CEC Publications 1990-1994

Breast Cancer

Cockburn J, Staples M, Hurley SF, De Luise T. Psychological consequences of screening mammography. J Med Screen. 1994;1:7-12

Hill DJ, White VM, Giles GG, Collins JP, Kitchen PR. Changes in the investigation and management of primary operable breast cancer in Victoria. Med J Aust. 1994;161:110-111, 114, 118 passim

Hurley SF, Huggins RM, Jolley DJ, Reading D. Recruitment activities and sociodemographic factors that predict attendance at a mammographic screening program. Am J Public Health. 1994;84:1655-1658

Hurley SF, Livingston PM, Thane N, Quang L. Mammographic screening: Measurement of the cost in a population based programme in Victoria, Australia. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1994;48:391-399

The Essendon Breast X-ray Program Collaborative Group. A mammographic screening pilot project in Victoria 1988-1990. Med J Aust. 1992;157:670-673

Cockburn J, De Luise T, Hurley S, Clover K. Development and validation of the PCQ: A questionnaire to measure the psychological consequences of screening mammography. Soc Sci Med. 1992;34:1129-1134

Hurley SF, Huggins RM, Snyder RD, Bishop JF. The cost of breast cancer recurrences. Br J Cancer. 1992;65:449-455

Hurley SF, Jolley DJ, Livingston PM, Reading D, Cockburn J, Flint-Richter D. Effectiveness, costs, and cost-effectiveness of recruitment strategies for a mammographic screening program to detect breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1992;84:855-863

Hurley SF, Kaldor JM. The benefits and risks of mammographic screening for breast cancer. Epidemiol Rev. 1992;14:101-130

The Essendon Breast X-ray Program Collaborative Group. A mammographic screening pilot project in Victoria 1988-1990. . Med J Aust. 1992;157:670-673

Hurley SF. Breast cancer: Epidemiology, aetiology and strategies for control. Cancer Forum. 1991:22-24

Hurley SF, Livingston PM. Personal costs incurred by women attending a mammographic screening programme. Med J Aust. 1991;154:132-134

Cockburn J, De Luise T, Hill D, Hurley S, Reading D, Russell I. Boosting recruitment to breast screening programmes. Med J Aust. 1990;152:332

Hill DJ, Giles GG, Russell IS, Collins JP, Mapperson KJ. Management of primary, operable breast cancer in Victoria. Med J Aust. 1990;152:67-72

Hurley S. Counting the costs of mammography screening: First year results from the Sydney study. Med J Aust. 1990;153:174-176

Hurley SF, Livingston PM, Jolley DJ, Hart SA. Patterns of surgical treatment of breast cancer in Victoria. Aust N Z J Surg. 1990;60:871-878

Colorectal Cancer

McMichael AJ, Giles GG. Colorectal cancer. Cancer Surv. 1994;19-20:77-98

McLeish JA, Giles GG, Thursfield V. Investigation, follow-up and recurrence after resection of colorectal cancer. Aust N Z J Surg. 1992;62:931-940

Melanoma/Skin Cancer

Czarnecki D, Mar A, Staples M, Giles G, Meehan C. The development of non-melanocytic skin cancers in people with a history of skin cancer. Dermatology. 1994;189:364-367

Czarnecki D, Staples M, Mar A, Giles G, Meehan C. Metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in southern Australia. Dermatology. 1994;189:52-54

Jelfs PL, Giles G, Shugg D, Coates M, Durling G, Fitzgerald P, Ring I. Cutaneous malignant melanoma in Australia, 1989. Med J Aust. 1994;161:182-187

Marks R, Staples M, Giles GG. Trends in non-melanocytic skin cancer treated in Australia: The second national survey. Int J Cancer. 1993;53:585-590

Thompson SC, Jolley D, Marks R. Reduction of solar keratoses by regular sunscreen use. N Engl J Med. 1993;329:1147-1151

Marks R, Jolley D, Lectsas S, Foley P. The role of childhood exposure to sunlight in the development of solar keratoses and non-melanocytic skin cancer. Med J Aust. 1990;152:62-66

