Non-government: Health

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Asthma Foundation of Victoria
Provides advice, counselling, education and training for people with asthma, their carers, health professionals, first aiders and the community for over 40 years.

Beyond Blue: the national depression initiative
Improving the capacity of the broader Australian community to prevent depression and respond effectively.

Community Indicators Victoria
A collaborative project hosted by the School of Population Health, University of Melbourne. Uses local community wellbeing indicators to improve citizen engagement, community planning and policy making.

Diabetes Australia - Victoria
Consumer body representing people with diabetes and providing vital support and information.

Health Play
Theatre productions written by Alan Hopgood on otherwise challenging health issues such as prostate cancer, diabetes, widowhood, geriatric sex and palliative care.

Kidney Health Australia
Not-for-profit group promoting kidney and urinary tract health through research, consumer participation, education and health services.

National Heart Foundation
Reducing the effects of the number of people living with, or dying from heart, stroke and blood vessel disease.

National Stroke Foundation
A not-for-profit working with the public, government, health professionals, patients, carers and stroke survivors to reduce the impact of stroke.