Malesh P - Hepatitis B

Music video produced by Ez Eldin Deng

Fight it, knock it,
push it to the ground,
don't let it get the
best of ya, and turn
your life around.

Hip-hop artist Malesh P shares this important message in his new song which is aiming to raise awareness about hepatitis B in Melbourne's South Sudanese community.

The original song was composed and recorded by Malesh P and produced by 7'6. The music video was directed and produced by Ez Eldin Deng.

The project was a collaboration between Cancer Council Victoria and South Sudanese Australia Youth United.


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Cancer Council presents this in collaboration with South Sudanese Australian Youth United to raise awareness on Hepatitis B.

Good morning boys and girls, turn to page 3 
Today we’re talking about, hepatitis B 
A virus that can easily affect you and me 
But don’t worry; can stop it ending badly 
It can be contracted through sexual intercourses
So before you make contact, be very cautious 
Of infected blood, body fluids, be very conscious 
If it moves up to chronic, then it can become cancerous 
Avoid consuming alcohol, coz it can make it worse 
Avoid the use of Internet, talk to a nurse 
Or a medical doctor, they know what to observe 
Take you through a right path, before the worse can occur
Yeah, some of this info might make your body shiver 
It’s ok; we just don’t want to see you scar your liver 
Reach out for help before it goes bad 
And if you got questions don’t be afraid to ask


Fight it, knock it, push it the ground 
Don’t let it get the best of ya, and turn your life around 
Hepatitis B can cause a lot of frustrations
So when we’re done, go and get your vaccination


One in eighteen South Sudanese are affected 
And if we don’t give attention, they might feel neglected 
Absorb what you heard, you can’t erase the stats 
It’s not a white mans disease, and that’s a fact 
Those who have been diagnosed need some encouragement 
It’s not karma, nor is it God’s punishment 
Support your loved ones make them understand 
That you’re, right by their side, to lend a helping hand 
A conversation can help you fight the virus 
Or else it can develop and kill your soul in silence 
So educate yourself and educate others 
Your friends, parents, sisters and your brothers 
I’m pouring out my heart I hope that you are feeling it 
Testings and vaccination, at your fingertips
If you get your head into it, then it’s an easy fix 
Free thyself from the stress, your soul forever lives


Fight it, knock it, push it the ground 
Don’t let it get the best of ya, and turn your life around 
Hepatitis B can cause a lot of frustrations
So when we’re done, go and get your vaccination


For every sunshine there’s a drop of rain
Smile today, tomorrow a virus in your vein 
People do go through a lot of pain 
And i hope this message does not spread in vain (heeey)

Do your part, and I'll do mine (Spread the message) x6


Fight it, knock it, push it the ground 
Don’t let it get the best of ya, and turn your life around 
Hepatitis B can cause a lot of frustrations
So when we’re done, go and get your vaccination

Copyright 2018


Further information

View Dr Garang Dut’s message for the South Sudanese community and find out more about testing, vaccination and treatment.
Read or download a fact sheet about  Hepatitis B and liver cancer in English, or access the resource  in Arabic,  التهاب الكبد الوبائي B وسرطان الكبد. 
For further information in Arabic or Dinka, call 13 14 50. When you call, say your language and ask for Cancer Council Victoria.
CCV, SSAYU, the crew and volunteers from the South Sudanese community

Special thanks to

South Sudanese Australia Youth United (partner organisation)
Black Nile Inc (singer / songwriter – Malesh P)
IZZY:/FILMS (music video director / producer – Ez Eldin Deng)
All of the South Sudanese community members who have advised us throughout the project.

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