CED PhD supervision

Cancer Epidemiology Division supervised PhD Completions 

  • Yow, M. The role of infection in the aetiology of prostate cancer. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2015. Co-supervisor: Prof Graham Giles
  • Doolan, G. Occupational exposure using self-reports and a Job Exposure Matrix in relation to prostate cancer from an Australian case-control study. Melbourne: Monash University; 2014. Co-supervisor: Prof Graham Giles
  • Karahalios, A. Effects of drop out in a longitudinal cohort study on change in waist circumference and cancer risk. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2014. Co-supervisors: Prof Dallas English & Dr Laura Baglietto
  • Jayasekara, H. A prospective study of lifetime alcohol consumption and the risk of breast, upper aero-digestive tract and colorectal cancer, and mortality. School of Population Health, University of Melbourne; 2014. Supervisors: Dallas English, Robert MacInnis, Laura Baglietto 
  • Muller, DC. Biomarkers of hormone action and cancer risk. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2012. Co-supervisors: A/Prof Gianluca Severi & Prof Graham Giles
  • Chong E.  Dietary risk factors for Age-related Macular Degeneration. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne, 2009. Co-supervisor: Dr Julie Simpson
  • Harriss, L. Dietary factors and alcohol as determinants for cardiovascular disease in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Melbourne: Monash University; 2008 Co-supervisor: Prof Dallas English
  • Hoang, H. Predicting the individual risk of prostate cancer in Australian men. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; ~2008 Supervisor: A/Prof Gianluca Severi
  • Van Vliet, C. Issues in conducting a follow-up population-based cancer family study in Australia. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; ~2007. Co-supervisor: Prof Graham Giles
  • Hodge, A. The predictors of type 2 diabetes in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Public Health: Melbourne: The University of Melbourne, 2006. Supervisor: Prof Graham Giles
  • MacInnis, RA. A prospective study of body size and composition and the risk of breast, prostate and colorectal cancer. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne, 2005. Co-supervisor: Prof Dallas English
  • Staples, MP. Familial prostate cancer in Australia in an era of widespread prostate-specific antigen testing: risk assessment and public health implications. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2005. Co-supervisors: Prof Graham Giles & Dallas English
  • Haydon, A. M. The predictors of colorectal cancer recurrence in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Melbourne: Monash University, 2005. Co-supervisor: Prof Graham Giles 

Externally supervised PhD completions using data from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study

  • Wong Doo, N. DNA methylation marks in peripheral blood and the risk of developing mature B cell neoplasms. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2018. Co-supervisors: Prof Graham Giles & Prof Dallas English
  • Papa, N. Predictors of aggressive prostate cancer: a case-control study. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2017. Supervisor: Prof Graham Giles
  • Heath, A. Vitamin D and the risk of death and diabetes. School of Population Health, University of Melbourne. Submitted 2016. Co-supervisors: Prof Dallas English, Assoc Prof Allison Hodge
  • Teichtahl, A. Risk factors for knee structural change including obesity, physical activity, occupational activity and biomechanical factors. Melbourne: Monash University; 2014. Supervisor: Prof Flavia Cicuttini
  • Kahn, B. Effect of dietary calcium intake on bone and vascular events - a population based longitudinal cohort. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne 2014. Co-supervisor: Prof Dallas English
  • Adams, M. Obesity and age related macular degeneration: Genetic and Environmental interactions. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne; 2013. Dr Julie Simpson
  • Tanamas, S. Novel approaches to musculoskeletal disease. Melbourne: Monash University; 2012. Supervisor: Prof Flavia Cicuttini
  • Beauchamp A. Socioeconomic status as a determinant of cardiovascular disease in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Melbourne: Monash University; 2011. Supervisor: Prof Andrew Tonkin
  • Chen L. Improving risk prediction for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in the general Australian population. Melbourne: Monash University; 2011. Supervisors: Prof Andrew Tonkin, Assoc Prof Jonathan Shaw
  • Berry, P. Predictors of large joint osteoarthritis, disease and progression. Melbourne: Monash University; ~2011 Supervisor: Prof Flavia Cicuttini
  • Davies-Tuck, M. Factors affecting the knee join in health and disease: towards an improved understanding of knee osteoarthritis. Melbourne: Monash University; 2010. Supervisor: Prof Flavia Cicuttini 
  • Wang, Y. Factors affecting knee cartilage and bone in healthy subjects and those with knee osteoarthritis. Melbourne: Monash University, 2007. Supervisor: Prof Flavia Cicuttini
  • Itsiopoulos, C. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease: the Greek Migrant Paradox. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne, 2007. Supervisor: Prof Kerin O’Dea
  • Brazionis, L. Diet and diabetic retinopathy. Melbourne: Monash University, 2006. Supervisor: Prof Kerin O’Dea
  • Milne, E. The effect of a school-based sun-protection intervention on sun-related behaviour and the development of melanocytic naevi in children Public Health Perth: The University of Western Australia, 2001:247.

Current Cancer Epidemiology Division supervised PhD Candidates

  1. Mahmood, S. Domain-specific physical activity and sedentary behaviour among Australians in relation to colorectal cancer risk. School of Population Health, University of Melbourne (commenced 2014). Supervisors: Dallas English, Brigid Lynch, Robert MacInnis 
  2. Afshar, N. Trends and inequalities in cancer survival in Victoria. School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne (commenced 2016). Supervisors: Prof Dallas English, Assoc Prof Roger Milne

Current externally supervised PhD candidates using data from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study

  1. Shang, X. Associations between dietary intake and ageing related chronic diseases among community-dwelling older adults: A long-term follow-up study. Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne (commenced 2013). Co-supervisor: Assoc Prof Allison Hodge
  2. Byrne, S. Which nutritional factors influence asthma and COPD in middle-aged adults. Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne (commenced 2016). Co-supervisor: Assoc Prof Allison Hodge