Launched in January, the Vic Kids Eat Well initiative aims to provide children with the healthy start they need to learn, play and grow.
Supported by the Victorian Government and delivered by Cancer Council Victoria’s Achievement Program, in partnership with Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Advisory Service, the initiative works with schools, Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), and a wide range of community organisations to provide healthier food and drink options.
Rowville Primary School is one of many schools that have embraced Vic Kids Eat Well, choosing to do one or all of the following:
- Refresh the fridge – give sugary drinks the boot and let water take the spotlight
- Switch up the snacks – ditch the sweets and offer delicious healthy snacks
- Change up the menu – give fruit and veggies a chance to shine
- Put the ‘fun’ into fundraising and marketing – add health appeal to meal deals or healthy fundraising like walkathons or readathons.
“We wanted the inside of the canteen to look clean and bright. We took down any posters that were advertising unhealthy foods and received a grant to purchase all our own equipment so none of it had food and drink brand logos,” said Rowville Primary School teacher, Liz Altmeppen.

Another thing we did was put healthy items like cut fruit and vegetables on the counter and in sight.
We also made some changes to our canteen menu. Now our specials include healthy items like sushi, power burgers and pumpkin soup.”
In its first year, over 500 organisations have joined Vic Kids Eat Well and made the commitment to transform their food and drink culture. Join the movement, email
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