Recruitment and research studies

Recruitment and research studies

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Cancer in Victoria 2023

The Victorian Cancer Registry Annual Report detailed statistical analysis of trends in cancer presentation, incidence, survival, and mortality. Read more

All annual statistic & trends reports

We analyse and publish reports about specific tumours and cancer trends.

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Accessing and requesting data

Find out how we can provide data and to whom.

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Submitting data

Learn about submitting data to the Victorian Cancer Registry. Read more

Our services

Learn about the Victorian Cancer Registry, what it does and who it helps.

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Recruitment studies

At the Victorian Cancer Registry, we believe that supporting research will foster improvements and innovations in cancer prevention, clinical practice and cancer service delivery. Over the past 20 years we have been working with researchers in Victoria and around the world to recruit people with cancer and their support team to research projects.

We work with researchers to provide support for grant applications, build study protocols and advise on the best recruitment method for a target group. We also provide resources for a variety of recruitment methods including mail, phone and web-based approaches.

Benefits of recruiting through VCR

Our team selects potential participants from the Victorian Cancer Registry database and invites doctors, patients or their relatives to participate in research studies.

Australia Map

Population based registry

Right choice

20 years recruitment experience


43% consent rate

If you are a researcher and would like to get in touch with us to see how we could assist you to recruit patients into your project, please complete and submit the Recruitment enquiry form. Alternatively, you can contact us on

If you are looking to access VCR data for people that are already participating in a research study, please access Data Requests on our website.

Recruitment enquiry form

Current studies

AMR Recruitment and Incidence data collection

Project name:
Australian Mesothelioma Registry (AMR)
Recruitment commenced: August 2011
Funded by: Safe Work Australia
Status: Ongoing

Project aim: To provide national data to better understand the relationship between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma

Further information:
AMR Information Line (toll-free): 1800 378 861
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time).
Excludes Public Holidays

OR email

OR Postal address (no stamp required): Australian Mesothelioma Registry Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Reply Paid 570 CANBERRA ACT 2601

ImpACT Study

Project name: IMProving Access to Clinical Trials (ImpACT)
Recruitment commenced: September 2022
Principal investigator: Prof Sue Evans, VCR Director
Status: Ongoing

Project aim: This project will assess the ability of a Rapid Case Ascertainment tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to select pathology reports, to be used to support clinical trials in Victoria. This module is expected to improve the recruitment of patients into clinical trials by (1) increasing the number of patients recruited and (2) improving the timeliness of recruitment.

Further information:
Maria Bechelli at


Project name: Extending the Cancer Registry role into the familial cancer testing process Study (EMBED)
Recruitment commenced: March 2023
Principal investigator: A/Prof Alison Trainer
Status: Ongoing

Project aim: To maximise and promote equity of access to the cancer treatment and prevention benefits afforded by germline familial cancer tests. This will be achieved by developing 1) a structured pathway to optimise testing of all patients whose rare cancer type and age of diagnosis are suggestive of an underlying genetic PV, and 2) a central Victorian test directory to counter the negative impact that increasing decentralisation of testing has on an FCS’s ability to provide accurate test-informed risk assessments for healthy relatives

Further information:
Maria Bechelli at

See previous studies

Recruitment enquiry

If you would like to know more about our Recruitment Services, please fill the form below and click submit. We will contact you within two business days to organise a call to discuss further.

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