Brain tumours


Page last updated: June 2024

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What is a brain tumour?

A brain or spinal cord tumour starts when abnormal cells grow and form a mass or lump. The tumour may be benign or malignant, but both types can be serious and may need urgent treatment.

Brain and spinal cord tumours are also called central nervous system or CNS tumours.

How are brain tumours classified?

Brain tumours are often classified as benign or malignant. What it means to have a benign or malignant brain tumour is usually different to what it may mean to have one in another part of the body.

Benign tumours

Malignant tumours

Primary cancer

Secondary cancer

Get support

Having a brain tumour is stressful and upsetting. Experienced counsellors, psychologists or psychiatrists can offer coping strategies and ways to manage any mood swings or behavioural changes.

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The brain and spinal cord

The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS). This CNS controls how the mind and body works.

  • The brain – receives and interprets information carried to it by nerves from the sensory organs that control taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing. It also sends messages through nerves to the muscles and organs. The brain controls arm and leg movement and sensations, memory and other thinking skills, personality and behaviour, and balance and coordination. The main parts of the brain are the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem.
  • Spinal cord – extends from the brain stem to the lower back. It is made up of nerve tissue that connects the brain to all parts of the body through a network of nerves called the peripheral nervous system. The spinal cord lies in the spinal canal, protected by a series of bones (vertebrae) called the spinal column.
  • Meninges – thin layers of protective tissue (membranes) that cover both the brain and spinal cord.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) – found inside the skull and spinal column, CSF surrounds the brain and spinal cord and protects them from injury.
  • Pituitary gland – found at the base of the brain, the pituitary gland is about the size of a pea. It makes chemical messengers (hormones) and releases them into the blood. These hormones control many body functions, including growth, fertility, metabolism and development.

The parts of the brain and their functions

Your guide to best cancer care

A lot can happen in a hurry when you’re diagnosed with cancer. The guide to best cancer care for brain tumours (high grade glioma) can help you make sense of what should happen.

It will help you with what questions to ask your health professionals to make sure you receive the best care at every step.

Read the guide

Types of brain tumours

The brain is made up of different tissues and cells, which can develop into different types of tumours. There are more than 40 types of primary brain and spinal cord tumours. They can start in any part of the brain or spinal cord.

Tumours are grouped together based on the type of cell they start in and how the cells are likely to behave (based on their genetic make-up). 

Glioma tumours

Non-glioma tumours

How common are brain tumours?

Every year an estimated 1900 malignant brain tumours are diagnosed in Australia. They are more common in men than women.

Malignant brain tumours can affect people of any age. About 110 children (aged 0–14) are diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour each year.

Benign brain and spinal cord tumours are more common than malignant tumours. The risk of being diagnosed with a brain tumour increases with age.

More about brain tumour statistics and trends

Risk factors

The cause of most brain and spinal cord tumours is unknown. As we get older the risk of developing many cancers, including brain cancer, increases. Other things known to increase a person’s risk include:

  • Family history – it’s rare for brain tumours to run in families, though some people inherit a gene change from their parent that increases their risk. For example, a genetic condition called neurofibromatosis can lead to mostly benign tumours of the brain and spinal cord. Having a parent, sibling or child with a primary brain tumour may sometimes mean an increase in risk.
  • Radiation therapy – people who have had radiation therapy to the head, particularly for childhood leukaemia, may have a slightly higher risk of brain tumours, such as meningioma, many years later.
  • Chemical exposure – a chemical called vinyl chloride, some pesticides, and working in rubber manufacturing and petroleum refining have been linked with brain tumours.
  • Overweight and obesity – a small number of meningioma brain tumours are thought to be linked to high body weight or obesity.

Mobile phones and microwave ovens

Research has not shown that mobile phone use causes brain cancer, but studies continue into any long-term effects. If you are worried, use a hands-free headset, limit time on your phone, or use messaging.

There is no evidence that microwave ovens in good condition release electromagnetic radiation at levels that are harmful to people.

Brain tumours in children

Brain tumours in children often form in different parts of the brain to adults, and may have different treatments and outlook.

Children are more likely to develop gliomas and medulloblastomas – and tumours in the lower or back part of the brain, which control sleep/wake functions, movement and coordination.

In general, children diagnosed with a malignant tumour will have a better outlook than adults. In many children, treatment will cause signs of the cancer to improve.

Because a child’s nervous system is still developing, some children may have physical, behavioural or learning difficulties due to the tumour and/or treatment. These might not show up for several years.

Treatment and support


Symptoms you may experience depend on where the tumour is, its size and how slowly or quickly it is growing. Symptoms can develop suddenly (in days or weeks) or over time (months or years).

Many symptoms are the same as other conditions, but see your doctor about any new, persistent or worsening symptoms.

Brain tumours can increase pressure inside the skull (intracranial pressure). Pressure can build up because the tumour is taking up too much space, is causing brain swelling or is blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain.

This increased pressure can lead to symptoms such as:

  • headaches – often worse when you wake up
  • nausea and vomiting – often worse in the morning or after changing position (e.g. moving from sitting to standing)
  • confusion and irritability
  • blurred or double vision
  • seizures (fits) – some jerking or twitching of your hands, arms or legs, or affect the whole body
  • weakness in parts of the body
  • poor coordination
  • drowsiness or loss of consciousness
  • difficulty speaking or finding the right words.

Common tumour symptoms

The symptoms you experience will depend on where the tumour is in the brain or spinal cord.

Frontal lobe

Temporal lobe

Pituitary gland (found deep inside the brain)

Brain stem

Parietal lobe

Occipital lobe and meninges


Spinal cord

Nerve and other tumours

Health professionals you'll see

Your general practitioner (GP) or another doctor will arrange the first tests to assess your symptoms.

If these tests do not rule out a tumour, you will usually be referred to a specialist, such as a neurosurgeon or neurologist, who will examine you and arrange further tests.

Often these will be discussed with other health professionals at what is known as a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting. 

During and after treatment you will see a range of health professionals, which may include a medical oncologist, neuropathologist, rehabilitation specialist and exercise physiologist, who specialise in different aspects of your care. 

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Understanding Brain Tumours

Download our Understanding Brain Tumours booklet to learn more.

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