CEC Publications 2014

Breast Cancer

Baglietto L, Krishnan K, Stone J, Apicella C, Southey MC, English DR, Hopper JL, Giles GG. Associations of mammographic dense and nondense areas and body mass index with risk of breast cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 2014 15;179(4):475-83

Barrdahl M, Canzian F, Joshi AD, et al. Post-gwas gene-environment interplay in breast cancer: Results from the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium and a meta-analysis on 79 000 women. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;23(19):5260-70

Campa D, Barrdahl M, Tsilidis KK, et al. A genome-wide "pleiotropy scan" does not identify new susceptibility Loci for estrogen receptor negative breast cancer. PLoS One. 2014;9(2):e85955

Ghoussaini M, Edwards SL, Michailidou K, et al. Evidence that breast cancer risk at the 2q35 locus is mediated through IGFBP5 regulation. Nature communications. 2014;4:4999 

Johnson N, Dudbridge F, Orr N,et al. Genetic variation at CYP3A is associated with age at menarche and breast cancer risk: A case-control study. Breast Cancer Res. 2014;16:R51

Joshi AD, Lindstrom S, Husing A, et al. Additive Interactions Between Susceptibility Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Identified in Genome-Wide Association Studies and Breast Cancer Risk Factors in the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium. Am J Epidemiol. 2014;180(10):1018-27  

Khan S, Greco D, Michailidou K, Milne RL, et al. MicroRNA Related Polymorphisms and Breast Cancer Risk. PLoS One. 2014;9:e109973  

Li J, Lindstrom LS, Foo JN, et al. 2q36.3 is associated with prognosis for oestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy. Nature communications. 2014;5:4051

Lindstrom S, Thompson DJ, Paterson AD, Li J, Gierach GL, Scott C, Stone J, Douglas JA, Dos-Santos-Silva I, Fernandez-Navarro P, Verghase J, Smith P, Brown J, Luben R, Wareham NJ, Loos RJ, Heit JA, Shane Pankratz V, Norman A, Goode EL, Cunningham JM, deAndrade M, Vierkant RA, Czene K, Fasching PA, Baglietto L, Southey MC, Giles GG, Shah KP, Chan HP, Helvie MA, Beck AH, Knoblauch NW, Hazra A, Hunter DJ, Kraft P, Pollan M, Figueroa JD, Couch FJ, Hopper JL, Hall P, Easton DF, Boyd NF, Vachon CM, Tamimi RM. Genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci associated with both mammographic density and breast cancer risk. Nature communications. 2014;5:5303  

Milne RL, Burwinkel B, Michailidou K, et al. Common non-synonymous snps associated with breast cancer susceptibility: Findings from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;23(22):6096-111

Milne RL, Herranz J, Michailidou K, et al. A large-scale assessment of two-way SNP interactions in breast cancer susceptibility using 46 450 cases and 42 461 controls from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;23:1934-1946

Park DJ, Tao K, Le Calvez-Kelm F, Nguyen-Dumont T, Robinot N, Hammet F, Odefrey F, Tsimiklis H, Teo ZL, Thingholm LB, Young EL, Voegele C, Lonie A, Pope BJ, Roane TC, Bell R, Hu H, Shankaracharya, Huff CD, Ellis J, Li J, Makunin IV, John EM, Andrulis IL, Terry MB, Daly M, Buys SS, Snyder C, Lynch HT, Devilee P, Giles GG, Hopper JL, Feng BJ, Lesueur F, Tavtigian SV, Southey MC, Goldgar DE. Rare Mutations in RINT1 Predispose Carriers to Breast and Lynch Syndrome-Spectrum Cancers. Cancer discovery. 2014;4:804-815

Pettersson A, Graff RE, Ursin G, Santos Silva ID, McCormack V, Baglietto L, Vachon C, Bakker MF, Giles GG, Chia KS, Czene K, Eriksson L, Hall P, Hartman M, Warren RM, Hislop G, Chiarelli AM, Hopper JL, Krishnan K, Li J, Li Q, Pagano I, Rosner BA, Wong CS, Scott C, Stone J, Maskarinec G, Boyd NF, van Gils CH, Tamimi RM. Mammographic density phenotypes and risk of breast cancer: A meta-analysis. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014;106(5). pii: dju078 

Phillips KA, Bruinsma FJ, Milne RL. Abortion and breast cancer risk for Australian women. Med J Aust. 2014;201(7):381

Sawyer E, Roylance R, Petridis C, et al. Genetic predisposition to in situ and invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast. PLoS Genet. 2014;10:e1004285

Severi G, Southey MC, English DR, Jung CH, Lonie A, McLean C, Tsimiklis H, Hopper JL, Giles GG, Baglietto L. Epigenome-wide methylation in DNA from peripheral blood as a marker of risk for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2014 ;148(3):665-73 

