Complementary therapies



Conventional medical treatments are used to remove the cancer, slow or stop the growth and spread of the disease, or provide relief from symptoms. Conventional medical treatments for cancer include surgery, radiation therapy (also known as radiotherapy) and drug therapies (such as chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy). 

Conventional medical treatments are based on scientific evidence and have been through a research process to see whether they work and are safe. This is known as evidence-based medicine. 

Complementary therapies are designed to be used alongside conventional cancer treatments.  

We can’t tell you whether complementary therapies will be helpful for you or which ones to use. If you want to use complementary therapies, discuss this with your doctors, pharmacists, and professionals qualified in the therapies that interest you.  


What are complementary therapies? 

Complementary therapies are said to focus on the whole person, not just the cancer. They include practices like massage and yoga, as well as medicines that you swallow or apply to the skin. Complementary therapies are used with conventional medicines and may help people cope better with the physical and emotional impact of cancer, as well as side effects caused by conventional cancer treatments. There is no evidence complementary therapies can treat or cure cancer itself. 

Complementary therapies can be grouped into the following four categories, and most are part of whole medical systems. Some therapies fit into more than one category. 

  Mind-body practices are based on the belief that what we think, and feel can affect our physical and mental wellbeing. Examples include art therapy, counselling, hypnotherapy, laughter yoga, meditation, mindfulness, music therapy, relaxation, spiritual practices. 


Body-based practices work directly on your body. Examples include acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage, Qi gong, reflexology, tai chi, yoga.    



Energy therapies are based on the belief that the body has an invisible energy field that when blocked, can make you sick. Examples include touch, reiki.    



Therapies using herbs and plants are also known as botanical medicine and are produced from all parts of the plant. Examples include bush remedies, Chinese herbal medicine, flower remedies, medicinal cannabis, Western herbal medicine. 


What are alternative therapies? 

People often use the terms “complementary” and “alternative” as though they mean the same thing. Although they are sometimes combined into one phrase – complementary and alternative therapies – they are different.  

Alternative therapies are used instead of conventional medical treatments. Cancer Council does not recommend the use of alternative therapies as a treatment for cancer.  

Many alternative therapies have not been scientifically tested, so there is no proof they stop cancer growing or spreading. Others have been tested and shown to be harmful to people with cancer or not to work. While side effects of alternative therapies are not always known, some are serious and may prevent successful treatment of the cancer. 

Some alternative therapists promote their therapies and medicines as a cure for cancer and encourage people to stop using conventional cancer treatment. If this is something you are considering, please discuss this with your doctor and cancer care team first. Delaying conventional treatment to use an alternative therapy can allow the cancer to grow or make it harder to treat when you start conventional treatment. It may also mean that you are not well enough for conventional treatment.  

Alternative therapies can be very expensive, and they are not covered by government-funded schemes such as Medicare or the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). It is important to consider the cost of these therapies. 


What is integrative oncology or medicine? 

This is the combined use of conventional treatments and evidence based complementary therapies. This approach has been adopted by some cancer centres. 


How is allied health different? 

Allied health professionals, such as physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, dietitians and psychologists, offer a range of evidence-based therapies to diagnose and treat health conditions. 

These therapies can offer people with cancer physical, emotional, spiritual and practical support, help reduce side effects from medical treatment and improve quality of life. 

Many allied health practices are part of standard supportive care for cancer and allied health professionals are often members of multidisciplinary cancer teams. They have a university qualification in a recognised allied health field. They are also a member of a national professional organisation that: 

  • certifies qualifications 

  • sets and maintains competency standards 

  • oversees continuing professional development 

  • has a procedure for dealing with complaints about its members. 

Your general practitioner (GP) or specialist can refer you to a range of allied health professionals who have experience working with people affected by cancer. Some allied health therapies can be claimed under Medicare if you have a referral from your GP as part of a Chronic Disease Management Plan. 


