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Health groups welcome new e-cigarette laws for Victoria

Saturday 21 May 2016
Leading Victorian health groups have welcomed the Victorian Government’s move to tighten controls around electronic cigarettes, including banning sales to minors and preventing their use in smokefree areas.

36,000 Victorian women join Australia's largest ever clinical trial

Friday 20 May 2016
Now calling on women 25 to 36 years to trial new test this International Clinical Trials Day.

Gina Liano's new starring role to encourage women over 50 to continue cervical screening

Tuesday 17 May 2016
A new campaign launched today by PapScreen Victoria with Gina Liano, is working to correct the myths around cervical cancer and screening for mature women.

Breaking bad habits the focus of new Quit campaign

Tuesday 17 May 2016
The psychology of quitting is at the centre of a new Quit Victoria campaign designed to give smokers the strategies and tools to help them quit.

Just 5% of Victorians getting enough fruit and veg

Tuesday 10 May 2016
Only 5.1% of Victorians are eating enough fruit and vegetables each day, even though increasing the proportion of Australians consuming the recommended intake of fruit, vegetables and fibre could prevent up to 4% of all cancers.

Cancer Council Victoria welcomes new stronger Health Complaints Commissioner and new Code of Conduct for practitioners

Wednesday 4 May 2016
Victorians will be better protected against unethical unregistered health service providers under new powers granted to the Health Complaints Commissioner, thanks to the Health Complaints Act 2016.

Brain Cancer Action Week May 1-7

Monday 2 May 2016
There’s a glimmer of hope around brain cancer after the release of new statistics showing a slight downward trend in incidence and mortality rates for CNS tumours, in both men and women.

State Budget focus on cancer research in Victoria

Wednesday 27 April 2016
Cancer Council Victoria has welcomed the investment in clinical research and health infrastructure outlined in today’s State Budget.

Sugary drinks tax could save 1,600+ lives: study

Thursday 14 April 2016
A 20 per cent tax on sugary drinks in Australia could save more than 1,600 lives and raise $400 million per year for much-needed obesity prevention initiatives, new research co-authored by the Obesity Policy Coalition has revealed.

Investments in worker health benefits business bottom-line

Friday 8 April 2016

Victorian organisations are being urged to help tackle obesity by promoting good health in the workplace.

Healthy appetite for new KJ menu labelling laws

Thursday 7 April 2016
Victorian consumers will soon have the power to make a more informed choice about the food they're ordering at the fast food counter thanks to new mandatory kilojoule labelling laws announced today by the Victorian Government, according to Todd Harper, CEO of Cancer Council Victoria.

Coalition of health groups want smokefree outdoor dining and drinking in Victoria

Tuesday 5 April 2016
Victoria’s largest health, medical and community organisations have joined forces to urge state MPs to support comprehensive smokefree laws that cover both outdoor dining and drinking areas.

Aboriginal Quitline unveils new logo

Thursday 17 March 2016
Aboriginal Quitline is thrilled to unveil its new logo proudly featuring elements from artwork by Aboriginal artist, Dixon Patten Jnr, a Yorta Yorta and Gunai man.

High praise from leading health experts for UK's sweet tax on sugary drinks

Thursday 17 March 2016
The Rethink Sugary Drink alliance has commended the UK government for committing to introduce a tax on sugary drinks; and urge the Australian Government to investigate the effectiveness of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and to follow the UK's lead.

More work needed to close the Aboriginal health gap on cancer

Thursday 17 March 2016
Aboriginal people in Victoria have a higher chance of dying from cancer than other Victorians, Cancer Council Victoria data shows, highlighting the need for ongoing efforts to reduce this unfair burden on the community.
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