Schoeps A, Rudolph A, Seibold P, et al. Identification of new genetic susceptibility loci for breast cancer through consideration of gene-environment interactions. Genet Epidemiol. 2014;38:84-9

Purrington KS, Slager S, Eccles D, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies 25 known breast cancer susceptibility loci as risk factors for triple-negative Carcinogenesis. 2014;35(5):1012-9

Purrington KS, Slettedahl S, Bolla MK, et al. Genetic variation in mitotic regulatory pathway genes is associated with breast tumor grade. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;23(22):6034-46

Work ME, John EM, Andrulis IL, Knight JA, Liao Y, Mulligan AM, Southey MC, Giles GG, Dite GS, Apicella C, Hibshoosh H, Hopper JL, Terry MB. Reproductive risk factors and oestrogen/progesterone receptor-negative breast cancer in the Breast Cancer Family Registry. Br J Cancer. 2014;110(5):1367-77

Ovarian Cancer

Charbonneau B, Block MS, Bamlet WR, et al. Risk of Ovarian Cancer and the NF-κB Pathway: Genetic Association with IL1A and TNFSF10. Cancer Res. 2014;74(3):852-61

Kelemen LE, Terry KL, Goodman MT, et al. Consortium analysis of gene and gene-folate interactions in purine and pyrimidine metabolism pathways with ovarian carcinoma risk. Molecular nutrition & food research. 2014;58(10):2023-35

Colorectal Cancer 

Rosty C, Williamson EJ, Clendenning M, Walters RJ, Walsh MD, Win AK, Jenkins MA, Hopper JL, Winship I, Southey MC, Giles GG, English DR, Buchanan DD. Re: Microsatellite Instability and BRAF Mutation Testing in Colorectal Cancer Prognostication. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014;106 
Rosty C, Williamson EJ, Clendenning M, Walters RJ, Win AK, Jenkins MA, Hopper JL, Winship IM, Southey MC, Giles GG, English DR, Buchanan DD. Should the grading of colorectal adenocarcinoma include microsatellite instability status? Human pathology. 2014;45(10):2077-84 
Steffen A, MacInnis RJ, Joshy G, Giles GG, Banks E, Roder D. Development and validation of a risk score predicting risk of colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014 23(11):2543-52
Win AK, Dowty JG, Cleary SP, et al. Risk of colorectal cancer for carriers of mutations in mutyh, with and without a family history of cancer. Gastroenterology. 2014;146(5):1208-11.e1-5

Prostate Cancer

Al Olama AA, Kote-Jarai Z, Berndt SI, et al. A meta-analysis of 87,040 individuals identifies 23 new susceptibility loci for prostate cancer. Nat Genet. 2014;46(10):1103-9

Bolton DM, Ta A, Bagnato M, Muller D, Lawrentschuk NL, Severi G, Syme RR, Giles GG. Interval to biochemical recurrence following radical prostatectomy does not affect survival in men with low-risk prostate cancer. World J Urol. 2014 Apr;32:431-5

Crowe FL, Appleby PN, Travis RC, Barnett M, Brasky TM, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Chajes V, Chavarro JE, Chirlaque MD, English DR, Gibson RA, Giles GG, Goodman GE, Henning SM, Kaaks R, King IB, Kolonel LN, Kristal AR, Neuhouser ML, Park SY, Severi G, Siddiq A, Stampfer MJ, Stattin P, Tangen CM, Tjonneland A, Trichopoulos D, Tumino R, Wilkens LR, Key TJ, Allen NE, Endogenous Hormones NB, Prostate Cancer Collaborative G. Circulating Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer Risk: Individual Participant Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014;106(9). pii: dju240

Doolan G, Benke G, Giles G. An update on occupation and prostate cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15:501-516

Doolan GW, Benke G, Giles GG, Severi G, Kauppinen T. A case control study investigating the effects of levels of physical activity at work as a risk factor for prostate cancer. Environmental health : a global access science source. 2014;13:64

Papa N, Lawrentschuk N, Muller D, MacInnis R, Ta A, Severi G, Millar J, Syme R, Giles G, Bolton D. Rural residency and prostate cancer specific mortality: Results from the victorian radical prostatectomy register. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2014;38(5):449-54

Shui IM, Lindstrom S, Kibel AS, et al. Prostate cancer (PCa) risk variants and risk of fatal PCa in the National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium. European urology. 2014;65(6):1069-75

Saunders EJ, Dadaev T, Leongamornlert DA, et al. Fine-mapping the HOXB region detects common variants tagging a rare coding allele: Evidence for synthetic association in prostate cancer. PLoS Genet. 2014;10:e1004129

