Understanding your Cervical Screening Test results and what happens next

The Cervical Screening Test looks for a very common virus called the human papillomavirus, or HPV, which causes almost all cases of cervical cancer.

Finding HPV early through cervical screening and treating any cell changes it may cause is your best protection against cervical cancer.

You might feel nervous or anxious if you've just received your Cervical Screening Test result but it's important to remember:

  • Having an abnormal Cervical Screening Test result is very common, but developing cervical cancer is very rare.
  • Most abnormal cell changes are not cancer and can be treated quickly and easily.

What do my test results mean?

If you’ve had a Cervical Screening Test, you’ll most likely get one of the following results:

1. No HPV detected (low risk result)

2. HPV detected (intermediate risk result)

3. HPV detected (higher risk result)

4. Unsatisfactory result

Whatever your test result is, make sure you attend any follow up testing that your healthcare provider recommends.

Watch the animation below for more information on what your results mean:

What is a colposcopy?

If you receive a higher risk test result, you will be referred to have a colposcopy. A colposcopy is when a doctor or specially trained nurse uses a special microscope with a bright light, called a colposcope, to look closely at the cells in your cervix, vagina and vulva to identify any cell changes that may need treatment.

Why do I need a colposcopy?

You will need a colposcopy if your Cervical Screening Test result indicates that you may have cell changes in your cervix that need treatment. Cell changes that are left untreated may become cancer.

Your best protection against cervical cancer is to find and treat any cervical cell changes early.

Find out more about what to expect and how to prepare for a colposcopy by watching our video below.

Colposcopy in pregnancy

A colposcopy is safe during pregnancy and will be completed by a specialist with experience in pregnancy. A colposcopy can offer reassurance that any cervical cell changes won’t impact you or your baby during the pregnancy.

Real colposcopy experiences


Daniella, 53

Daniella's cervical cancer was picked up early thanks to her colposcopy and was able to be successfully treated. Read more

Lucinda, 31

At 30 years old, Lucinda was referred to a colposcopy after two abnormal Cervical Screening Tests. Read more

Aiko, 31

Aiko had never heard of a colposcopy when she was referred to have one after an abnormal Cervical Screening Test result. Read more

Where can I get support?

Talk to your colposcopy clinic, doctor or nurse for further support.

You can also speak to a specially trained nurse on Cancer Council Victoria’s free and confidential Information and Support line.

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