Data request fields

Data elements Description for data request form Available for
Aboriginality Aboriginal status - whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) origin. This field has been populated using VCR data  augmented / amended by data from the linked VCR-VAED / VEMD / VDI file (CVDL) for persons with tumours diagnosed from 2008 onwards. All tumours
Address at diagnosis Residential address at the time of cancer diagnosis (building name, street, suburb, postcode, state, country) All tumours
Address on most recent notification Residential address listed on the most recent notification (building name, street, suburb, postcode, state, country) All tumours
Age at death The age of the person in (completed) years at date of death All who died
Age at diagnosis (year of birth only) Derived from Date of birth All tumours
Age at diagnosis The age of the person in (completed) years at date of diagnosis derived from dates of birth and diagnosis All tumours
Age group at diagnosis (5-year) 5-year age groups from 0-4 to 85+ All tumours
Age group at diagnosis (10-year) 10-year age groups form 0-9 to 80+ All tumours
Basis of diagnosis The basis of diagnosis of a cancer is the microscopic or non-microscopic or death certificate source of the diagnosis. The most valid basis of diagnosis is that accepted by the cancer registry as the most reliable diagnostic source of the death certificate, non-microscopic, and microscopic sources available.  All tumours
Behaviour Tumour behaviour – the behaviour of a tumour is a description of the course of development that a tumour is likely to take. This data element forms part of the microscopic description of tumour
morphology on a pathology report Behaviour is the 5th digit of ICDO-3 morphology
All tumours
Birth region Grouping of indivual countries of birth. This field has been populated using VCR data  augmented / amended by data from the linked VCR-VAED / VEMD / VDI file (CVDL) for persons with tumours diagnosed from 2008 using agreed business rules.

Individual country of birth grouping is available, however, birth region is more reliable as it is augmented/amended with linked data. Country of birth is not updated so there will be incnsistencies between this field and country of  birth.
1982-latest published incidence year (but only using linked data from 2008)
'Cause of death flag - Ca vs Non-Ca' derived variable from COD Identifies if the cause of death coded by VCR from Victorian Births, Deaths & Marriages (BDM) Death Certificates is cancer related, non-cancer related or unknown. Interstate deaths from the National Death Index (NDI) linked in once a year by AIHW, with up to two year lag.  
Childhood cancer subgroups Grouping of malignant tumours in children aged under 15 years - groups defined by the Internaltional Classification of Childhood Cancer (ICCC) Malignant tumours in Children aged under 15 years
Country of birth SACC country of birth code as reported on the hospital notifications. Originates from hosptital notifications. Since the VCR only receives part of all patients hospitalisations this field might not be complete/accurate.

The VCR has been using linked administrative data to create Region of Birth using all patient records from the VRC/VAED/VEMD/VDI linked by CVDL. If possible, this field should be used instead of individual country of birth.

See also Birth Region (CVDL) - country of birth is NOT updated as a result of the likage to DHHS admin datasets as only Birth region s supplied. Birth region conrtains more accurate and complete data than Country of Birth (but obviously also less granularity)
Date of birth Date of birth All tumours
Date of death Date of death as listed on the death certificate All deceased
Date of diagnosis The date when the cancer was first diagnosed (whether at its primary site or as a metastasis) All tumours
Date of hospital admission Date of hospital admission All tumours
Doctor address Treating doctor address. Note that not all notifications have GP details completed. All tumours
Doctor medicare provider number Treating doctor Provider number. Note that not all notifications have GP details completed. All tumours
Doctor name Treating doctor full name(s). Note that not all notifications have Doctor details have been completed. All tumours
ER conclusion Oestrogen receptor status - conclusion. The results of oestrogen receptor assay at the time of diagnosis of the primary breast tumour. Hormone receptor status is an important prognostic indicator for breast cancer Invasive breast cancer (C50), females with date of diagnosis from 01/01/1998
Gleason score 1 Gleason score 1 - The first Gleason grade or pattern of two as stated on a pathology report for prostate cancer Invasive prostate cancer (C61) with date of diagnosis from 01/01/1998

Note that Gleason scores are available for each source record as well as for the consolidated tumour record – see coding rules below for details of which Gleason score is written to the consolidated record where there are multiple source records
Gleason score 2 Gleason score 2 - The second Gleason grade or pattern of two as stated on a pathology report for prostate cancer Invasive prostate cancer (C61) with date of diagnosis from 01/01/1998

Note that Gleason scores are available for each source record as well as for the consolidated tumour record – see coding rules below for details of which Gleason score is written to the consolidated record where there are multiple source records
Gleason score total Gleason score total - The sum of the two reported Gleason grade or patterns as stated on a pathology report for prostate cancer Invasive prostate cancer (C61) with date of diagnosis from 01/01/1998