Teerlink CC, Thibodeau SN, McDonnell SK, et al. Association analysis of 9,560 prostate cancer cases from the International Consortium of Prostate Cancer Genetics confirms the role of reported prostate cancer associatedSNP s for familial disease. Hum Genet. 2014;133:347-356

Weng PH, Huang YL, Page JH, Chen JH, Xu J, Koutros S, Berndt S, Chanock S, Yeager M, Witte JS, Eeles RA, Easton DF, Neal DE, Donovan J, Hamdy FC, Muir KR, Giles G, Severi G, Smith JR, Balistreri CR, Shui IM, Chen YC. Polymorphisms of an Innate Immune Gene, Toll-Like Receptor 4, and Aggressive Prostate Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS One. 2014;9:e110569

Yow MA, Tabrizi SN, Severi G, Bolton DM, Pedersen J, Longano A, Garland SM, Southey MC, Giles GG. Detection of infectious organisms in archival prostate cancer tissues. BMC Cancer. 2014;14:579


Song F, Amos CI, Lee JE, et al. Identifiation of a melanoma susceptibility locus and somatic mutation in TET2. Carcinogenesis. 2014;35(9):2097-101

Vuong K, McGeechan K, Armstrong BK, et al. Occupational sun exposure and risk of melanoma according to anatomical site. Int J Cancer. 2014;134:2735-2741


Teras LR, Kitahara CM, Birmann BM, Hartge PA, Wang SS, Robien K, Patel AV, Adami HO, Weiderpass E, Giles GG, Singh PN, Alavanja M, Beane Freeman LE, Bernstein L, Buring JE, Colditz GA, Fraser GE, Gapstur SM, Michael Gaziano J, Giovannucci E, Hofmann JN, Linet MS, Neta G, Park Y, Purdue MP. Body size and multiple myeloma mortality: A pooled analysis of 20 prospective studies. Br J Haematol. 2014;166(5):667-76 

Wong Doo N, Coory M, White V, Harrison SJ, Prince HM, Millar JL, Dimech M, Giles GG; IMPROVE Project. Low uptake of upfront autologous transplantation for myeloma in a jurisdiction with universal health care coverage: a population-based patterns of care study in Australia. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2014;14:61-7

Lung Cancer

Wright GM, Thursfield VJ, Ball DL, Richardson GE, Irving L, Giles GG, Mitchell P. Surgical resection and long-term survival outcome for non-small cell lung cancer: A comparison of Victorian population-based studies spanning a decade. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2014;10:75-79

Pancreatic Cancer

Genkinger JM, Wang M, Li R, Albanes D, Anderson KE, Bernstein L, van den Brandt PA, English DR, Freudenheim JL, Fuchs CS, Gapstur SM, Giles GG, Goldbohm RA, Hakansson N, Horn-Ross PL, Koushik A, Marshall JR, McCullough ML, Miller AB, Robien K, Rohan TE, Schairer C, Silverman DT, Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, Virtamo J, Willett WC, Wolk A, Ziegler RG, Smith-Warner SA. Dairy products and pancreatic cancer risk: A pooled analysis of 14 cohort studies. Ann Oncol. 2014;25(6):1106-15

Wolpin BM, Rizzato C, Kraft P, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer. Nat Genet. 2014;46(9):994-1000

Other Cancers

Cerhan JR, Berndt SI, Vijai J, et al. Genome-wide Association Study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Nat Genet. 2014;46(11):1233-8

Johansson M, Fanidi A, Muller DC, et al. Circulating biomarkers of one-carbon metabolism in relation to renal cell carcinoma incidence and survival. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014;106(12). pii: dju327

Skibola CF, Berndt SI, Vijai J, et al. Genome-wide Association Study Identifies five susceptibility loci for Follicular Lymphoma outside the HLA region. Am J Hum Genet. 2014;95:462-471  

Sultana F, English DR, Simpson JA, Canfell K, Gertig DM, Saville M. High-grade cervical abnormalities and cervical cancer in women following a negative pap smear with and without an endocervical component: A cohort study with 10 years of follow-up. Int J Cancer. 2014 135(5):1213-9

van Leeuwen MT, Turner JJ, Joske DJ, Falster MO, Srasuebkul P, Meagher NS, Grulich AE, Giles GG, Vajdic CM. Lymphoid neoplasm incidence by WHO subtype in Australia. 1982-2006. Int J Cancer. 2014 135(9):2146-56

Multiple Cancers

Wang Z, Zhu B, Zhang M, et al. Imputation and subset based association analysis across different cancer types identifies multiple independent risk loci in the TERT-CLPTM1L region on chromosome 5p15.33. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;23(24):6616-33

