CED Publications 2018

Abubakar M, Chang-Claude J, Ali HR, et al. Etiology of hormone receptor positive breast cancer differs by levels of histologic grade and proliferation. Int J Cancer. 2018;143(4):746-57.

Afshar N, English DR, Thursfield V, et al. Differences in cancer survival by sex: a population-based study using cancer registry data. Cancer Causes Control. 2018.

Ahn T, Ellis RJ, White VM, et al. Predictors of new-onset chronic kidney disease in patients managed surgically for T1a renal cell carcinoma: An Australian population-based analysis. Journal of surgical oncology. 2018;117(7):1597-610.

Antwi SO, Bamlet WR, Pedersen KS, et al. Pancreatic Cancer Risk is Modulated by Inflammatory Potential of Diet and ABO Genotype: A Consortia-based Evaluation and Replication Study. Carcinogenesis. 2018;39(8):1056-67.

Barberio AM, Friedenreich CM, Lynch BM, et al. Physical Activity and Cancer Incidence in Alberta's Tomorrow Project: Results from a Prospective Cohort of 26,538 Participants. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2018;27(8):EPI-17-1124.

Barrdahl M, Canzian F, Gaudet MM, et al. A comprehensive analysis of polymorphic variants in steroid hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 metabolism and risk of in situ breast cancer: Results from the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium. International Journal of Cancer. 2018;142(6):1182-8.

Bowatte G, Lodge CJ, Knibbs LD, et al. Traffic related air pollution and development and persistence of asthma and low lung function. Environment international. 2018;113:170-6.

Bruinsma FJ, Joo JE, Wong EM, et al. The utility of DNA extracted from saliva for genome-wide molecular research platforms. BMC research notes. 2018;11(1):8.

Bui DS, Lodge CJ, Burgess JA, et al. Childhood predictors of lung function trajectories and future COPD risk: a prospective cohort study from the first to the sixth decade of life. The Lancet Respiratory medicine. 2018;6(7):535-44.

Bui DS, Walters HE, Burgess JA, et al. Childhood Respiratory Risk Factor Profiles, Their Interactions and Mediators, and Middle-age Lung Function: A Prospective Cohort Study from the 1st to 6th Decade. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2018;15(9):1057-66.

Butow P, Price M, Coll J, et al. Does stress increase risk of breast cancer? A 15-year prospective study. Psycho-oncology. 2018;27(8):1908-14.

Carville KS, MacLachlan JH, Thursfield V, et al. Hepatocellular carcinoma over three decades in Victoria, Australia: epidemiology, diagnosis and trends, 1984-2013. Intern Med J. 2018;48(7):835-44.

Chamberlain JA, Dugué PA, Bassett JK, et al. Dietary intake of one-carbon metabolism nutrients and DNA methylation in peripheral blood. Am J Clin Nutr. 2018;108(3):611-21.

Colombo M, Lopez-Perolio I, Meeks HD, et al. The BRCA2 c.68-7T > A variant is not pathogenic: A model for clinical calibration of spliceogenicity. Hum Mutat. 2018;39(5):729-41.

Dadaev T, Saunders EJ, Newcombe PJ, et al. Fine-mapping of prostate cancer susceptibility loci in a large meta-analysis identifies candidate causal variants. Nature communications. 2018;9(1):2256.

Dillon M, Flander L, Buchanan DD, et al. Family history-based colorectal cancer screening in Australia: A modelling study of the costs, benefits, and harms of different participation scenarios. PLoS Med. 2018;15(8):e1002630. 

Dixon-Suen SC, Nagle CM, Thrift AP, et al. Adult height is associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomisation study. Br J Cancer. 2018;118(8):1123-9.

Downes M, Gurrin LC, English DR, et al. Multilevel Regression and Poststratification: A Modelling Approach to Estimating Population Quantities From Highly Selected Survey Samples. Am J Epidemiol. 2018;187(8):1780-90.

Dugué PA, Bassett JK, Joo JE, et al. Association of DNA Methylation-Based Biological Age with Health Risk Factors, and Overall and Cause-Specific Mortality. Am J Epidemiol. 2018;187(3):529-538.

Dugué PA Li S, Hopper JL, Milne RL. DNA methylation-based measures of biological aging. In: T T, editor. Epigenetics in Human Disease (2nd Edition): Academic Press; 2018.

Dugué PA, Brinkman MT, Hodge AM, et al. Dietary intake of nutrients involved in one-carbon metabolism and risk of urothelial cell carcinoma: A prospective cohort study. Int J Cancer. 2018;143(2):298-306.

Dugué PA, Dowty JG, Joo JE, et al. Heritable methylation marks associated with breast and prostate cancer risk. Prostate. 2018;78(13):962-9.

