP. Brca2 mutation-associated breast cancers exhibit a distinguishing phenotype based on morphology and molecular profiles from tissue microarrays. Am J Surg Pathol. 2007;31:121-128

Cox AD, A. M.; Garcia-Closas, M.; Balasubramanian, S.; et al. A common coding variant in casp8 is associated with breast cancer risk (letter). Nat Genet. 2007;39:352-358

Easton DFP, K. A.; Dunning, A. M.; Pharoah, P. D.; et al. Genome-wide association study identifies novel breast cancer susceptibility loci. Nature. 2007;447:1087-1093

John EM, Phipps AI, Knight JA, Milne RL, Dite GS, Hopper JL, Andrulis IL, Southey M, Giles GG, West DW, Whittemore AS. Medical radiation exposure and breast cancer risk: Findings from the Breast Cancer Family Registry. Int J Cancer. 2007;121:386-394

Lovelock PK, Wong EM, Sprung CN, Marsh A, Hobson K, French JD, Southey M, Sculley T, Pandeya N, Brown MA, Chenevix-Trench G, Spurdle AB, McKay MJ. Prediction of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status using post-irradiation assays of lymphoblastoid cell lines is compromised by inter-cell-line phenotypic variability. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007;104:257-266

Simpson JAE, D. R.; Macinnis, R. J.; Gertig, D. M.; Hopper, J. L.; Giles, G. G. A comparison of different methods for including 'age at menopause' in analyses of the association between hormone replacement therapy use and breast cancer. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care. 2007;33:11-16

Smith LD, Tesoriero AA, Ramus SJ, Dite G, Royce SG, Giles GG, McCredie MR, Hopper JL, Southey MC. BRCA1 promoter deletions in young women with breast cancer and a strong family history: A population-based study. Eur J Cancer. 2007;43:823-827

Spurdle AB, Chang JH, Byrnes GB, Chen X, Dite GS, McCredie MR, Giles GG, Southey MC, Chenevix-Trench G, Hopper JL. A systematic approach to analysing gene-gene interactions: polymorphisms at the microsomal epoxide hydrolase EPHX and glutathione S-transferase GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 loci and breast cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007;16:769-774

Torrisi R, Colleoni M, Veronesi P, Rocca A, Peruzzotti G, Severi G, Medici M, Renne G, Intra M, Luini A, Nole F, Viale G, Goldhirsch A. Primary therapy with ECF in combination with a GnRH analog in premenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive T2-T4 breast cancer. Breast. 2007;16:73-80

Colorectal Cancer

Huxley R. The role of lifestyle risk factors on mortality from colorectal cancer in populations of the Asia-Pacific region. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2007;8:191-198

Jenkins MA, Hayashi S, O'Shea AM, Burgart LJ, Smyrk TC, Shimizu D, Waring PM, Ruszkiewicz AR, Pollett AF, Redston M, Barker MA, Baron JA, Casey GR, Dowty JG, Giles GG, Limburg P, Newcomb P, Young JP, Walsh MD, Thibodeau SN, Lindor NM, Lemarchand L, Gallinger S, Haile RW, Potter JD, Hopper JL, Jass JR. Pathology features in Bethesda guidelines predict colorectal cancer microsatellite instability: A population-based study. Gastroenterology. 2007;133:48-56

Jenkins MA, Southey MC, Giles GG, Hopper JL. Rationale for, and approach to, studying modifiers of risk in persons with a genetic predisposition to colorectal cancer. Current oncology reports. 2007;9:202-207

Mead LJ, Jenkins MA, Young J, Royce SG, Smith L, St John DJ, Macrae F, Giles GG, Hopper JL, Southey MC. Microsatellite instability markers for identifying early-onset colorectal cancers caused by germ-line mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes. Clin Cancer Res. 2007;13:2865-2869

Young J, Jenkins M, Parry S, Young B, Nancarrow D, English D, Giles G, Jass J. Serrated pathway colorectal cancer in the population: Genetic consideration. Gut. 2007;56:1453-1459

Prostate Cancer

Camp NJC-A, L. A.; Farnham, J. M.; Baffoe-Bonnie, A. B.; et al. Compelling evidence for a prostate cancer gene at 22q12.3 by the international consortium for prostate cancer genetics. Hum Mol Genet. 2007;16:1271-1278

Hayes VM, Severi G, Padilla EJ, Morris HA, Tilley WD, Southey MC, English DR, Sutherland RL, Hopper JL, Boyle P, Giles GG. 5alpha-Reductase type 2 gene variant associations with prostate cancer risk, circulating hormone levels and androgenetic alopecia. Int J Cancer. 2007;120:776-780

