Nurse Cervical Screening Provider Certification

Nurses who have completed a cervical screening course are eligible and encouraged to apply for Certification. Originally known as Credentialling, the program was introduced to provide a mechanism to ensure the quality of nurse-provided cervical screening services and recognise the individual expertise of a nurse. It also allows nurses to demonstrate accountability and responsibility for their practice.


There are two cervical screening training providers that are endorsed by Cancer Council Victoria. Each of the courses vary in cost and delivery mode. Please contact the course providers directly for more information.

Victorian cervical screening training providers:

How to apply

Certification criteria

To meet the requirements and standards for Nurse Cervical Screening Provider Certification in Victoria, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a current registration as a Registered Nurse
  2. Hold qualifications from a Cancer Council Victoria endorsed training course or equivalent training interstate or overseas
  3. Be employed to provide cervical screening in Victoria

To certify as a nurse cervical screening provider, please complete the application form

Register now

Certification requirements

After successful Certification, nurses will be provided with an ongoing certificate. Your information will be automatically passed on to VCS Pathology who will issue you with a ‘practice number’ so you can practise under your own name.

Nurses who do not use VCS Pathology are no longer required to use the data collection worksheet to record every Cervical Screening Test. This worksheet is still available to all nurses to use for record keeping purposes. Download the worksheet.

Certified nurses are no longer required to 're-credential'. You will be required to update your details online on an annual basis.

All nurses need to ask a patient's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, country of birth and language spoken at home every time they perform a Cervical Screening Test.

Change of employer, additional practice location or removal of practice location

Please update your details if you:

  • have changed employers
  • are working for an additional employer
  • have added a new work location under your current employer, or
  • are no longer working at a particular practice.

Update my details


You are required to deactivate your certification status if you:

  • are no longer practicing as a Nurse Cervical Screening Provider
  • move interstate/overseas
  • are going on indefinite leave.

Deactivate now


If you have previously been Credentialed or Certified and wish to reactivate, please reactivate below.

Reactivate now


For more information

For more information please contact us at or 1800 111 255

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