Golf charity days

Register your local golf club to hold a Drive Against Cancer charity day and help us fight cancer!

Every dollar raised on the day will help Cancer Council fund important cancer research, prevention programs and support services for all Victorians facing cancer.

It's easy to get your club involved. Simply follow these simple steps:

  1. Use a competition day in your golf calendar OR schedule a new event
  2. Complete the registration form and return it to Cancer Council Victoria
  3. Advertise your charity day
  4. Fundraise with a small entry fee
  5. Go the extra mile - hold a raffle or have extra games
  6. Return your funds raised to Cancer Council Victoria, Level 8, 200 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002

To help raise funds, why not advertise the event in your local newspaper and charge an entry fee, hold a raffle or organise games?

PDF iconGolf charity day registration form (49kb)

Share your photos from your charity sports day!

Email or mail to: 

Drive Against Cancer
Cancer Council Victoria
Level 8, 200 Victoria Parade,
East Melbourne,
Victoria, 3002