Note that Gleason scores are available for each source record as well as for the consolidated tumour record – see coding rules below for details of which Gleason score is written to the consolidated record where there are multiple source records
GP address GP/LMO address. Note that not all notifications have GP details completed. All tumours
GP name GP/LMO full name. Note that not all notifications have GP details completed. All tumours
Grade Histological grade - For solid tumours, the grade data element is the description of a tumour based on how abnormal the tumour cells look as seen under a microscope. Grading systems differ depending on the type of cancer, based on tumour type a 2-tier, 3 tier or 4 tier system is used. For leukaemias and lymphomas, the value in the grade data element denotes the cell lineage. All tumours
Greater Melbourne flag (ASGS2011) Diagnosis address: Melbourne/Regional ABS ASGS 2011 1982-latest published incidence year
Greater Melbourne flag (ASGS2016) Diagnosis address: Melbourne/Regional ABS ASGS 2016 1982-latest published incidence year
Haematological cancer groups Major groups of haematopoietic neoplasms based on the WHO classification and endorsed by Australasian Association of Cancer Registries (AACR) and Australian Blood Cancer Register (ABCR), used for reporting in Cancer in Victoria - Statistics & Trends All persons, haematological cancers (ICDO-3 morphology in range 959 to 998), diagnoses from 01/01/1982
HER2 status HER2 status - The results of human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) at the time of diagnosis of the primary tumour Breast from 2005 (though quite well collected from late 1990s)
HER2 test type HER2 test type Breast cancers from 2009
ICS region Diagnosis address: Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Integrated Cancer Services (ICS) region of usual residence at time of tumour diagnosis (derived using residential address and postcode???LGA?). Victoria is divided into 3 metropolitan ICS and 5 regional ICS regions 1982-latest published incidence year
Laterality Tumour laterality - The side of a paired organ that is the origin of the primary cancer All tumours in paired organs
Local government area (2016) Diagnosis address: Local Government Area (ASGS 2016) 1982-latest published incidence year
Local government area (ASGS2011) Diagnosis address: Local Government Area (LGA; ASGS 2011; derived using residential address and postcode) 1982-latest published incidence year
Medicare Medicare number - latest available on consolidated demographic record From ?1997
Melanoma level Clark’s level for melanoma is a measure of the depth of melanoma penetration, in terms of the layers of the skin, from epidermis to subcutaneous fat  Invasive and in situ melanoma (C44, S44 with morphology in 872-879) diagnosed from 1985 (there are some earlier data and more complete data from 1990)
Melanoma thickness The measured thickness of a melanoma in millimetres (Breslow) Invasive melanoma (C44 with morphology in 872-879) diagnosed from 1985 (there are some earlier data and more complete data from 1990)
Mesh block (ASGS 2011) Diagnosis address: Mesh Block (ASGS 2011) 1982-latest published incidence year
Mesh block (ASGS 2016) Diagnosis address: Mesh Block (ASGS 2016) 1982-latest published incidence year
Morphology (4-digit) The ICDO-3 morphology code describes the characteristics of the tumour, including its cell type and biological activity  All tumours
Morphology (5-digit) The ICDO-3 morphology code describes the characteristics of the tumour, including its cell type and biological activity
The 5-digit version of ICDO includes the 5th digit behaviour code
All tumours
Nodes positive Nodes positive - The total number of regional lymph nodes reported as containing tumour after examination by a pathologist Breast cancer (C50) from 1988 (but more comprehensive coverage form 1995) and Prostate cancer (C61) from 1995; colorectal cancer from 2004 Also VCON Gynaecological cancers from 2006, melanoma and lung 2011 (Cancer Australia project)
Nodes taken Nodes taken - The total number of regional lymph nodes examined by a pathologist Breast cancer (C50) from 1988 (but more comprehensive coverage form 1995) and Prostate cancer (C61) from 1995; colorectal cancer from 2004 Also VCON Gynaecological cancers from 2006, melanoma and lung 2011 (Cancer Australia project)
Notifier name Notifier name (hospital name, pathology service name or registry name) All source records
Pathology specimen date Date the specimen was taken All tumours
Pathology specimen number Specimen ID provided by the pathology labaratory. All source records
Patient name Patient full name- contains the most recent name on the consolidated record. All tumours
PR conclusion Progesterone status Invasive breast cancer (C50), females with date of diagnosis from 01/01/1998
Primary health network Diagnosis address: Primary Health Network (PHN) - mapped based on SA1 groupings 1982-latest published incidence year
Primary site (ICD10 3-digit) Primary site of cancer – First 3 digits of the ICD10-AM code of tumour diagnosis. The site of origin of the tumour, as opposed to the secondary or metastatic sites.  All tumours
Primary site (ICD10 4-digit) Primary site of cancer – ICD10-AM code of tumour diagnosis The site of origin of the tumour, as opposed to the secondary or metastatic sites All tumours
Primary site (ICDO-3 3-digit) Primary site of cancer – First 3 digits of the ICDO-3 topography code of tumour diagnosis. The site of origin of the tumour, as opposed to the secondary or metastatic site All tumours
Primary site (ICDO-3 4-digit) Primary site of cancer – ICDO-3 topography code of tumour diagnosis The site of origin of the tumour, as opposed to the secondary or metastatic sites All tumours
