Understanding cancer pain

Managing pain with medicines

Page last updated: September 2024

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Medicines used to control mild cancer pain include paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are often available over the counter from pharmacies without a prescription.

These types of drugs can help relieve certain types of pain, such as bone pain, muscle pain, and pain in the skin or in the lining of the mouth.

NSAIDs can reduce inflammation or swelling, and be used with stronger pain medicines such as opioids, to help relieve moderate to severe pain.

“I was impressed the anaesthetist rang me in hospital the day after surgery to see how I was going and to check if the pain medicines were okay.” Beth


Paracetamol is a common drug that is known by various brand names such as Panadol and Panamax. You can have these medicines in tablets, capsules, soluble powders, liquids or suppositories.

An adult should take no more than 4 g of paracetamol in 24 hours (usually eight tablets), unless your doctor says it’s safe to do so. For some people, a lower dose of paracetamol is recommended due to low body weight or liver problems.

The maximum dose for children depends on their age and weight, so check with the doctor, nurse or pharmacist. If taken within the recommended dose, paracetamol is unlikely to cause side effects.

Some stronger pain medicines contain paracetamol along with another drug, and count towards your daily total intake. Taking too much of one type of medicine may lead to an overdose.

If you are unsure whether a medicine contains paracetamol, check with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist. In some cases, your doctor will recommend you take paracetamol with other stronger pain medicines, such as oxycodone, to help them work better.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a group of medicines that include ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib, diclofenac and aspirin.

They are known by various brand names, such as Advil and Nurofen. You can have these medicines as tablets or sometimes as injections.

Less commonly, NSAIDs are given as a suppository. Do not take more than one NSAID medicine at the same time – if you’re unsure, check with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist. 

To find out more about your pain medicine and possible side effects, read the Consumer Medicine Information included in the box of medicine or ask your pharmacist for a copy.

Side effects of NSAIDs 


Opioids are medicines made from the opium poppy or created in a laboratory. They block pain messages between the brain and spinal cord and the body. Opioids can be used to reduce some types of pain, such as acute pain and chronic cancer pain.

There are different types of opioids and they come in varying strengths. The type you have depends on:

  • what kind of pain you have
  • how much pain you are in
  • whether you can take oral (by mouth) medicines
  • other factors such as how well your kidney and liver work.

You can only have these drugs by prescription from your doctor. Codeine is an opioid that used to be commonly used for mild to moderate cancer pain. It is now only available by prescription and not often used.

Sometimes using opioids can cause more pain. This is called opioid-induced hyperalgesia. It happens because taking opioids for a long time makes specific nerves and the brain more sensitive to pain.

Working out the dose 

Opioids commonly used for pain 

Side effects of opioids

Signs of withdrawal


Common questions about opioids

Most people have questions about taking opioid medicines. Your doctor, nurse practitioner or nurse can discuss any concerns you have. Common questions include:

Will I become addicted to opioids?

Will I need to have injections?

If I start opioids now, will they still work well later? 

If I’m given opioids, does that mean the cancer is advanced?

What if I get breakthrough pain?

Will my body get used to the opioids? 

Can I drive while using opioids? 

Can I stop taking opioids at any time?

“I developed peripheral neuropathy after chemotherapy for breast cancer. The pain from the pins and needles in my hands made it hard to work. The oncologist prescribed an antidepressant to manage the pain, and this worked well. I was able to keep working, which was good for my mental health and wallet.” Tanya

Other medicines

To help manage pain, your doctor may prescribe medicines that are normally used for other conditions, such as antidepressant, anticonvulsant or steroid medicines.

These can work well for some types of chronic pain, particularly pain caused by nerve damage.

These medicines can be used on their own or with opioids at any stage of the cancer diagnosis and treatment. When prescribed with opioids, these drugs are known as adjuvant drugs or adjuvant analgesics.

They can increase the effect of the pain medicine and are usually given as a tablet that you swallow. Some drugs don’t work right away, so it may take a few days or weeks before they provide relief. In the meantime, opioids are used to control the pain.

If you are taking an adjuvant drug, it may be possible for your doctor to reduce the dose of the opioids. This may mean that you experience fewer side effects without losing control of the pain. Your doctor will talk to you about any potential side effects.

Medicinal use of cannabis


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