Other Conditions

Amirul Islam FM, Chong EW, Hodge AM, Guymer RH, Aung KZ, Makeyeva GA, Baird PN, Hopper JL, English DR, Giles GG, Robman LD. Dietary patterns and their associations with age-related macular degeneration: The Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Ophthalmology. 2014;121(7):1428-1434.e2 

Cerhan JR, Moore SC, Jacobs EJ, Kitahara CM, Rosenberg PS, Adami HO, Ebbert JO, English DR, Gapstur SM, Giles GG, Horn-Ross PL, Park Y, Patel AV, Robien K, Weiderpass E, Willett WC, Wolk A, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Hartge P, Bernstein L, Berrington de Gonzalez A. A pooled analysis of waist circumference and mortality in 650,000 adults. Mayo Clinic proceedings. 2014;89:335-345

Fairley J, Toppi J, Cicuttini FM, Wluka AE, Giles GG, Cook J, R OS, Wang Y. Association between obesity and magnetic resonance imaging defined patellar tendinopathy in community-based adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:266

Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases Consortium. Metabolic mediators of the effects of body-mass index, overweight, and obesity on coronary heart disease and stroke: A pooled analysis of 97 prospective cohorts with 1.8 million participants. Lancet. 2014;383:970-983

Hodge AM, O'Dea K, English DR, Giles GG, Flicker L. Dietary patterns as predictors of successful ageing. J Nutr Health Aging. 2014;18(3):221-7

Hussain SM, Cicuttini FM, Bell RJ, Robinson PJ, Davis SR, Giles GG, Graves S, Milne RL, Wang Y. Incidence of total knee and hip replacement due to osteoarthritis in relation to circulating sex steroid hormone concentrations in women. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.). 2014;66(8):2144-5 

Hussain SM, Wang Y, Muller DC, Wluka AE, Giles GG, Manning JT, Graves S, Cicuttini FM. Association between index-to-ring finger length ratio and risk of severe knee and hip osteoarthritis requiring total joint replacement. Rheumatology. 2014;53(7):1200-7

Huxley RR, Barzi F, Woo J, Giles G, Lam TH, Rahimi K, Konety S, Ohkubo T, Jee SH, Fang X, Woodward M. A comparison of risk factors for mortality from heart failure in asian and non-asian populations: An overview of individual participant data from 32 prospective cohorts from the asia-pacific region. BMC cardiovascular disorders. 2014;14:61 

Karahalios A, Simpson JA, Baglietto L, MacInnis RJ, Hodge AM, Giles GG, English DR. Change in body size and mortality: Results from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. PLoS One. 2014;9:e99672

Kitahara CM, Flint AJ, Berrington de Gonzalez A, et al. Association between Class III Obesity (BMI of 40-59 kg/m2) and Mortality: A Pooled Analysis of 20 Prospective Studies. PLoS Med. 2014;11:e1001673

Macinnis RJ, Hodge AM, Dixon HG, Peeters A, Johnson LE, English DR, Giles GG. Predictors of increased body weight and waist circumference for middle-aged adults. Public Health Nutr. 2014;17:1087-1097

Marti-Soler H, Gubelmann C, Aeschbacher S, et al. Seasonality of cardiovascular risk factors: An analysis including over 230 000 participants in 15 countries. Heart. 2014;100(19):1517-23 

Meszaros D, Burgess J, Walters EH, Johns D, Markos J, Giles G, Hopper J, Abramson M, Dharmage SC, Matheson M. Domestic airborne pollutants and asthma and respiratory symptoms in middle age. Respirology. 2014;19(3):411-8 

Monira Hussain S, Wang Y, Cicuttini FM, Simpson JA, Giles GG, Graves S, Wluka AE. Incidence of total knee and hip replacement for osteoarthritis in relation to the metabolic syndrome and its components: A prospective cohort study. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2014 Feb;43(4):429-36

Perry JR, Hsu YH, Chasman DI, et al. DNA mismatch repair gene MSH6 implicated in determining age at natural menopause. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;23(9):2490-7

Perry JR, Day F, Elks CE, et al. Parent-of-origin-specific allelic associations among 106 genomic loci for age at menarche. Nature. 2014;514(7520):92-97

Teichtahl AJ, Wang Y, Smith S, Wluka AE, Giles GG, Bennell KL, R OS, Cicuttini FM. Structural changes of hip osteoarthritis using magnetic resonance imaging. Arthritis Res Ther. 2014;16(45):466 

Waterhouse M, Tran B, Armstrong BK, Baxter C, Ebeling PR, English DR, Gebski V, Hill C, Kimlin MG, Lucas RM, Venn A, Webb PM, Whiteman DC, Neale RE. Environmental, personal, and genetic determinants of response to vitamin d supplementation in older adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014;99:E1332-1340