Earp M, Tyrer JP, Winham SJ, et al. Variants in genes encoding small GTPases and association with epithelial ovarian cancer susceptibility. PLoS One. 2018;13(7):e0197561.

Fanidi A, Muller DC, Yuan J-M, et al. Circulating Folate, Vitamin B6, and Methionine in Relation to Lung Cancer Risk in the Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium (LC3). JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2018;110(1):djx119-djx.

FitzGerald LM, Jung CH, Wong EM, et al. Obtaining high quality transcriptome data from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded diagnostic prostate tumor specimens. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology. 2018;98(4):537-50.

FitzGerald LM, Zhao S, Leonardson A, et al. Germline variants in IL4, MGMT and AKT1 are associated with prostate cancer-specific mortality: An analysis of 12,082 prostate cancer cases. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2018;21(2):228-37.

Gaudet MM, Gierach GL, Carter BD, et al. Pooled analysis of nine cohorts reveals breast cancer risk factors by tumor molecular subtype. Cancer Res. 2018;78(20):6011-21.

Gearon E, Peeters A, Ng W, et al. Diet and physical activity as possible mediators of the association between educational attainment and body mass index gain among Australian adults. International journal of public health. 2018;63(7):883-93.

Geurts YM, Dugué PA, Joo JE, et al. Novel associations between blood DNA methylation and body mass index in middle-aged and older adults. Int J Obes (Lond). 2018: 42(4); 887-96.

Goddard L, Bruinsma FJ, Giles GG. Informed consent and internet-based research in epidemiology. Med J Aust. 2018;208(10):424.

Hodge AM, Bassett JK, Dugué PA, et al. Dietary inflammatory index or Mediterranean diet score as risk factors for total and cardiovascular mortality. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2018;28(5):461-9.

Hodge AM, Bassett JK, Milne RL, et al. Consumption of sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened soft drinks and risk of obesity-related cancers. Public Health Nutr. 2018;21(9):1618-26.

Horne HN, Oh H, Sherman ME, et al. E-cadherin breast tumor expression, risk factors and survival: Pooled analysis of 5,933 cases from 12 studies in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Scientific reports. 2018;8(1):6574.

Hussain SM, Wang Y, Giles GG, et al. Female reproductive and hormonal factors and incidence of primary total knee arthroplasty due to osteoarthritis. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, NJ). 2018;70(7):1022-9.

Imamura F, Fretts A, Marklund M, et al. Fatty acid biomarkers of dairy fat consumption and incidence of type 2 diabetes: A pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies. PLoS Med. 2018;15(10):e1002670.

Jayasekara H, English DR, Haydon A, et al. Associations of alcohol intake, smoking, physical activity and obesity with survival following colorectal cancer diagnosis by stage, anatomic site and tumor molecular subtype. International Journal of Cancer. 2018;142(2): 238-50.

Jayasekara H, Juneja S, Hodge AM, et al. Lifetime alcohol intake and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Findings from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Int J Cancer. 2018; 142(5):919-26.

Jeon J, Du M, Schoen RE, et al. Determining Risk of Colorectal Cancer and Starting Age of Screening Based on Lifestyle, Environmental, and Genetic Factors. Gastroenterology. 2018;154(8):2152-64.e19.

Joo JE, Dowty JG, Milne RL, et al. Heritable DNA methylation marks associated with susceptibility to breast cancer. Nature communications. 2018;9(1):867.

Jung CH, Park DJ, Georgeson P, et al. sEst: Accurate Sex-Estimation and Abnormality Detection in Methylation Microarray Data. International journal of molecular sciences. 2018;19(10).

Kelemen LE, Earp M, Fridley BL, et al. rs495139 in the TYMS-ENOSF1 Region and Risk of Ovarian Carcinoma of Mucinous Histology. International journal of molecular sciences. 2018;19(9).

Kevric J, Papa N, Perera M, et al. Poor Employment Conditions Adversely Affect Mental Health Outcomes Among Surgical Trainees. Journal of surgical education. 2018;75(1):156-63.

Kevric J, Papa N, Toshniwal S, et al. Fifteen-year groin hernia trends in Australia: the era of minimally invasive surgeons. ANZ J Surg. 2018;88(4): E298-302.

Klein AP, Wolpin BM, Risch HA, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies five new susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer. Nature communications. 2018;9(1):556.

Laaksonen MA, Canfell K, MacInnis R, et al. The future burden of lung cancer attributable to current modifiable behaviours: a pooled study of seven Australian cohorts. Int J Epidemiol. 2018;47(6):1772-83.

Larose TL, Guida F, Fanidi A, et al. Circulating cotinine concentrations and lung cancer risk in the Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium (LC3). Int J Epidemiol. 2018;47(6):1760-71.