Who uses complementary therapies?  

Complementary therapies are widely used by people with cancer in Australia. Research shows that two out of three people with cancer used at least one form of complementary therapy during or after their cancer treatment. 2 Women are the most common users of complementary therapies. 


Why do people use complementary therapies? 

Complementary therapies are widely used by people with cancer in Australia. There are many reasons why people with cancer use complementary therapies, including to: 

  • improve quality of life  

  • take a more active role in their health and recovery 

  • manage the symptoms and side effects of conventional cancer treatment, such as fatigue, nausea or pain 

  • strengthen the mind and body to cope with treatment  

  • look for more holistic ways of treating the whole person 

  • incorporate traditional or cultural practices 

Using complementary therapies in palliative care


Should I tell my doctor about my complementary therapy plans?  

Yes. Discuss any therapy you are using or thinking about using with your doctors, as some may not be safe or evidence based. This includes over-the-counter medicines, herbal supplements and vitamins that you buy from a pharmacy or health food store. 

It’s important to tell your doctors before you start using any complementary therapy, especially if you are having chemotherapy or radiation therapy or taking any medicines. Depending on the treatment you are having, some complementary therapies may cause reactions, make side effects worse or interfere with the success of your conventional cancer treatment.  

Your doctors may advise you to avoid some complementary therapies while you are having cancer treatment. Your doctor may also be able to refer you to a qualified therapist who understands the role of complementary therapies in cancer care. 


Can carers use complementary therapies? 

Some complementary therapies may help carers cope with stress and fatigue. Relaxation and meditation techniques can help carers maintain their energy levels and improve their quality of life.  

Listen to our relaxation and meditation podcast Finding Calm During Cancer or call 13 11 20 to see if your local Cancer Council provides relaxation and meditation recordings. You could also try a local yoga or tai chi class.  

Some people find meaning and comfort through spiritual practices. It may help to talk about your feelings with a spiritual care practitioner or religious leader. 


Do complementary therapies work? 

A clinical trial can help show whether a treatment works and is safe. In a randomised control trial, one group of people is given the new treatment and the other group is given the existing standard treatment. The results in the two groups are compared to work out which treatment is better, safer and/or more cost-effective. 

If a trial proves that a treatment is better than existing options, it may become the new standard of care for patients in the future. Some clinical trials compare existing approaches to see which one is more effective. 

Clinical trials for complementary therapies often test treatments on small groups of people with specific cancer types, such as breast and prostate. It can be challenging to establish whether the trial results apply to people with other types of cancer.  

Personal (anecdotal) evidence is based on individual people’s experiences and observations, rather than on facts. It is not proven and is less reliable than scientific evidence from clinical trials. 

Cancer Council supports the use of complementary therapies that have been proven to be generally safe and effective in clinical trials or other scientific studies. Therapies such as meditation, massage and acupuncture can increase your sense of control, decrease stress and anxiety, and improve your mood. 

Some people may feel pressure from friends and family to use untested therapies. However, it’s your right to decide what treatments to have. By understanding the therapies available, the costs and health risks associated, you can weigh up the options and make informed decisions 


Are complementary therapies safe? 

Some studies have found some complementary therapies to be generally safe to use together with conventional cancer treatments and medicines. However, some complementary therapies can affect the way conventional cancer treatments and medicines work, and even stop them working altogether.  

All therapies have the potential to cause injury or harm. When trying anything new, discuss with your doctor and therapist whether it is suitable for you and whether you need to take any safety precautions. Visit the Question Checklist for any questions you may want to ask your doctor or a complementary therapist.  

Regulations of medicines

Regulations of complementary therapies

Signs of unsafe therapies

Making a complaint about complementary therapies



Understanding Complementary Therapies

Download our Understanding Complementary Therapies booklet to learn more.

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Expert content reviewers:

1. Cancer Council Australia, Position statement – Complementary and alternative therapies,, 2013. 

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