Huxley R. The impact of modifiable risk factors on mortality from prostate cancer in populations of the Asia-Pacific region. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2007;8:199-205

Meiser B, Cowan R, Costello A, Giles GG, Lindeman GJ, Gaff CL. Prostate cancer screening in men with a family history of prostate cancer: The role of partners in influencing men's screening uptake. Urology. 2007;70:738-742

Severi G, Hayes VM, Padilla EJ, English DR, Southey MC, Sutherland RL, Hopper JL, Giles GG. The common variant rs1447295 on chromosome 8q24 and prostate cancer risk: Results from an Australian population-based case-control study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007;16:610-612

Other Cancer

Baade PD, Youl PH, English DR, Mark Elwood J, Aitken JF. Clinical pathways to diagnose melanoma: A population-based study. Melanoma Res. 2007;17:243-249

Guzzi G, Pigatto PD, Severi G. Oral cancer: An association with dental metal restorations and allergy to metals? (letter). Int J Dermatol. 2007;46:885; author reply 885-886

Huxley RJ, K.; Lam, T. H.; Barzi, F.; Ansary-Moghaddam, A.; Jiang, C. Q.; Suh, I.; Woodward, M. Impact of smoking and smoking cessation on lung cancer mortality in the Asia-Pacific region. Am J Epidemiol. 2007;165:1280-1286

Jefford M, Jennens R, Speer T, Thursfield V. Different professionals knowledge and perceptions of the management of people with pancreatic cancer. Asia Pac J Clin Oncolgy. 2007;3:44-51

Johnatty SE, Nagle CM, Spurdle AB, Chen X, Webb PM, Chenevix-Trench G. The MnSOD Val9Ala polymorphism, dietary antioxidant intake, risk and survival in ovarian cancer (Australia). Gynecol Oncol. 2007;107:388-391

Karipidis KK, Benke G, Sim MR, Kauppinen T, Giles G. Occupational exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and risk of glioma. Occup Med (Lond). 2007;57:518-524

Karipidis KK, Benke G, Sim MR, Yost M, Giles G. Occupational exposure to low frequency magnetic fields and the risk of low grade and high grade glioma. Cancer Causes Control. 2007;18:305-313

Kelly JW, Henderson MA, Thursfield VJ, Slavin J, Ainslie J, Giles GG. The management of primary cutaneous melanoma in Victoria in 1996 and 2000. Med J Aust. 2007;187:511-514

Lee JE, Hunter DJ, Spiegelman D, Adami HO, Bernstein L, van den Brandt PA, Buring JE, Cho E, English D, Folsom AR, Freudenheim JL, Gile GG, Giovannucci E, Horn-Ross PL, Leitzmann M, Marshall JR, Mannisto S, McCullough ML, Miller AB, Parker AS, Pietinen P, Rodriguez C, Rohan TE, Schatzkin A, Schouten LJ, Willett WC, Wolk A, Zhang SM, Smith-Warner SA. Intakes of coffee, tea, milk, soda and juice and renal cell cancer in a pooled analysis of 13 prospective studies. Int J Cancer. 2007;121:2246-2253

Pigatto PD, Guzzi G, Severi G. Metals, orthopaedic implants, and risk of cancer. Lancet. 2007;369:1168

White VME, D. R.; Coates, H.; Lagerlund, M.; Borland, R.; Giles, G. G. Is cancer risk associated with anger control and negative affect? Findings from a prospective cohort study. Psychosom Med. 2007;69:667-674

Other Conditions

Baranyay FJW, Y.; Wluka, A. E.; English, D. R.; Giles, G. G.; Sullivan, R. O.; Cicuttini, F. M. Association of bone marrow lesions with knee structures and risk factors for bone marrow lesions in the knees of clinically healthy, community-based adults. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2007;37:112-118

Barzi FP, A.; Gu, D.; Sritara, P.; Lam, T. H.; Rodgers, A.; Woodward, M. Cardiovascular risk prediction tools for populations in Asia. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2007;61:115-121

Bernsen RM, van der Wouden JC. Is childhood immunisation associated with atopic disease from age 7 to 32 years? Thorax. 2007;62:925; author reply 926

