Healthy living after cancer program

The Healthy living after cancer program is no longer recruiting.


Further information and support

Although the program has stopped recruiting, there are still plenty of places you can find information and get support. It’s important to take control of your health after treatment by adopting a healthy lifestyle. We recommend reading about why exercise and eating well are important for your health and general wellbeing.

We also have a lot of useful information about living well after cancer and the Wellness and Life after Cancer program is another great program run by health professionals, for people moving from clinical treatment to survivorship.

Our team of cancer nurses is available to answer questions or provide guidance about developing and maintaining healthy habits after treatment. You can contact them between 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday on 13 11 20 or email

Health professionals

The Healthy Living after Cancer program was a NHMRC partnership project that delivered lifestyle coaching calls to cancer survivors. The program started in 2015 and closed for recruitment in Victoria on September 30th, 2018. We look forward to being able to share the outcomes of this project when the analysis is complete in mid-2019. These results will continue to inform future Cancer Council Victoria initiatives in the area of cancer survivorship and lifestyle improvement for cancer patients and survivors. If you would like more information about the project you can contact the program coordinator Clem Byard on (03) 9514 6132.

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Questions about cancer?

Call or email our experienced cancer nurses for information and support.

Contact a cancer nurse