The National Sun Protection Survey is a triennial telephone survey, commencing in the summer of 2003-2004. It interviews a representative sample of Australians aged 14 to 69 years over summer about their sun-related attitudes, and their sun protection behaviours and sunburn on the past weekend. The study methods permit examination of time trends in the prevalence of sun protection behaviours and sunburn, after adjusting for temperature, UV levels and other weather variables. This study also provides an assessment of the population-based effects of the skin cancer prevention programs and policies on sun protection behaviours. The survey provides multiple reports to the Cancer Council Australia’s Skin Cancer Committee that are used for developing media and program activity. Some research output of particular note is prepared for peer-reviewed journal publications.
CBRC staff
Dr Suzanne Dobbinson, Dr Tamara Tabbakh, Dr Clover Maitland
Cancer Council Australia (early survey rounds were also part-funded by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing; Cancer Australia)
2003 - present