Li S DP, Milne RL, Hopper JL. Epigenetic Prospects in Epidemiology and Public Health. In: T T, editor. Epigenetics in Human Disease (2nd Edition): Academic Press.; 2018.

Li S, Wong EM, Bui M, et al. Causal effect of smoking on DNA methylation in peripheral blood: a twin and family study. Clinical epigenetics. 2018;10:18.

Li S, Wong EM, Dugué PA, et al. Genome-wide average DNA methylation is determined in utero. Int J Epidemiol. 2018;47(3):908-16.

Lin HY, Huang PY, Chen DT, et al. AA9int: SNP Interaction Pattern Search Using Non-Hierarchical Additive Model Set. Bioinformatics. 2018;34(24):4141-50.

Lingham G, Milne E, Cross D, et al. Investigating the long-term impact of a childhood sun-exposure intervention, with a focus on eye health: protocol for the Kidskin-Young Adult Myopia Study. BMJ open. 2018;8(1):e020868.

Lo LL, Milne RL, Liao Y, et al. Validation of the IBIS breast cancer risk evaluator for women with lobular carcinoma in-situ. Br J Cancer. 2018;119(1):36-39.

Lu Y, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Wu L, et al. A transcriptome-wide association study among 97,898 women to identify candidate susceptibility genes for epithelial ovarian cancer risk. Cancer Res. 2018;78(18):5419-30.

Luchtenborg M, Morris EJA, Tataru D, et al. Investigation of the international comparability of population-based routine hospital data set derived comorbidity scores for patients with lung cancer. Thorax. 2018;73(4):339-49.

Lynch BM, Nguyen NH, Reeves MM, et al. Study design and methods for the ACTIVity And TEchnology (ACTIVATE) trial. Contemporary clinical trials. 2018;64:112-7.

Manchanda R, Patel S, Gordeev VS, et al. Cost-effectiveness of Population-Based BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, RAD51D, BRIP1, PALB2 Mutation Testing in Unselected General Population Women. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018;110(7):714-25.

McNeil J, Farris MS, Ruan Y, et al. Effects of prescribed aerobic exercise volume on physical activity and sedentary time in postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. 2018;15(1):27.

Muller DC, Hodge AM, Fanidi A, et al. No association between circulating concentrations of vitamin D and risk of lung cancer: An analysis in 20 prospective studies in the Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium (LC3). Ann Oncol. 2018;29(6):68-1475.

Neumeyer S, Banbury BL, Arndt V, et al. Mendelian randomisation study of age at menarche and age at menopause and the risk of colorectal cancer. Br J Cancer. 2018;118(12):1639-47.

Nguyen-Dumont T, Teo ZL, Hammet F, et al. Is RNASEL:p.Glu265* a modifier of early-onset breast cancer risk for carriers of high-risk mutations? BMC Cancer. 2018;18(1):165.

O'Mara TAA-Ohoo, Glubb DMA-Ohoo, Amant F, et al. Identification of nine new susceptibility loci for endometrial cancer. Nature communications. 2018(2041-1723 (Electronic)).

Ong DM, Farrugia H, Wei A. Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome in Victoria, Australia 2003-2014. Internal Medicine Journal. 2018:48(7):822-829.

Ong JS, Hwang LD, Cuellar-Partida G, et al. Assessment of moderate coffee consumption and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomization study. Int J Epidemiol. 2018;47(2):450-459.

O'Reilly EJ, Wang M, Adami HO, et al. Prediagnostic body size and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis death in 10 studies. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration. 2018;19(5-6):396-406.

Painter JN, O'Mara TA, Morris AP, et al. Genetic overlap between endometriosis and endometrial cancer: evidence from cross-disease genetic correlation and GWAS meta-analyses. Cancer medicine. 2018;7(5):1978-87.

Pandeya N, Huxley RR, Chung HF, et al. Female reproductive history and risk of type 2 diabetes: A prospective analysis of 126 721 women. Diabetes, obesity & metabolism. 2018;20(9):2103-12.

Peddle-McIntyre CJ, Cavalheri V, Boyle T, et al. A Review of Accelerometer-based Activity Monitoring in Cancer Survivorship Research. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2018;50(9):1790-801.

Perduca V, Omichessan H, Baglietto L, et al. Mutational and epigenetic signatures in cancer tissue linked to environmental exposures and lifestyle. Current opinion in oncology. 2018;30(1):61-67.

Perret JL, Matheson MC, Gurrin LC, et al. Childhood measles contributes to post-bronchodilator airflow obstruction in middle-aged adults: A cohort study. Respirology. 2018;23(8):780-7.

Phillips SM, Cadmus-Bertram L, Rosenberg D, et al. Wearable Technology and Physical Activity in Chronic Disease: Opportunities and Challenges. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2018;54(1):144-150.

Rodriguez AJ, Scott D, Khan B, et al. High calcium intake in men not women is associated with all-cause mortality risk: Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Archives of osteoporosis. 2018;13(1):101.