Bogers RP, Bemelmans WJ, Hoogenveen RT, Boshuizen HC, Woodward M, Knekt P, van Dam RM, Hu FB, Visscher TL, Menotti A, Thorpe RJ, Jr., Jamrozik K, Calling S, Strand BH, Shipley MJ, for the BMI-CHD Collaboration Investigators. Association of overweight with increased risk of coronary heart disease partly independent of blood pressure and cholesterol levels: A meta-analysis of 21 cohort studies including more than 300 000 persons. Archives of internal medicine. 2007;167:1720-1728

Burgess JA, Walters EH, Byrnes GB, Giles GG, Jenkins MA, Abramson MJ, Hopper JL, Dharmage SC. Childhood adiposity predicts adult-onset current asthma in females: A 25-yr prospective study. Eur Respir J. 2007;29:668-675

Burgess JA, Walters EH, Byrnes GB, Matheson MC, Jenkins MA, Wharton CL, Johns DP, Abramson MJ, Hopper JL, Dharmage SC. Childhood allergic rhinitis predicts asthma incidence and persistence to middle age: A longitudinal study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007;120:863-869

Cardis E, Richardson L, Deltour I, et al. The INTERPHONE study: Design, epidemiological methods, and description of the study population. Eur J Epidemiol. 2007;22:647-664

Guymer EB, F.; Wluka, A. E.; Hanna, F.; Bell, R. J.; Davis, S. R.; Wang, Y.; Cicuttini, F. M. A study of the prevalence and associations of subchondral bone marrow lesions in the knees of healthy, middle-aged women. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2007;15:1437-1442

Guzzi G, Pigatto PD, Pallotti F, Severi G. Mercury in amalgam tattoos (letter). Micron. 2007;38:694-695; author reply 696

Hanna FSB, R. J.; Cicuttini, F. M.; Davison, S. L.; Wluka, A. E.; Davis, S. R. The relationship between endogenous testosterone, preandrogens, and sex hormone binding globulin and knee joint structure in women at midlife. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2007;37:56-62

Hanna FSB, R. J.; Davis, S. R.; Wluka, A. E.; Teichtahl, A. J.; O'Sullivan, R.; Cicuttini, F. M. Factors affecting patella cartilage and bone in middle-aged women. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;57:272-278

Hanna FT, A. J.; Bell, R.; Davis, S. R.; Wluka, A. E.; O'Sullivan, R.; Cicuttini, F. M. The cross-sectional relationship between fortnightly exercise and knee cartilage properties in healthy adult women in midlife. Menopause. 2007;14:830-834

Harriss LRE, D. R.; Powles, J.; Giles, G. G.; Tonkin, A. M.; Hodge, A. M.; Brazionis, L.; O'Dea, K. Dietary patterns and cardiovascular mortality in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;86:221-229

Harriss LRE, D. R.; Hopper, J. L.; Powles, J.; Simpson, J. A.; O'Dea, K.; Giles, G. G.; Tonkin, A. M. Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular mortality accounting for possible misclassification of intake: 11-year follow-up of the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Addiction. 2007;102:1574-1585

Hodge AME, D. R.; O'Dea, K.; Giles, G. G. Dietary patterns and diabetes incidence in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2007;165:603-610

Hodge AME, D. R.; O'Dea, K.; Sinclair, A. J.; Makrides, M.; Gibson, R. A.; Giles, G. G. Plasma phospholipid and dietary fatty acids as predictors of type 2 diabetes: Interpreting the role of linoleic acid. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;86:189-197

Hodge AMS, J. A.; Gibson, R. A.; Sinclair, A. J.; Makrides, M.; O'Dea, K.; English, D. R.; Giles, G. G. Plasma phospholipid fatty acid composition as a biomarker of habitual dietary fat intake in an ethnically diverse cohort. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2007;17:415-426

Kengne APP, A.; Barzi, F.; Jamrozik, K.; Lam, T. H.; Ueshema, H.; Ohkubo, T.; Fang, X. H.; Kim, H. C.; Woodward, M. Cholesterol, diabetes and major cardiovascular diseases in the Asia-Pacific region. Diabetologia. 2007;50:2289-2297

Kengne APP, A.; Barzi, F.; Jamrozik, K.; Lam, T. H.; Ueshima, H.; Gu, D. F.; Suh, I.; Woodward, M. Systolic blood pressure, diabetes and the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the Asia-Pacific region. J Hypertens. 2007;25:1205-1213

Lee CMH, R. R.; Lam, T. H.; Martiniuk, A. L.; Ueshema, H.; Pan, W. H.; Welborn, T.; Woodward, M. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and population attributable fractions for coronary heart disease and stroke mortality in the who South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16:187-192

