Government: Health

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Australian and New Zealand Obesity Society
A scientific organisation of medical practitioners, dietitians, scientists and other health care professionals interested in obesity research, treatment and prevention initiatives.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Regulates national infrastructure services and ensures compliance with Commonwealth competition, fair trading and consumer protection laws.

Better Health Channel 
A consumer health information site. Provides free health and medical information in an easy-to-understand format and language. Run by the Victorian Department of Human Services. 

Building a healthy, active Australia
Looks at healthy eating, physical activity and obesity. Run by the Australian government's Department of Health and Ageing.

Business Victoria's Illness Management Plan
Critical or life-threatening illnesses don't only happen in old age, they can happen any time. This information is for business owners who have a life-changing illness, as well as those who just want to know about the effects of serious illnesses on a business. The aim is to help you make the right choices and direct you to the support services available.

Cancer Australia
A national government agency. Works in partnership with consumers, health professionals, cancer organisations, researchers and governments, to improve cancer outcomes. See also Cancer Learning.

Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing
Better health and active ageing for all Australians.

Commonwealth Department of Human Services
Working to improve government social and health-related services to all Australians.

Dental Health Services Victoria
State's leading public oral health agency, promoting oral health, purchasing services and providing care to Victorians.

The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) is a statutory authority with an independent chair and board of governance. It works in partnership with organisations, communities and individuals to promote good health and prevent ill-health.