How a gift in
your Will helps


Where your money will go

Where your money will go

We will continue to work across every aspect of cancer; funding life-saving research, delivering prevention programs, advocating for cancer-related policy reforms, and providing practical and emotional support from point of diagnosis through treatment and beyond to anyone affected.

Though needs and priorities will change over time, you can be sure that your gift – no matter when it arrives – will be used to reduce the impact of cancer for the people of Victoria.

Leaving a gift for research purposes

Gifts left for Cancer Council’s ‘general purposes’ are preferred as they can be used where most needed for any aspect of our work at any given time.

However, if preferred, you can specify that you would like your gift to be used for Cancer Council’s ‘research purposes’. Gifts in Wills received for research purposes are used to help fund an area of research receiving strategic priority at the time.

To make sure we achieve maximum impact from our research investment, and because priorities change, it’s important to have as much flexibility as possible in how gifts for research purposes are used.

If you have a more specific idea for your gift, please call our Bequest Manager on 03 9514 6512 in confidence for advice.

Request an information pack

If you would like more information about leaving us a gift in your Will, including how your support will help, download our  Gift in Will information pack (PDF).

Please let us know

If you have chosen to support Cancer Council in this very generous and personal way, we would be delighted to hear from you so that we can convey our most sincere thanks and keep you in touch with our work.

You can do this by calling our Bequest Manager on 03 9514 6512, by completing and returning the coupon in the Information Pack, or by emailing us. Though you can be assured of confidentiality, you are not obliged to inform us.