Striving for a cancer-free future

Assessment of potential tests for anal cancer screening

Lead researcher

Prof Suzanne Garland, Prof Sepehr Tabrizi, A/Prof Richard Hillman, Dr Alyssa Cornall, Dr Fengyi Jin, Dr Jennifer Roberts, Dr Isobel Poynten, Dr Monica Molano, Dr Dorothy Machalek

The University of Melbourne

Tumour type:

Years funded

What is the project?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is found in nearly 100% of cervical, and 90% of anal cancers. Anal cancer is an increasingly common cancer in Australia and comparable industrialised nations. Particular groups of people are most at risk, including gay and bisexual men, people living with HIV, and women with previous HPV-related cervical disease. In contrast to cervical disease, there are no standardised recommendations for preventative screening or treatment of pre-cancerous high-grade lesions, therefore we are very pleased to be funded to continue this research.

What are you trying to achieve?

This study aims to find more accurate and sensitive tests for better management of patients infected with HRHPV who are more likely to develop cancers caused by HPV, particularly in marginalised populations such as gay and bisexual men, and people living with HIV.


Funding Body

Cancer Council Victoria Research Grant