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Dr Craig Pickett

Senior Research Officer

MExSci MEpi Ph.D

Craig currently works as an epidemiologist at Cancer Council Victoria, and holds a Master of Epidemiology, from the University of Melbourne. Prior to this Craig gained a Master and PhD in Exercise Science at Edith Cowan University, examining strength training methods in elite athletes.

Craig's work at CCV is as a researcher within the Diet & Cancer Pooling Project (DCPP). This international collaboration involves a number of research institutes and aims to determine PAFs for modifiable lifestyle factors in specific cancers. Further, he is examining the influence of family history and genetic susceptibility on cancer outcomes within the same pooling project.

Previously Craig has worked at Monash University as a data analyst within the Surgical Registry program, at the School of Public Health, and currently consults to the Health & Social Care Unit, within the same School. Before becoming interested in epidemiology and biostatistics, Craig was an Olympic-level Strength & Conditioning coach, and a National Team Head Coach in Sprint Canoeing. Craig has previously lectured in Applied Statistics, at Victoria University, both in Sports Science and Biomedicine, and currently teaches within the MSPGM at the University of Melbourne in areas including Regression Modelling, Survival Analysis and Epidemiology.