Other Cancer

Fairley CK, Sheil AG, McNeil JJ, Ugoni AM, Disney AP, Giles GG, Amiss N. The risk of ano-genital malignancies in dialysis and transplant patients. Clin Nephrol. 1994;41:101-105

Gile GG, Ireland P. Diet in the aetiology of cancer. Eur J Cancer. 1994;30:226-227

Giles GG, McNeil JJ, Donnan G, Webley C, Staples MP, Ireland PD, Hurley SF, Salzberg M. Dietary factors and the risk of glioma in adults: Results of a case-control study in Melbourne, Australia. Int J Cancer. 1994;59:357-362

Miller AB, Berrino F, Hill M, Pietinen P, Riboli E, Wahrendorf J. Diet in the aetiology of cancer: A review. Eur J Cancer. 1994;30A:207-220; discussion 220-208

Giles G, Staples M, Berry J. Cancer incidence in Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade members, 1980-1989. Health Rep. 1993;5:33-38

Ireland P, Giles GG. A review of diet and cancer: What are the prospects for prevention in Australia? Cancer Forum. 1993;17:132-153

Kaye AH, Giles GG, Gonzales M. Primary central nervous system tumours in Australia: A profile of clinical practice from the Australian Brain Tumour Register. Aust N Z J Surg. 1993;63:33-38

Kneale BL, Giles GG. Endometrial cancer: Trends in incidence and survival: A preventable disease? Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 1993;33:1-7

McLean CA, Jolley D, Cukier E, Giles G, Gonzales MF. Atypical and malignant meningiomas: Importance of micronecrosis as a prognostic indicator. Histopathology. 1993;23:349-353

Minami Y, Staples MP, Giles GG. The incidence of colon, breast and prostate cancer in Italian migrants to Victoria, Australia. Eur J Cancer. 1993;29A:1735-1740

Mitchell H, Giles G, Medley G. Accuracy and survival benefit of cytological prediction of endometrial carcinoma on routine cervical smears. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 1993;12:34-40

Preston-Martin S, Staples M, Farrugia H, Giles G. Primary tumors of the brain, cranial nerves and cranial meninges in Victoria, Australia, 1982-1990: Patterns of incidence and survival. Neuroepidemiology. 1993;12:270-279

Elliott P, Hills M, Beresford J, Kleinschmidt I, Jolley D, Pattenden S, Rodrigues L, Westlake A, Rose G. Incidence of cancers of the larynx and lung near incinerators of waste solvents and oils in Great Britain. Lancet. 1992;339:854-858

Giles GG. Cancer epidemiology in Australia: Priorities for the 1990s and beyond. Med J Aust. 1992;156:587-590

Giles G, Farrugia H, Silver B. Cancer registration in Victoria, Australia, 1982-1987. Eur J Cancer. 1991;27:659-662

Giles GG. The descriptive epidemiology of cancer in Australia. Cancer Forum. 1991:3-9

Giles GG. The development of cancer epidemiology in Australia. Cancer Forum. 1991:33-35

Giles GG, Hill DJ, Silver B. The lung cancer epidemic in Australia, 1910 to 1989. Aust J Public Health. 1991;15:245-247

Mitchell H, Hirst S, Cockburn J, Reading DJ, Staples MP, Medley G. Cervical cancer screening: A comparison of recruitment strategies among older women. Med J Aust. 1991;155:79-82

Williams J, Clifford C, Hopper J, Giles G. Socioeconomic status and cancer mortality and incidence in Melbourne. Eur J Cancer. 1991;27:917-921

Mitchell H, Medley G, Giles G. Cervical cancers diagnosed after negative results on cervical cytology: Perspective in the 1980s. BMJ. 1990;300:1622-1626

Other Conditions

Jenkins MA, Hopper JL, Bowes G, Carlin JB, Flander LB, Giles GG. Factors in childhood as predictors of asthma in adult life. BMJ. 1994;309:90-93

Mitchell RJ, Earl L, Bisucci T, Gasiamis H, Williams J. DNA polymorphisms of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene in Italian and Greek migrants to Australia. Hum Hered. 1994;44:77-84

