My Cancer Guide

Cancer is challenging. But finding the right support services is now easier with My Cancer Guide.

In November, Cancer Council Victoria launched its new online cancer services directory – My Cancer Guide. The online guide provides people affected with cancer, their family members, and others with easy access to over 450 support services across Victoria.

The original Cancer Services Guide, first developed in 2012, is one of Cancer Council Victoria’s most frequently ordered resources.

The newly named My Cancer Guide empowers people to find cancer support by cancer type and postcode, helping them to find support options close to their home, a feature of particular importance for those in regional and rural areas.

“In creating an online, searchable guide it is now easier for people affected by cancer to find information that is relevant to them when they need it most,” said Alexandra Nolte, Project Lead. “It also enables us to have a sustainable platform to easily update information when new services become available.”

My Cancer Guide complements the cancer support and information services provided by Cancer Council Victoria’s cancer nurses.

“We will also continue to produce printed versions, making it accessible for all.”

“This guide is great. It would have been very helpful to refer to something like this during my cancer treatment,” said John, Community Advisory Network Member.

To search the guide for support services near you, visit


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