Intellectual property

Except where stated otherwise, all intellectual property rights in this website, including but not limited to all design, text and images, are owned or licensed by Cancer Council Victoria or its member organisations, and must not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, displayed, performed, distributed, rented, sub-licensed, altered, stored for subsequent use or otherwise used in whole or in part in any manner without Cancer Council Victoria’s prior written consent.

Subject to these conditions of use, Cancer Council Victoria grants:

  1. educational institutions a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to use the content and material in this website for educational purposes; and
  2. users of this website a non-exclusive and non-transferable limited licence to use the content and material in this website for personal and non-commercial purposes including to view, download and use information directly accessible through the site for the purposes of informing themselves or enabling them to provide information to Cancer Council Victoria.

Content or material from this website may only be reproduced for personal or educational use in accordance with clause 2 provided that:

  • the content is used once only, in a non-commercial educational setting (one written report, one oral report, or one day of educational display is allowed by a single nurse, GP, allied health professional teacher or student for a single presentation);
  • an acknowledgment to Cancer Council Victoria is prominently displayed on any documents or materials in which the content or material in this website is reproduced;
  • no fees are charged for your presentation using the content; and
  • content is not altered, reused, further reproduced, or distributed.

Content is not to be reproduced for use on a web page or with any online service or application without written permission.

Requests to use logo

To maximise opportunities for fair and balanced representation and minimise risk of adverse representation of our brand, the Cancer Council Victoria logo will only be provided in limited circumstances to:

  • registered event participants
  • approved fundraisers
  • approved corporate partners
  • allied programs
  • approved research organisations
  • Cancer Council external-funded projects

Cancer Council Victoria's logo may not be used without our written permission. You must also provide your promotional material to the Cancer Council for approval before releasing it to the public.

Follow these links for more details on fundraising and corporate partnership programs or contact