Mitchell RJ, Earl L, Bray P, Fripp YJ, Williams J. DNA polymorphisms at the lipoprotein lipase gene and their association with quantitative variation in plasma high-density lipoproteins and triacylglycerides. Hum Biol. 1994;66:383-397

Mitchell RJ, Earl L, Williams J, Bisucci T, Gasiamis H. Polymorphisms of the gene coding for the cholesteryl ester transfer protein and plasma lipid levels in Italian and Greek migrants to Australia. Hum Biol. 1994;66:13-25

Jenkins MA, Hopper JL, Flander LB, Carlin JB, Giles GG. The associations between childhood asthma and atopy, and parental asthma, hay fever and smoking. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 1993;7:67-76

Mitchell RJ, Earl L, Williams JW. Two Y-chromosome-specific restriction fragment length polymorphisms (DYS11 and DYZ8) in Italian and Greek migrants to Australia. Hum Biol. 1993;65:387-399

Hurley SF, McNeil JJ, Jolley DJ, Harvey R. Linking prescription and patient-identifying data: A pilot study. Med J Aust. 1992;156:383-386

Ireland P, O'Dea K, Nankervis A. Short-term effects of alterations in dietary fat on metabolic control in IDDM. Diabetes Care. 1992;15:1499-1504

Ireland P, O'Dea K, Nankervis A. How important is a high charbohydrate, high fiber diet in the management of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus? Diab Nutr Metab. 1992;5:113-120

Mitchell RJ, Earl L, Howard J, Williams JW. Restriction fragment length polymorphism at the calca locus identified by the probe pEMBL36 in immigrant populations of Australia. Gene Geogr. 1992;6:47-51

Williams JW, Mitchell RJ. Ethnicity and blood group polymorphisms in the population of Melbourne, Australia. Gene Geogr. 1992;6:167-173

Clifford CA, Jolley DJ, Giles GG. Where people die in Victoria. Med J Aust. 1991;155:446-451, 456

Hurley SF, Williams SL, McNeil JJ. Trends in prescribing of antihypertensive drugs in Australia, 1977-1987. Med J Aust. 1990;152:259-260, 263-256

Jenkins MA, Hurley SF, Bowes G, McNeil JJ. Use of antiasthmatic drugs in Australia. Med J Aust. 1990;153:323-328

Reddihough D, Johnson H, Staples M, Hudson I, Exarchos H. Use of benzhexol hydrochloride to control drooling of children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1990;32:985-989

Stewart AJ, Wahlqvist ML, Stewart BJ, Oliphant RC, Ireland PD. Fatty acid pattern outcomes of a nutritional program for overweight and hyperlipidemic Australian men. J Am Coll Nutr. 1990;9:107-113

Scientific Methods

Ireland P, Jolley D, Giles G, O'Dea K, Powles J, Rutishauser I, Wahlqvist M, Williams J. Development of the Melbourne FFQ: A food frequency questionnaire for use in an Australian prospective study involving an ethnically diverse cohort. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr. 1994;3:19-31

Jolley D. The glitter of the t table. Lancet. 1993;342:27-29

Giles GG. Health 2000: A twenty year prospective study of diet, lifestyle and health. Today's Life Science. 1992:23-26

Jolley D, Giles GG. Visualizing age-period-cohort trend surfaces: A synoptic approach. Int J Epidemiol. 1992;21:178-182

Giles GG. The Melbourne study of diet and cancer. Proc Nutr Soc Aust. 1990:61-68

Hopper JL, Carlin JB, Macaskill GT, Derrick PL, Flander LB, Giles GG. Incorporation of twins in the regressive logistic model for pedigree disease data. Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma). 1990;39:173-180

Hurley S. A review of cost-effectiveness analyses. Med J Aust. 1990;153 Suppl:S20-23

Hurley SF. Screening: The need for a population register. Med J Aust. 1990;153:310-311

Ireland P, Jolley D, Giles GG. Nutrient computation: An epidemiological approach. Proc Nutr Soc Aust. 1990:217