Remoteness category (2011) Diagnosis address: Remoteness (RA previously ARIA) (ASGS 2011) 1982-latest published incidence year
Remoteness category (2016) Diagnosis address: Remoteness (RA previously ARIA) (ASGS 2016) 1982-latest published incidence year
SA1 (Statistical area ASGS 2011) Diagnosis address: SA1 = Statistical Area 1
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2011) - derived from longitude and latitude of diagnosis address.
1982-latest published incidence year
SA1 (Statistical area ASGS 2016) Diagnosis address: SA1 = Statistical Area 1
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2016) - derived from longitude and latitude of diagnosis address.
1982-latest published incidence year
SA2 (Statistical area ASGS 2011) Diagnosis address: SA2 = Statistical Area 2
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2011) - derived from longitude and latitude of diagnosis address.
1982-latest published incidence year
SA2 (Statistical area ASGS 2016) Diagnosis address: SA2 = Statistical Area 2
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2016) - derived from longitude and latitude of diagnosis address.
1982-latest published incidence year
SA3 (Statistical area ASGS 2011) Diagnosis address: SA3 = Statistical Area 3
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2011) - derived from longitude and latitude of diagnosis address.
1982-latest published incidence year
SA3 (Statistical area ASGS 2016) Diagnosis address: SA3 = Statistical Area 3
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2016) - derived from longitude and latitude of diagnosis address.
1982-latest published incidence year
SA4 (Statistical area ASGS 2011) Diagnosis address: SA4 = Statistical Area 4
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2011) - derived from longitude and latitude of diagnosis address.
1982-latest published incidence year
SA4 (Statistical area ASGS 2016) Diagnosis address: SA4 = Statistical Area 4
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2016) - derived from longitude and latitude of diagnosis address.
1982-latest published incidence year
SEIFA census year Census year for which SEIFA index of relative social disadvantage is coded in following field (closest census year to diagnosis year) 1982-latest published incidence year
SEIFA index of relative socioeconomic disadvantage SEIFA index of relative socio-economic disadvantage (IRSED) for closest census year (as indicated in SEIFA census year field)  based on ASGS SA1 of usual residential address at diagnosis 1982-latest published incidence year
SEIFA quintile Quintile of SEIFA IRSD for relevant census year - quintile cut offs supplied by ABS. Based on ASGS SA1 of usual residential address at diagnosis 1982-latest published incidence year
Sentinel nodes positive Number of positive sentinal nodes (definitions as per National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (NBOCC)) Breast cancer
Sentinel nodes taken Number of sentinal nodes taken (definitions as per National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (NBOCC)) Breast cancer
Sex The biological distinction between male and female All tumours
SLA (statistical Local area) Statistical local area
This classification (Australian Bureau of Statistics ASGC) became obsolete after 2011 and was replaced by the ASGS (SA1, SA2 etc.)
Historical data available from 1982-2011
Specimen code (VCR) The specimen type is unique to each pathology report submitted. The specimen types represent the nature of the specimen being examined e.g. local excision of primary tumour, biopsy of metastatic site, cytology of primary or metastatic tumour, etcetera. All pathology reports
Stage (VCR-derived) Stage derived by VCR from T, N and M values using tumour specific business rules. Only notifications in the first 120 days following the earliest notification are considered. Available for breast tumours from 2006, colorectal tumours 2004, kidney tumours for 2010-2014, prostate tumours from 2008, lung & melanoma  for 2011 (Cancer Australia  Staging project), and other tumours for special studies/years only
State electoral district State electoral davison - boundaries as at Nov 2017 1982-latest published incidence year
TNM-T stage (VCR-derived) TNM-T stage at diagnosis abstracted from notifications to VCR.  Only notifications in the first 120 days following the earliest notification are considered. Available for breast tumours from 2006, colorectal tumours 2004, kidney tumours for 2010-2014, prostate tumours from 2008, lung & melanoma  for 2011 (Cancer Australia  Staging project), and other tumours for special studies/years only
TNM-N stage (VCR-derived) Nodal involvement at diagnosis abstracted from notifications to VCR. Only notifications in the first 120 days following the earliest notification are considered. Available for breast tumours from 2006, colorectal tumours 2004, kidney tumours for 2010-2014, prostate tumours from 2008, lung & melanoma  for 2011 (Cancer Australia  Staging project), and other tumours for special studies/years only
TNM-M stage (VCR-derived) Distant metastases at diagnosis abstracted from notifications to VCR. Only notifications in the first 120 days following the earliest notification are considered. Available for all solid tumours
Tumour postcode Postcode of residential address at diagnosis All tumours
Tumour size Tumour size (in mm)
Available for breast cancer only
Breast cancers  (female, invasive only) diagnosed from 1995
Tumour suburb Suburb of residential address at diagnosis All tumours
UR number Hospital UR number All source records
Vital status Vital status All tumours
Year of death Year of death is derived from Date of death All deceased
Year of diagnosis Calendar year of diagnosis - The year when the cancer was first diagnosed (whether at its primary site or as a metastasis) All tumours