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Cancer Council understands that Australians undergoing cancer treatment, cancer survivors and their families and friends may have questions in relation to the recent outbreak of COVID-19.
We have decided to cancel Relay For Life events in September because of coronavirus concerns for at-risk people.
On International HPV Awareness Day, Cancer Council Victoria is urging all 12- and 13-year olds across Victoria to be immunised against cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV), as research shows not all eligible teens are taking advantage of the free immunisation program.
A revolutionary new method to monitor how products that increase the risk of cancer are marketed to children, is one of five research projects newly funded under Cancer Council Victoria’s $2.3million Venture Grants program.
A new Cancer Council Victoria study has found that when unhealthy food and drink brands sponsor kids’ sport programs parents are more likely to recognise, choose and view these brands in a positive light.
New research into ovarian cancer treatments will change outcomes for many women diagnosed each year with ovarian cancer.
Victorians are being encouraged to get on board for Australia’s biggest stand-up paddle boarding event, raising funds for Cancer Council Victoria.
A new study, published in PLOS One today, has revealed that socio-economically disadvantaged people have lower cancer survival than more advantaged people, despite overall improvements in cancer survival due to earlier diagnosis and better treatment.
Cancer Council Victoria has paid tribute to the enormous public health legacy of the former premier of Victoria, the Honourable John Cain.
Sustained weight loss, even small amounts, can lower women’s breast cancer risk, a new study has today revealed.
More children are dying from brain cancer than leukaemia, despite leukaemia diagnoses being double that of brain cancer, a new report on the latest cancer trends by Cancer Council Victoria has revealed
A new study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology today, reveals that being more active reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Large tax increases on tobacco since 2010 helped reduce smoking prevalence in Australia, a study published today in The Lancet Public Health has found.
Melbourne’s first night-time half marathon and fundraising event, Walking Stars, is returning to the city.
Aboriginal communities
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Cancer information
What is cancer?
Where cancer starts, how it spreads, common risk factors and symptoms.
Types of cancer
Explore our A-Z list of cancer types, with information on diagnosis and treatment.
Rare and less common cancers
A cancer is rare or less common when it only affects a small number of people.
Cancer information and support services for Victorian Aboriginal communities.
LGBTQI+ communities
Cancer information and support services for LGBTQI+ communities.
Easy English resources
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Contact cancer support
Cancer counselling services
Free, short term phone counselling services to help you work through any cancer related concerns.
My Cancer Guide
A guide to support services available to Victorians affected by cancer.
Facing end of life
Information on dealing with, planning for and looking after somone at the end of life.
Caring for someone with cancer
Caring can be rewarding but also challenging, both physically and emotionally.
Cancer stories and news
News from Cancer Council Victoria and stories of those affected by cancer.
About our research
Our research impact
Clinical Trials
Find out how we help patients access clinical trials.
McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer
Find out how we use the law to prevent cancer and to protect people affected by it.
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