Overview of the event
Cancer Council's Relay For Life is an incredible event for family, friends and colleagues to come together and celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost to cancer, and fight back against a disease that takes too much.
At the Relay teams take up the challenge of keeping a baton moving in a relay style walk or run. Each Relay is unique with free entertainment, prizes and moving ceremonies that make Relay For Life so inspirational.
Overview of volunteer roles
Each Relay For Life event is organised by a local volunteer organising committee with support from Cancer Council Victoria.
Relay For Life committee members act as representatives of Cancer Council Victoria and as such are expected to understand the responsibility that the committee position holds.
Cancer Council Victoria has a strong commitment to the safety, wellbeing and protection of children and youth. All volunteers require a current Working with Children Check and, depending on the role, may also require a criminal record check.
Time commitment and responsibilities
Each local committee varies in its planning schedule, with the ideal time frame being nine months leading into the event. Responsibilities as a Relay For Life committee member include:
- Attending a monthly meeting (held after-hours for a maximum two hours and many committees meet online). Frequency increases closer to the event and is dependent on the role and shared responsibilities.
- Volunteer hours are flexible. Depending on the role, two hours a week is suggested to follow up action items and planning via email, phone calls and promotional opportunities.
- On event day, responsibilities are shared and a roster is developed for the event, including set-up and pack down. After the event, a debrief meeting ensures key learnings and results are shared and celebrated.
Benefits to you
Relay For Life committee members enjoy personal and professional development opportunities including improved teamwork and communication skills, practical work experience to strengthen your resume, increased community connection and social interaction.
Relay For Live events are held in local communities and schools all over Victoria.
View event locations or contact us if you would like to host a Relay For Life event through your school, club or community.
More information
Relay For Life is a fun and moving experience that raises vital funds for Cancer Council's research, prevention and support services.
For further information please contact the Relay For Life team on 1300 65 65 85 or email relayforlife@cancervic.org.au
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