Rudolph A, Song M, Brook MN, et al. Joint associations of a polygenic risk score and environmental risk factors for breast cancer in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2018:dyx242-dyx.

Schoemaker MJ, Nichols HB, Wright LB, et al. Association of Body Mass Index and Age With Subsequent Breast Cancer Risk in Premenopausal Women. JAMA oncology. 2018:e181771.

Schumacher FR, Al Olama AA, Berndt SI, et al. Association analyses of more than 140,000 men identify 63 new prostate cancer susceptibility loci. Nat Genet. 2018;50(7):928-36.

Seibert TM, Fan CC, Wang Y, et al. Polygenic hazard score to guide screening for aggressive prostate cancer: development and validation in large scale cohorts. Bmj. 2018;360:j5757.

Serda IFBC, van Roekel E, Lynch BM. The Role of Physical Activity in Managing Fatigue in Cancer Survivors. Current nutrition reports. 2018;7(3):59-69.

Seviiri M, Lynch BM, Hodge AM, et al. Resting heart rate, temporal changes in resting heart rate, and overall and cause-specific mortality. Heart. 2018;104(13):1076-1085.

Simapivapan P. Hodge A, Boltong A. Exploring the provision of alcohol advice by clinicians to breast cancer patients. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2018;27(1).

Stanesby O, Jayasekara H, Callinan S, et al. Women's role in the rise in drinking in Australia 1950-1980: an age-period-cohort analysis of data from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Addiction. 2018;113(12):2194-202.

Stringhini S, Carmeli C, Jokela M, et al. Socioeconomic status, non-communicable disease risk factors, and walking speed in older adults: multi-cohort population based study. Bmj. 2018;360:k1046.

Swerdlow AJ, Harvey CE, Milne RL, et al. The National Cancer Institute Cohort Consortium: an international pooling collaboration of 58 cohorts from 20 countries. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2018;27(11):1307-19.

Theofylaktopoulou D, Midttun O, Ueland PM, et al. Impaired functional vitamin B6 status is associated with increased risk of lung cancer. Int J Cancer. 2018;142(12):2425-34.

Vajdic CM, MacInnis RJ, Canfell K, et al. The Future Colorectal Cancer Burden Attributable to Modifiable Behaviors: A Pooled Cohort Study. JNCI Cancer Spectrum. 2018;2(3):pky033-pky.

Vallance JK, Gardiner PA, Lynch BM, et al. Evaluating the Evidence on Sitting, Smoking, and Health: Is Sitting Really the New Smoking? Am J Public Health. 2018;108(11):1478-82.

Van Baak TE, Coarfa C, Dugué PA, et al. Epigenetic supersimilarity of monozygotic twin pairs. Genome biology. 2018;19(1):2.

Van Dyke AL, Langhamer MS, Zhu B, et al. Family History of Cancer and Risk of Biliary Tract Cancers: Results from the Biliary Tract Cancers Pooling Project. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2018;27(3):348-51.

van Roekel EH, Trijsburg L, Assi N, et al. Circulating Metabolites Associated with Alcohol Intake in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Cohort. Nutrients. 2018;10(5).

Wang SS, Carrington M, Berndt SI, et al. HLA Class I and II Diversity Contributes to the Etiologic Heterogeneity of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Subtypes. Cancer Res. 2018;78(14):4086-96.

Watts CG, Drummond M, Goumas C, et al. Sunscreen Use and Melanoma Risk Among Young Australian Adults. JAMA dermatology. 2018;154(9):1001-9.

Watts EL, Appleby PN, Perez-Cornago A, et al. Low Free Testosterone and Prostate Cancer Risk: A Collaborative Analysis of 20 Prospective Studies. European urology. 2018;74(5):585-94.

White VM, Marco DJT, Bolton D, et al. Age at diagnosis and the surgical management of small renal carcinomas: findings from a cross-sectional population-based study. BJU Int. 2018;122 Suppl 5:50-61.

Wu L, Shi W, Long J, et al. A transcriptome-wide association study of 229,000 women identifies new candidate susceptibility genes for breast cancer. Nat Genet. 2018;50(7):968-78.

Yang Y, Lynch BM, van Roekel EH. Letter by Yang et al Regarding Article, "Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Relation to All-Cause Mortality: The Women's Health Study". Circulation. 2018;138(1):114-5.

Zardavas D, Te Marvelde L, Milne RL, et al. Tumor PIK3CA Genotype and Prognosis in Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of Individual Patient Data. J Clin Oncol. 2018:JCO2017748301.

Zhu D, Chung HF, Pandeya N, et al. Body mass index and age at natural menopause: an international pooled analysis of 11 prospective studies. Eur J Epidemiol. 2018;33(8):699-710.