Lee CMYM, A. L. C.; Woodward, M.; Feigin, V.; Gu, D. F.; Jamrozik, K.; Lam, T. H.; Ni Mhurchu, C.; Pan, W. H.; Suh, I.; Ueshema, H.; Woo, J.; Huxley, R.; . The burden of overweight and obesity in the Asia-Pacific region. Obes Rev. 2007;8:191-196

Martiniuk ALL, C. M.; Lawes, C. M.; Ueshima, H.; Suh, I.; Lam, T. H.; Gu, D.; Feigin, V.; Jamrozik, K.; Ohkubo, T.; Woodward, M. Hypertension: Its prevalence and population-attributable fraction for mortality from cardiovascular disease in the Asia-Pacific region. J Hypertens. 2007;25:73-79A

Matheson MC, Erbas B, Balasuriya A, Jenkins MA, Wharton CL, Tang ML, Abramson MJ, Walters EH, Hopper JL, Dharmage SC. Breast-feeding and atopic disease: A cohort study from childhood to middle age. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007;120:1051-1057

Milne E, Simpson JA, Johnston R, Giles-Corti B, English DR. Time spent outdoors at midday and children's body mass index. Am J Public Health. 2007;97:306-310

Minoia C, Ronchi A, Gaggeri R, Guzzi G, Severi G. Correlating blood mercury and dental amalgams. Sci Total Environ. 2007;381:331; author reply 332

Nakajima K, Dharmage SC, Carlin JB, Wharton CL, Jenkins MA, Giles GG, Abramson MJ, Haydn Walters E, Hopper JL. Is childhood immunisation associated with atopic disease from age 7 to 32 years? Thorax. 2007;62:270-275

Obesity in Asia C, Huxley R, Barzi F, Lee CM, Lear S, Shaw J, Lam TH, Caterson I, Azizi F, Patel J, Suriyawongpaisal P, Oh SW, Kang JH, Gill T, Zimmet P, James PT, Woodward M. Waist circumference thresholds provide an accurate and widely applicable method for the discrimination of diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2007;30:3116-3118

Peeters AOB, P. E.; Laurie, C.; Anderson, M.; Wolfe, R.; Flum, D.; MacInnis, R. J.; English, D. R.; Dixon, J. Substantial intentional weight loss and mortality in the severely obese. Ann Surg. 2007;246:1028-1033

Racunica TLS, M.; Wluka, A. E.; Wang, Y.; English, D. R.; Giles, G. G.; O'Sullivan, R.; Cicuttini, F. M. A positive association of smoking and articular knee joint cartilage in healthy people. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2007;15:587-590

Racunica TLT, A. J.; Wang, Y.; Wluka, A. E.; English, D. R.; Giles, G. G.; O'Sullivan, R.; Cicuttini, F. M. Effect of physical activity on articular knee joint structures in community-based adults. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;57:1261-1268

Simpson JAM, R. J.; Peeters, A.; Hopper, J. L.; Giles, G. G.; English, D. R. A comparison of adiposity measures as predictors of all-cause mortality: The Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2007;15:994-1003

Teichtahl AJP, K.; Hanna, F.; Wluka, A. E.; Urquhart, D. M.; English, D. R.; Giles, G. G.; Cicuttini, F. M. The relationship between the angle of the trochlear groove and patella cartilage and bone morphology--a cross-sectional study of healthy adults. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2007;15:1158-1162

Wang YH, A. M.; Wluka, A. E.; English, D. R.; Giles, G. G.; O'Sullivan, R.; Forbes, A.; Cicuttini, F. M. Effect of antioxidants on knee cartilage and bone in healthy, middle-aged subjects: A cross-sectional study. Arthritis Res Ther. 2007;9:R66

Wang YW, A. E.; English, D. R.; Teichtahl, A. J.; Giles, G. G.; O'Sullivan, R.; Cicuttini, F. M. Body composition and knee cartilage properties in healthy, community-based adults. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007;66:1244-1248

Woodward MB, F.; Feigin, V.; Gu, D.; Huxley, R.; Nakamura, K.; Patel, A.; Ho, S.; Jamrozik, K. Associations between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and both stroke and coronary heart disease in the Asia Pacific region. Eur Heart J. 2007;28:2653-2660

Scientific Methods

Saunders IW, Hannan GN, Brohede J, Giles GG, Jenkins MA, Hopper JL, Southey MC. A range of simple summary genome-wide statistics for detecting genetic linkage using high density marker data. Genet Epidemiol. 2007;31:565-576